
Convert Spatial Lines to Spatial Polygons

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2019-12-13 00:35:58
问题 Is there an easy way to convert a Spatial Lines into a Spatial Polygon object within R? Reproducible Example I have put together a reusable dataset here, which is downloaded from OpenStreetMaps through the overpass package. This extracts the locations of a few airports in South England: devtools::install_github("hrbrmstr/overpass") library(overpass) library(raster) library(sp) # Write Query query_airport <- ' (node["aeroway"="aerodrome"](50.8, -1.6,51.1, -1.1); way["aeroway"="aerodrome"](50.8

Overpass api to find the speed limit for a co-ordinate?

折月煮酒 提交于 2019-12-12 20:50:03
问题 I receive coordinate of a vehicle and I need to find out the speed limit of that road at which this vehicle is at?. I know you can find maxspeed for a certain bounded box like this www.overpass-api.de/api/xapi? [maxspeed= ][bbox=5.6283473,50.5348043,5.6285261,50.534884] but that is if this bounded box area has ONLY one speed limit. So say suppose there was an area which had two speed limit within the bounded box? My second concern is how should i make the bounded box since I am just getting

How to get point of interest near my point using overpass-api?

安稳与你 提交于 2019-12-12 10:56:52
问题 I am using Overpass API. I have an issue to find some points of interest (cafes, hospitals, schools) near (around in 100-200 miles) my point. I have only latitude and longitude. Overpass API gives opportunity to get POIs using your place name. But I don't have it. I have only coordinates. How can I do that ? 回答1: Use the around statement! <query type="node"> <around lat="..." lon="..." radius="..."/> <has-kv k="amenity" v="cafe" /> </query> <print /> Try this example on overpass turbo! 来源:

Is it possible to get speed limit data using OSMBonusPack?

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2019-12-12 04:48:23
问题 I've been trying to develop speed limit application & have tried many different approaches to get done . I have used Overpass APIs & it did good but it did not have speed limit information for few of locations around Europe & also installed Velociraptor which uses OSM map & HERE Maps APIs still they failed to get data . Here is screenshot of Velociraptor app : Screenshot Image . Yesterday I came across osmbonuspack & it looks promising as it allows us to choose from 3 best routing services

Query the OSM data using Node.js

不问归期 提交于 2019-12-12 03:47:36
问题 Here I'm trying to query the hospitals from osm database using overpass and openlayer by the following code <script src="http://openlayers.org/api/2.11/OpenLayers.js"></script> <script src="http://openstreetmap.org/openlayers/OpenStreetMap.js"></script> <script src="http://overpass-api.de/overpass.js"></script> <script> var lat = 8.4967; var lon = 76.9493; var zoom = 15; var data_url = "http://overpass-api.de/api/interpreter?data=node[amenity=%22hospital%22];out+skel;"; var map; function init

Trying to retrieve road speed limit from drivers current location

℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2019-12-11 15:48:54
问题 I am trying to retrieve current speed limit of a given road location data is passed to the Open Street Maps api every 2-3 seconds as the vehicle is in motion. I have tried the code below using [around] however it only outputs results when the radius is at least 2500 metres i am seeking to have a an area that is closer to 10 meters to determine the current speed limit of the vehicles location. If there is an alternative endpoint to achieve the above so that is more robust and responsive please

Administrative relations of a place with openstreetmap

和自甴很熟 提交于 2019-12-11 06:21:41
问题 I did a lot of research about how to use overpass-api tried a lot of things on http://overpass-turbo.eu/ but i can't find the way to get the result i'm expecting ... I would like with a query, to find all the relations a place has but only administrative relations (department of the place, region of the place, country) everyhting that is assimilated to an "AdministrativeArea" Tried this with both nominatim and the overpass_api If any of you guys have an idea Thanks ! 回答1: Just use the

Python: How can I import waterways from OpenStreetMaps as a graph so I can do graph analysis with networkx

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-12-11 05:23:21
问题 Thanks at first for actually taking the time to help me :-) I want to create a undirected graph from waterways for example from the canals of Venice or Amsterdam. OpenStreetMaps has such a graph of a waterway network of these cities, but the OSMnx package does not have such a filter to filter the waterways (or maybe I don't know it yet ;-) ). import osmnx as ox G = ox.graph_from_bbox(52.36309012572587,4.890326718121118,52.36590601699889,4.898316757037793, network_type='all') G_projected = ox

Query Overpass turbo by latitude longitude

筅森魡賤 提交于 2019-12-11 05:15:28
问题 How do I ask overpass turbo to give me the way tags corresponding to a set of latitude longitude coordinates? thanks! This is what i tried so far: [out:json][timeout:25]; (way(around:1.0,52.004940, 4.369381)); (._;>;); out tags; But there are 2 problems here. 1. I get a list of different nodes and ways. But i actually only want the way where there is a speed limit given 2. I don't know how to write a query for a whole list of coordinates. Not sure if this is even possible. 回答1: Here's how the

Getting Streets of a specific postcode using Open Street Maps

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2019-12-11 02:56:50
问题 I want to write a code that has the Countrycode and Postcode as an input and the ouput are the streets that are in the given postcode using some apis that use GSM. My tactic is as follows: I need to get the relation Id of the district. For Example 1991416 is the relation id for the third district in Vienna - Austria. It's provided by the nominatim api: http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/details.php?place_id=158947085 Put the id in this api url: http://polygons.openstreetmap.fr/get_wkt.py?id