
Flask-PageDown and MathJax

喜欢而已 提交于 2020-01-03 16:52:33
问题 I managed to implement PageDown in my Flask app via Flask-PageDown, following instructions here. That works fine, but mathematical expressions ( MathJax ) of the type: $$ .... $$ are not rendered in the previewer via such an extension. Note that my main template contains the following: <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> Has someone an idea of how to tackle this ? Thanks for any hint. 回答1: It's said that you want

Add new button to PageDown markdown editor

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2019-12-23 19:17:00
问题 How do I add a new button to the PageDown markdown editor located at Ideally, the button would create a dialog like that used to add a link or image, but any type of examples would be very helpful. 来源:

knockout valueUpdate not working with Pagedown?

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2019-12-22 09:22:47
问题 I have the following in my view: <textarea data-bind="value: content, valueUpdate: 'afterkeydown'"></textarea> Which when typing, behaves as I'd expect. But I'm using a WMD / Pagedown editor to click a button that adds content to the field, much like StackOverflow's post contents box when you're creating / updating a post. If I just click a button (to add asterisks or brackets etc) and don't type anything, the value never gets updated in the content observable. I do have a save button that I

Pagedown Editor insertimagedialog hook

耗尽温柔 提交于 2019-12-21 17:13:59
问题 I've created my own insertImageDialog hook to allow uploading of files directly within the editor. $('div#insertImageDialog input[type=file]').ajaxfileupload({ action: $file.attr('data-action'), onStart: function() { $; }, onComplete: function(response) { $loader.hide(); if (response.success) { callback(response.imagePath); // <---- oO dialogClose(); } else { alert(response.message); $file.val(''); } } }); This works fine the first time I insert an image. Every time after, it

Error appending Pagedown in AngularJS Directive

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2019-12-11 10:59:48
问题 Based on this question, though I felt this warranted its own question: Google pagedown AngularJS directive Following the example from this question, it seems to work, however I am running into issues when I try to append a directive to the page. Here is the code I have in the linking function: scope.editor_id = null; if( == null) { scope.editor_id = nextID++; } else { scope.editor_id =; } //append editor HTML //has to be done here so that it is available to the editor when it

How to add custom image tag to pagedown?

一世执手 提交于 2019-12-10 18:18:27
问题 I'm attempting to duplicate the original img tag's functionality in custom img tag that will be added to the pagedown converter. e.g I'm copy the original behavior: ![image_url][1] [1]: gives <img src=""> into a custom one: ?[image_url][1] [1]: gives <img class="lol" src=""> Looking at the docs the only way to do this is through using the preblockgamut hook and then adding another "block level structure." I attempted doing

PageDown through ScriptEngine incorrectly parsing Markdown

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-12-10 15:23:49
问题 I am trying to use PageDown on the client side as an editor, and on the server side to then parse that Markdown to HTML. It seems to work fine on the client side, but on the server side, tickmarks are only "codifying" the character that follows, not the word that it wraps. So if I do this: test `test` test I expect this, and this is indeed what I get on the client side: test <code>test</code> test But on the server side, I end up getting this instead: test <code>t</code>est<code> </code>test

Sendkeys Page Down not working

Deadly 提交于 2019-12-08 10:17:27
问题 I am trying to send a page down keypress using VBA but nothing I have tried has worked. I have tried; Myscreen.SendKeys "{PGDN}" Myscreen.SendKeys ("{PGDN}") Myscreen.SendKeys ("<PGDN>") Myscreen.SendKeys "{PAGE DOWN}" Myscreen.SendKeys ("{PAGE DOWN}") Myscreen.SendKeys ("<PAGE DOWN>") Myscreen.SendKeys "{PAGE DN}" Myscreen.SendKeys ("{PAGE DN}") Myscreen.SendKeys ("<PAGE DN>") Myscreen.SendKeys "{Down}" Myscreen.SendKeys ("{Down}") Myscreen.SendKeys ("<Down>") - this was the only that did

knockout valueUpdate not working with Pagedown?

隐身守侯 提交于 2019-12-05 22:07:11
I have the following in my view: <textarea data-bind="value: content, valueUpdate: 'afterkeydown'"></textarea> Which when typing, behaves as I'd expect. But I'm using a WMD / Pagedown editor to click a button that adds content to the field, much like StackOverflow's post contents box when you're creating / updating a post. If I just click a button (to add asterisks or brackets etc) and don't type anything, the value never gets updated in the content observable. I do have a save button that I could use to trigger the "sync" before saving the data by specifiying the input elements to update, but

Pagedown Editor insertimagedialog hook

落花浮王杯 提交于 2019-12-04 08:23:53
I've created my own insertImageDialog hook to allow uploading of files directly within the editor. $('div#insertImageDialog input[type=file]').ajaxfileupload({ action: $file.attr('data-action'), onStart: function() { $; }, onComplete: function(response) { $loader.hide(); if (response.success) { callback(response.imagePath); // <---- oO dialogClose(); } else { alert(response.message); $file.val(''); } } }); This works fine the first time I insert an image. Every time after, it fails with the following exception: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'removeChild' of null Markdown