
Inserting a page Break in a text file by inserting FormFeed Character. Is this Universal solution?

可紊 提交于 2019-12-12 17:49:27
问题 Inserting a page Break in a text file by inserting FormFeed Character using Java. Is my solution universal or will it cause any problems? Sample Code: PrintWriter bof = response.getWriter(); // Obtained Writer from HTTP Response bof.write("Para 1"); // Write 1st Para to printWriter bof.write(new Character((char) 12).toString()); // Write Form Feed Character for Page Break bof.write("Para 1"); // Write 2nd Para to printWriter My Concerns: The Solution is working but below my 2 concenrs: Point

excel 2007 vba: how to refer to HPageBreaks

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-12-12 12:17:07
问题 I'm trying to write a macro which can look into the list of horizontal page breaks that a worksheet keeps, and it seems like HPageBreaks should be exactly that. I can add or remove page breaks from it, but I can't seem to isolate the collection itself to look at its contents. Even adding a watch and looking at ActiveSheet.HPageBreaks just brings up a generic looking object with a count field equal to 0 regardless of existing page breaks. I'm really confused about this now. Is there any way to

What is the correct way to do the CSS to avoid page breaks?

三世轮回 提交于 2019-12-12 03:37:26
问题 I’m trying to use wkhtmltopdf to turn this page into a (somewhat) nice-looking PDF document: I’m using the following code so far: a[name^="0"] p, a[name^="1"] p, a[name^="2"] p, a[name^="3"] p, a[name^="4"] p, a[name^="5"] p, a[name^="6"] p, a[name^="7"] p, a[name^="8"] p, a[name^="9"] p { display: block; page-break-inside: avoid; } a[name^="0"], a[name^="1"], a[name^="2"], a[name^="3

How to give page break in SSRS

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2019-12-12 01:13:39
问题 I am making a very simple report in SSRS. I am trying to do the following: On page 1 display following text THIS IS PAGE 1 On page 2 display following text THIS IS PAGE 2 I added "Text" field in my report in which I have set the value field to "THIS IS PAGE 1". But I can't find any option to add page break after it. How do I give page break? 回答1: I am not sure what is the purpose of having Page Break for you without any content.. but still i tried by adding a table on a report with one column

<tr> squeezed when <tbody> is display:block

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2019-12-11 17:36:54
问题 I need to add a display block to my tbody in order to make my page-break-inside working. When I do that, the page break works on printing, but the table's shape is modified for one specific tbody. html: <div class="row section-content"> <table> <tbody class="subsection"> <tr> <th colspan="2">Personal infos</th> </tr> <tr class="check"> <td class="control-title">Is licensed</td> <td class="check-body control-body">false</td> </tr> <tr class="text"> <td class="control-title">First name</td> <td

MigraDoc TextFrame Wrapstyle on Page Break

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2019-12-11 17:26:57
问题 I am using TextFrames in MigraDoc to be able to display in-line tables (2 per line) - this seems to work a treat: ... until the end of the page approaches. (The red boxes are the TextFrame borders - I have included to help visualize things) There seems to be a threshold where the top row's second table decides to break onto the next page - despite it actually being shorter than the first table. I want both tables to stay on the same page if there is room. The code I am using is as follows. It

Python-docx: identify a page break in paragraph

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2019-12-11 17:24:45
问题 I iterate over document by paragraphs, then I split each paragraph text into sentences by . (dot with space). I split paragraph text in sentences i n order to do more effective text search compare to search in a whole paragraph text. Then the code searches error in each word of sentence, error being taken from error-correction db. I show below a simplified code: from docx.enum.text import WD_BREAK for paragraph in document.paragraphs: sentences = paragraph.text.split('. ') for sentence in

In jasperreports how to force page break before a group title if there is no room for any subsequent rows

梦想的初衷 提交于 2019-12-11 11:59:09
问题 Is there a way of forcing a page break before a group title if there is no room for ANY of the subsequent rows? It would be nice to be able to query the amount of space left on the current page. 回答1: There is a property called min height to start new page you will find on the group header. Make this a sum of the height of your detail row and the group header as the lowest amount (more if you want it to have at least 2 rows of detail). I also suggest setting the Keep Together to true as well.

Report Services: Controlling page breaks inside a table

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2019-12-11 06:28:42
问题 I'm using a table on my report to present the data. Since it was a lot of data and I wanted to print the report on a A4 page, I split each row into 3 different rows. My problem is when the report goes to the second page, I want it to break before or after the 3 rows. example: name age address contact name age address contact name age address * page break * contact this is what normally happens. I want to ensure that the page break only happens on the lines. 回答1: There are multiple strategies

How to concatenate multiple pdf as one, each input pdf starting on an even page?

不问归期 提交于 2019-12-10 15:48:43
问题 DUPLICATE OF How can I merge PDF files (or PS if not possible) such that every file will begin in a odd page? I have a serie of documents, each one with an unpredictable number of pages. Say : a.pdf (1 page : A1) b.pdf (3 pages : B1, B2, B3) c.pdf (4 pages : C1, C2, C3, C4) I want to merge these input files into one out.pdf, that I'll print double-side. Every first page of the input files must be on a front (right) page. This means the expected result would be |A1 --|B1 B2|B3 --|C1 C2|C3 C4|