
Execute stored procedure in OUTER APPLY block

╄→尐↘猪︶ㄣ 提交于 2019-12-24 12:24:02
问题 Why I can not use a stored procedure in OUTER APPLY block? I need to get int value from the stored procedure dbo.GetTeacherId and use this in WHERE clause. Here my code: USE [StudentsDb] DECLARE @teacherIdOut int; SELECT StudentLastName, StudentFirstName, StudentMiddleName, LessonName, Score, TLastName, TFirstName, TMiddleName FROM Scores JOIN Students ON Scores.StudentId=Students.StudentId JOIN Lessons ON Scores.LessonId=Lessons.LessonId OUTER APPLY ( EXECUTE dbo.GetTeacherId 0, 0,

mysql - Applying an outer join to a complex statement

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2019-12-24 08:28:08
问题 I put together a query to pull out peoples' names, giving preference to the version of that name that is written in the language/writing script of the person viewing the page. I was having some troubles with missing records earlier, and posted a question about that here. I received an answer that suggested using a CASE statement and applying a score to rank the names based on the preferred language/script. I've gotten as far as the ranking, which has allowed the correct number of records to

OUTER JOIN not returning expected results in EF Core

心已入冬 提交于 2019-12-24 06:43:58
问题 In my ASP.NET MVC Core app the POST action method Test is not returning the expected results. The web app was created using this official ASP.NET Core site and was modified slightly. The real app can be downloaded from here and is using latest version of VS2015 . The app is using EF Core . If you download the project, you will need to do the following steps to test the above unexpected results: Note : Order of these steps is important. This is a very small test project. Step2 will create a

SQL random name generator not inserting first and last name in the same row

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2019-12-24 04:37:26
问题 I managed to create a simple query that selects a random first and last name and inserts them into a result table. I wanted to create something I could interchange with the various tests I run where I have to manufacture a lot of data. Here is the code (I only included 5 first and last names each for simplicity purposes): SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM (SELECT TOP 1 FirstName FROM (SELECT 'John' AS FirstName UNION SELECT 'Tim' AS FirstName UNION SELECT 'Laura' AS FirstName UNION SELECT 'Jeff

How to use outer full join in laravel 5.0?

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2019-12-24 01:23:20
问题 It's my controller : public function lihatpesanansemua() //ajax { if(Request::ajax()) { $hasil = DB::table('pesanan')->join('pemesan','pemesan.id', '=', 'pesanan.idpemesan')->join('komputer', 'komputer.id' ,'=', 'pesanan.idkomputer') ->select('pesanan.id', 'pemesan.nama', 'pesanan.tglpesan', 'pesanan.jampesan', 'pesanan.jamakhir', 'komputer.nama_komputer', 'komputer.lantai', 'komputer.Kelas') ->orderby('pesanan.id', 'asc') ->get(); $hasil = json_encode($hasil); return $hasil; } } And that's

AND syntax in outer join?

笑着哭i 提交于 2019-12-24 00:40:07
问题 this is a small piece of a much larger query that I have discovered is a problem. I'm trying to add a filter to my outer join in addition to the primary key. The problem is that I'm receiving results that have an StatusCode other than 0 or 1, as if it is ignoring the filter. SELECT * FROM Products P LEFT OUTER JOIN OrderDetails OD ON OD.SkuNum = P.SkuNum LEFT OUTER JOIN OrderHeader OH ON (OD.ShipmentNum = OH.ShipmentNum AND (OH.StatusCode = 0 OR OH.StatusCode = 1)) WHERE P.SkuNum = XXXX Note

Need help implementing a Full Outer Join in MS Access

纵饮孤独 提交于 2019-12-24 00:33:52
问题 I'm having trouble getting a query to work properly in Access. I need a full outer join on dbo_cardpurchases and dbo_vendors so that all all vendors will appear in the query regardless of whether a purchase was made at that vendor. But Access doesn't support full outer joins. How else can I do this? SELECT dbo_vendors.name, Iif([fundingsourceid] = 10, [amount], "") AS Credit, Iif(( [fundingsourceid] = 2 ) OR ( [fundingsourceid] = 3 ), [amount], "") AS EBT, Iif([fundingsourceid] = 4, [amount],

Doctrine DQL QueryBuilder Excluding Entities where relationship exists

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2019-12-23 16:53:47
问题 I have two entites Order oneToMany: statuses: targetEntity: \Status mappedBy: order Status manyToOne: order: targetEntity: \Order inversedBy: status fields: code: type:integer As you can see - one order can have more that one status at a time (statuses like 'has been shipped', 'has been paid for etc.'). I want to write a query that fetch all my Orders that do NOT have a status of 6. I'm finding it hard to get my head round this. Assume that I have three orders. The all have a status of '1'

Cross join behaviour (SQLServer 2008)

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2019-12-23 09:18:14
问题 I have been trying to track down a problem with a query I have. The query is actually generated by hibernate from HQL but the resulting SQL doesn't do what I expect. Modifying the SQL slightly produces the correct result but I'm not sure why the modification should make any difference. Original query (returns no rows) select sched.id, max(txn.dttm), acc.id from PaymentSchedulePeriod sched cross join PaymentSchedulePayment pay right outer join AccountTransaction txn on pay.accountTransactionFk

Select top one from left outer join

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2019-12-22 05:38:28
问题 Guys, I have a query where basically select the latest browser that our user used. here is our (simplified) table structure HITS_TABLE ---------- USERID BROWSER HITSDATE USER_TABLE ---------- USERID USERNAME and here is how I query the latest browser that our user used SELECT U.*, H.BROWSER FROM USER_TABLE U CROSS APPLY (SELECT TOP 1 BROWSER FROM HITS_TABLE WHERE HITS_TABLE.USERID = U.USERID ORDER BY HITS_TABLE.HITSDATE DESC )as H The HITS_TABLE is just added several days ago. So, that query