
PayPal subscriptions PDT / IPN - PLEASE

最后都变了- 提交于 2019-12-01 05:31:11
Am having a lot of trouble getting my head around this paypal payment stuff... How can i confirm that the user has successfully signed up for my subscription? I know 0 about IPN but for example : If a user signs up to my website with but uses the paypal account to pay then how to i match up the user. I read that PDT do not send out a transaction ID (tx) for recurring (subscription) payments is that true ? Just need help with it all... honest and easy :) Thanks. Yeah sometimes is hard to understand Paypal and all their documentation but for any kind of subscription i

Braintree - Why braintree transactions created via API, or via sandbox, take so much time before settled?

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2019-11-30 18:56:29
问题 Whenever, I create a transaction via Braintree API, or via their sandbox, it goes through many statuses like Authorized, Submitted for Settlement, Settled ... and all this takes 24 hours approximately. I want to ask is there a way by which I can create a transaction in sandbox/api and it is settled or disputed instantly. I don't know why it takes so much time ... e.g. in online shopping my credit card is charged immediately. How can same be achieved via braintree payments sandbox ? 回答1: I

how paypal, and many other payment gateway service get access to visa card processing regardless of bank?

主宰稳场 提交于 2019-11-29 21:09:02
We know there are so many payment gateway service providers namely paypal, moneybrookers, and many national and international payment gateway providers. Now, my question is what are the steps to develop our own payment gateway service to process any visa and mastercard regardless of any bank of the world. From which organization should i need to take authority to develop my own payment gateway service. What are the api and protocols provided by and to develop own payment gateway service. I don't know that payment gateway service provider's api has

how paypal, and many other payment gateway service get access to visa card processing regardless of bank?

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2019-11-28 17:16:32
问题 We know there are so many payment gateway service providers namely paypal, moneybrookers, and many national and international payment gateway providers. Now, my question is what are the steps to develop our own payment gateway service to process any visa and mastercard regardless of any bank of the world. From which organization should i need to take authority to develop my own payment gateway service. What are the api and protocols provided by and www.mastercard

Stripe - How to handle subscription with a free plan and no credit card required at sign up time

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-11-27 09:03:07
问题 We started to implement Stripe on Redsmin (one of our project) and I think we may have missed something. Here is how it works: To use our product, the user must select a plan (free, s, m, xl, xxl...) then enter its login/password and is then good to go for a free 30 days trial. When the user submits the form, our server calls Stripe create_customer with the specified plan and no credit card (because we want to offer 30 days free with no credit card required) and we update the user model on