
Orthogonal hull algorithm

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2020-01-13 07:22:13
问题 I am trying to find a way to determine the rectilinear polygon from a set of integer points (indicated by the red dots in the pictures below). The image below shows what I would like to achieve: 1. I need only the minimal set of points that define the boundary of the rectilinear polygon. Most hull algorithms I can find do not satisfy the orthogonal nature of this problem, such as the gift-wrapping algorithm, which produce the following result (which is not what I want)... 2. How can I get the

How can I make the glOrtho parallelepiped rotating?

佐手、 提交于 2020-01-06 10:40:44
问题 I have my world rendered. Based on some specific requirements it includes (some time) some lights on the floor. I am rendering these lights using triangle primitives. Right now I have the following code to zoom and limit the rendering area: if(aspect>1) gl.glOrtho(-scale*aspect, scale*aspect, -scale, scale, 0, 2); else gl.glOrtho(-scale, scale, -scale/aspect, scale/aspect, 0, 2); As you can see in this image, the far plane is cutting the light throught a line (parallel to the line on the

How to estimate goodness-of-fit using scipy.odr?

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2019-12-21 13:01:14
问题 I am fitting data with weights using scipy.odr but I don't know how to obtain a measure of goodness-of-fit or an R squared. Does anyone have suggestions for how to obtain this measure using the output stored by the function? 回答1: The res_var attribute of the Output is the so-called reduced Chi-square value for the fit, a popular choice of goodness-of-fit statistic. It is somewhat problematic for non-linear fitting, though. You can look at the residuals directly ( out.delta for the X residuals

Formula for a orthogonal projection matrix?

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2019-12-18 12:31:29
问题 I've been looking around a bit and can't seem to find just what I"m looking for. I've found "canonical formulas," but what's the best way to use these? Do I have to scale every single vertex down? Or is there a better way? A formula would really help me out, but I'm also looking for an explanation about the near and far z planes relative the viewer's position 回答1: Here is a reasonable source that derives an orthogonal project matrix: Consider a few points: First, in eye space, your camera is

R: Translate a model having orthogonal polynomials to a function using qr decomposition

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2019-12-14 00:15:28
问题 I'm using R to create a linear regression model having orthogonal polynomial. My model is: fit=lm(log(UFB2_BITRATE_REF3) ~ poly(QPB2_REF3,2) + B2DBSA_REF3,data=UFB) UFB2_FPS_REF1= 29.98 27.65 26.30 25.69 24.68 23.07 22.96 22.16 21.51 20.75 20.75 26.15 24.59 22.91 21.02 19.59 18.80 18.21 17.07 16.74 15.98 15.80 QPB2_REF1 = 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 B2DBSA_REF1 = DOFFSOFF DOFFSOFF DOFFSOFF DOFFSOFF DOFFSOFF DOFFSOFF DOFFSOFF DOFFSOFF DOFFSOFF DOFFSOFF

Draw circle svg orthogonal projections

匆匆过客 提交于 2019-12-11 16:51:22
问题 I need to get the svg path of a circle projected in a orthogonal space. Example What I want to do is create a function(in js) that has the following parameters: the position of the circle the radius and what panel is the circle parallel to axes inclination This is the function I use to create a simple circle (without perspective) function getPath(cx,cy,r){ return "M" + cx + "," + cy + "m" + (-r) + ",0a" + r + "," + r + " 0 1,0 " + (r * 2) + ",0a" + r + "," + r + " 0 1,0 " + (-r * 2) + ",0"; }

how to get a perspecitve look to an orthogonal tilemap

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2019-12-11 09:43:24
问题 I am currentliy using an orthogonal map, not an isometric. But I would like to get an perspective look. the first picuture shows, what I currently have, the second shows my goal. Isn't it possible to do it with a transform matrix somehow? I did only manage to scale the whole image.. 回答1: You can use MapRenderer.setView(...) to achieve that. Create a PerspectiveCamera and set it up to have the perspective that you've shown in your second picture. Note that the tiled map will be rendered to the

drawing hierarchical tree with orthogonal lines ( HV-Drawing – Binary Tree)

泄露秘密 提交于 2019-12-11 07:52:58
问题 I need to work on drawing a hierarchical tree structure (HV-Drawing – Binary Tree) with orthogonal lines(straight rectangular connecting lines) between root and children ( like the following: http://lab.kapit.fr/display/visualizationlayouts/Hierarchical+Tree+layout ). I want to know if there are any open source examples of the algorithm of drawing trees like that so that I can implement the same algorithm in actionscript. Thanks Palash 回答1: I did a C# version and put the code up on

Given a single arbitrary unit vector, what is the best method to compute an arbitrary orthogonal unit vector?

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2019-12-10 10:04:33
问题 Essentially the same question was asked here, but in a non-programming context. A suggested solution is take { y, -x, 0 }. This would work for all vectors that have an x or y component, but fails if the vector is equal to + or - { 0, 0, 1 }. In this case we would get { 0, 0, 0 }. My current solution (in c++): // floating point comparison utilizing epsilon bool is_equal(float, float); // ... vec3 v = /* some unit length vector */ // ... // Set as a non-parallel vector which we will use to find

linear regression using lm() - surprised by the result

为君一笑 提交于 2019-12-09 03:11:14
问题 I used a linear regression on data I have, using the lm function. Everything works (no error message), but I'm somehow surprised by the result: I am under the impression R "misses" a group of points, i.e. the intercept and slope are not the best fit. For instance, I am referring to the group of points at coordinates x=15-25,y=0-20. My questions: is there a function to compare fit with "expected" coefficients and "lm-calculated" coefficients? have I made a silly mistake when coding, leading