
Swift5 MacOS ImageResize memory issue

偶尔善良 提交于 2021-02-02 03:43:50
问题 I am new to Mac OS App Development with Swift. But I tried to make the simple ImageResizer app. I have to resize 50k images. After 10 hours, the memory has increased to nealy 120GB. I thought Swift also has Garbage collector. Why does it increase memory? I will show you my code. for i in 0..<paths.count { let path = paths[i] if let image = NSImage(contentsOf: path) { ... if self.resize(image: image, size: size, to: URL(fileURLWithPath: resizedImagePath)) { print("Image saved to \

Swift5 MacOS ImageResize memory issue

余生颓废 提交于 2021-02-02 03:43:48
问题 I am new to Mac OS App Development with Swift. But I tried to make the simple ImageResizer app. I have to resize 50k images. After 10 hours, the memory has increased to nealy 120GB. I thought Swift also has Garbage collector. Why does it increase memory? I will show you my code. for i in 0..<paths.count { let path = paths[i] if let image = NSImage(contentsOf: path) { ... if self.resize(image: image, size: size, to: URL(fileURLWithPath: resizedImagePath)) { print("Image saved to \

Running out of memory on python product iteration chain

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2021-01-29 19:52:48
问题 I am trying to build a list of possible string combinations to then iterate against it. I am running out of memory executing the below line, which I get because it's several billion lines. data = list(map(''.join,chain.from_iterable(product(string.digits+string.ascii_lowercase+'/',repeat = i) for i in range(0,7)))) So I think, rather than creating this massive iterable list, I create it and execute against it in waves with some kind of "holding string" that I save to memory and can restart

Hitting hard memory limit when loading large image, possible to downsample while loading?

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2021-01-29 19:29:01
问题 I need to generate small thumbnails from potentially gigantic images (10,000 x 10,000). I'm using ImageMagick and PHP running in Google App Engine. My GAE has a hard memory limit of 512 MB. I've been trying to read the documentation for the imagemagick php extension, but the docs are pretty thin. I found this SO post that has an answer from the maintainer and tried to adapt their code. I tried to set the resource area so that images which were larger than 2000x2000 pixels would get swapped

Pcolormesh or column_stack function has memory error when I try creating images in a loop even after closing figures

人走茶凉 提交于 2021-01-29 14:30:58
问题 I am quite new to python and am trying to plot data using pcolormesh, and have to create many images in a loop with quite large arrays. The code to generate the data works fine and creates the arrays, however the problem arises when I try to plot. It seems that the first iteration creates the image fine, however the second has a memory error unlike the usual ones I've seen before. This one comes from the column_stack function apparently multiplying my x and y arrays together. I'm not entirely

android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #2: Binary XML file line #2: Error inflating class <unknown>

浪尽此生 提交于 2021-01-29 12:12:02
问题 04-11 15:00:57.646 30603-30603/com.Blufish.blufish E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main Process: com.Blufish.blufish, PID: 30603 java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.Blufish.blufish/com.Blufish.blufish.LoginActivity}: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #2: Binary XML file line #2: Error inflating class <unknown> at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2487) at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity

Bitmap too large. Tried All

可紊 提交于 2021-01-29 05:34:55
问题 Guys I am facing this issue since 2 days straight. I want to pick an image from gallery and convert it to Base64 method. I have tried Picasso but my imageview is large. Can you please help me. I tried everything but out of memory is too much for me when converting it to bitmap and then to base64. BitmapDrawable drawable = (BitmapDrawable) ProfilePic.getDrawable(); yourSelectedIBitmapDrawable drawable = (BitmapDrawable) ProfilePic.getDrawable(); yourSelectedImage = drawable.getBitmap();mage =

Wired Out of memory: Java heap space error with ffmpeg library

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2021-01-29 05:11:01
问题 Well this is the error I get: Out of memory: Java heap space. Please assign more memory to Gradle in the project's gradle.properties file. For example, the following line, in the gradle.properties file, sets the maximum Java heap size to 1,024 MB: <em>org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx1024m</em> and it is because of: implementation 'nl.bravobit:android-ffmpeg:1.1.7' when I remove that the error gets gone.Well the error is saying increase the heap size to 1024MB and I did increase it to 10GB it's not

Wired Out of memory: Java heap space error with ffmpeg library

拥有回忆 提交于 2021-01-29 05:08:52
问题 Well this is the error I get: Out of memory: Java heap space. Please assign more memory to Gradle in the project's gradle.properties file. For example, the following line, in the gradle.properties file, sets the maximum Java heap size to 1,024 MB: <em>org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx1024m</em> and it is because of: implementation 'nl.bravobit:android-ffmpeg:1.1.7' when I remove that the error gets gone.Well the error is saying increase the heap size to 1024MB and I did increase it to 10GB it's not

Optimize Hive Query. java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space/GC overhead limit exceeded

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2021-01-28 14:18:32
问题 How can I optimize a query of this form since I keep running into this OOM error? Or come up with a better execution plan? If I removed the substring clause, the query would work fine, suggesting that this takes a lot of memory. When the job fails, the beeline output shows the OOM Java heap space. Readings online suggested that I increase export HADOOP_HEAPSIZE but this still results in the error. Another thing I tried was increasing the hive.tez.container.size and hive.tez.java.opts (tez