
Typescript: Partial<MyType> with sub-properties to optional

江枫思渺然 提交于 2021-02-11 14:28:01
问题 Is it possible, in typescript, to let a method accept Partial<Something> , in a way that Something 's sub-properties are all set to optional too? export interface ISomething { user: IUser; } export interface IUser { id: number; name: string; } export const myMethod = (something: Partial<ISomething>): void => {}; myMethod({ user: { id: 1, name: "" } }); //this works myMethod({ user: { id: 1 } }); //this doesn't (but I want this to work too) many thanks ;) 回答1: You are essentially looking for

VBA Filter Partial String Containing Date

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2021-02-11 13:32:47
问题 I need to filter Col A based on a PARTIAL STRING. The user needs to be able to filter for YEAR only ... or YEAR & MONTH ... or YEAR & MONTH & DAY YEAR ONLY : 20 YEAR & MONTH : 2002 YEAR & MONTH & DAY : 200206 The following will filter the year or the year & month .... it fails to filter for year / month / day. Thank you for looking. Sub FiltDate() Dim strName As String Dim range_to_filter As Range On Error Resume Next Set range_to_filter = Range("A2:A500000") 'Sheet4. Dim ret As String Dim

Jade include with parameter

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2021-02-07 11:26:40
问题 In an older version of Jade I was able to include partials and pass variables into them like this: !=partial('partials/video', {title:video.title, artist:video.artist}) now the partial connotation does not exist any more. How do I achieve the same thing using the include connotations? 回答1: You can use mixins for that. Wrap your include content inside a mixin and call the mixin function in your pug file. See my example below. include-file.pug mixin my-include(title, description) h1= title p=

Jade include with parameter

我的梦境 提交于 2021-02-07 11:26:05
问题 In an older version of Jade I was able to include partials and pass variables into them like this: !=partial('partials/video', {title:video.title, artist:video.artist}) now the partial connotation does not exist any more. How do I achieve the same thing using the include connotations? 回答1: You can use mixins for that. Wrap your include content inside a mixin and call the mixin function in your pug file. See my example below. include-file.pug mixin my-include(title, description) h1= title p=

How do I get SymPy to collect partial derivatives?

前提是你 提交于 2021-01-27 19:59:03
问题 I have been using SymPy to expand the terms of a complex partial differential equation and would like to use the collect function to gather terms. However, it seems to have a problem dealing with second (or higher order) derivatives where the variables of differentiation differ. In the code example below collect(expr6... works, but collect(expr7 ... does not, returning the error message "NotImplementedError: Improve MV Derivative support in collect" . The error is clearly related to the psi

Properties of pmatch function

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2021-01-27 14:59:15
问题 I don't understand the behavior of the built-in function pmatch (partial string matching). The description provides the following example: pmatch("m", c("mean", "median", "mode")) # returns NA instead of 1,2,3 but using: pmatch("m", "mean") # returns 1, as I would have expected. Could anybody explain to me this behavior? 回答1: As per the documentation: nomatch : the value to be returned at non-matching or multiply partially matching positions. Note that it is coerced to integer. The nomatch

Properties of pmatch function

百般思念 提交于 2021-01-27 14:34:00
问题 I don't understand the behavior of the built-in function pmatch (partial string matching). The description provides the following example: pmatch("m", c("mean", "median", "mode")) # returns NA instead of 1,2,3 but using: pmatch("m", "mean") # returns 1, as I would have expected. Could anybody explain to me this behavior? 回答1: As per the documentation: nomatch : the value to be returned at non-matching or multiply partially matching positions. Note that it is coerced to integer. The nomatch

python partial with keyword arguments

醉酒当歌 提交于 2020-08-27 09:31:49
问题 I have a function that takes 3 keyword parameters. It has default values for x and y and I would like to call the function for different values of z using map. When I run the code below I get the following error: foo() got multiple values for keyword argument 'x' def foo(x =1, y = 2, z = 3): print 'x:%d, y:%d, z:%d'%(x, y, z) if __name__ == '__main__': f1 = functools.partial(foo, x= 0, y = -6) zz = range(10) res = map(f1, zz) Is there a Pythonic way to solve this problem? 回答1: map(f1, zz)