
The RelatedSecurityKey is required in sageapy

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2019-12-31 05:33:08
问题 I have complected transactions then the sagepay server return the response of following values. [VendorTxCode] => 14-10-31-10-49-36-196489754 [VPSTxId] => {AADB57CA-B7BF-1A70-682F-60303C2AF7E2} [Status] => OK [StatusDetail] => 0000 : The Authorisation was Successful. [TxAuthNo] => 145552 [AVSCV2] => SECURITY CODE MATCH ONLY [AddressResult] => NOTMATCHED [PostCodeResult] => NOTMATCHED [CV2Result] => MATCHED [GiftAid] => 0 [3DSecureStatus] => OK [CAVV] => AAABARR5kwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA= [CardType]

How to restrict default COD in magento to certain zip codes only?

南楼画角 提交于 2019-12-30 07:34:19
问题 I am using Cash On Delivery Payment method in magento I need this payment option only for certain zip codes/pin codes. can anyone help? 回答1: in COD you have a function public function isAvailable($quote = null) in this before last line return $checkResult->isAvailable; you place an if condition if($checkResult->isAvailable) call $this->isZipCodeallowedForCod($zipCode,$quote) and in this function apply logic to get billing address zip code from quote object and checking with list of

How to restrict default COD in magento to certain zip codes only?

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2019-12-30 07:34:09
问题 I am using Cash On Delivery Payment method in magento I need this payment option only for certain zip codes/pin codes. can anyone help? 回答1: in COD you have a function public function isAvailable($quote = null) in this before last line return $checkResult->isAvailable; you place an if condition if($checkResult->isAvailable) call $this->isZipCodeallowedForCod($zipCode,$quote) and in this function apply logic to get billing address zip code from quote object and checking with list of

return url in paypal website payments

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2019-12-25 06:51:16
问题 I have set return and rm variables, but after successful transaction the user is not being automatically redirected to the "thank you page". Do I have to turn on "Auto Return" in my business account? I thought these are separate settings. 回答1: Yes, you have to turn on "Auto Return" in my settings. The return variable in the button then can override PayPal's setting. They also warn you that if Paypal Account Optional is on, it won't autoredirect. 来源:

Securionpay checkout verify success

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2019-12-25 02:15:42
问题 Ok, I decided to use securionpay as a payment method. What I'm struggling is I don't know how I can verify on my server that the payment was successful <script src = ""> </script> <script src="https:/ / / ajax / libs / jquery / 3.1.0 / jquery.min.js "></script> <script type=" text / javascript "> $(function () { SecurionpayCheckout.key = 'pk_test_ZVhCjD2Gz7OF222L00bxIdlD'; SecurionpayCheckout.success = function (result) { // handle

PHP Check Paypal Payment and then execute something

大憨熊 提交于 2019-12-25 00:29:48
问题 today i would ask you if someone know how Check if the user has really payed and then if he has really payed execute some mssql+script for be precise if he has really payed i would execute this query via php: (UPDATE members SET Premium='1' WHERE membername="'.$membername.'"") 回答1: You can check this PHP example from paypal site: if (strcmp ($res, "VERIFIED") == 0) { // Your code } 回答2: You can implement this using


怎甘沉沦 提交于 2019-12-24 21:05:05
问题 I got Unibill set up for my Unity project and everything is fine with Android payments. Now trying to get it running for Amazon and it is not working. I tried it with "Amazon Sandbox" turned on and turned off. I tried it with a pre-made "amazon.sdktester.json" and with the one that gets created automatically with Unibill. Nothing seems to work. I keep getting the following error: In App Purchasing SDK - Sandbox Mode: PurchasingListener Context: com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity

Paypal Adaptive Payments- Parallel or Chained for my multi vendor market place?

强颜欢笑 提交于 2019-12-24 14:13:00
问题 I have a multi vendor market place website where people can buy and sell items Once the buyer has paid for the item, the website owner (myself) will receive a percentage of that sale (15%) and the seller will receive the rest. I would need the 15% of the final sale price to go into my business account immediately after or when the sale is made. I have a plugin for Paypal Adaptive Payments, I just need to get an APP ID, I'm in the process of applying for new app. I am confused whether I should

PayPal Payment - Do a payment in one step

廉价感情. 提交于 2019-12-24 10:07:19
问题 I have a form where people can order one single item for a fixed amount of money. Here are the steps: customer fills out the form customer hits submit and proceeds to the review page where he can check his inputs in the review form should be a button to pay with paypal (button with own design and text) customer hits this button, proceeds to paypal, makes his payment after he paid successfully or not he should be redirected to the form on my site where he can see the result of his payment

In-App not working

泄露秘密 提交于 2019-12-24 09:49:22
问题 I just integrated the Apple's In-App purchase into my application with 4 products. It was working fine in Sandbox mode before it gets rejected by Apple for not submitting the In-App with the application binary. Once it was rejected it is not fetching the products I was added. It shows no products are there in the list. I checked all the product IDs. But no use. Deleted the previous products and added new, but still the same problem exists. After that I created new application with 2 products.