
FTP server running on Port 2000 over NAT not working on Passive Mode

浪尽此生 提交于 2019-12-01 14:14:22
I am running FILE-Zilla ftp server on windows in one of the LAN pc connect to my router. i am trying to access the FTP server from the network outside of the router using Router WAN ip (WAN-to-LAN) by adding Port-Forwarding rule (NAT) in the router. I have 2 cases here as per below configurations. the 1st is working and the 2nd is not (in Passive mode). Note: i have added the custom inbound rule in the windows 7 firewall where the ftp server is running. Configuration #1 Filezilla FTP server port: 21 Passive port range: 50000-51000 NAT - external port: 21 NAT - internal port: 21 Windows