
org mode not producing R plots

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2020-12-13 11:51:24
问题 I am having problems with showing plots in my html output from org-mode file. Basically I learnt few months ago how to use org mode for this purpose, and I had a code like this: #+begin_src R :file plot1.png :session :results graphics library(lattice) xyplot(1:10 ~ 1:10) #+end_src The code was working perfectly, and the file was created and printed when I exported to html file. Now the exact same code returns code block produced no output. ; the file is created but not shown in the final html

org-mode capture : dynamic file name

偶尔善良 提交于 2020-07-01 14:56:15
问题 I've seen this: How to type a dynamic file entry for org capture but cannot get it to work; I get "Invalid file location: nil". Has something changed in org-mode or in Emacs itself to stop this from working? Otherwise: suggestions for how to debug what has gone wrong? What I'm really trying to get working is what is described on this page: The capture template I'm interested in is the "Journal Note" one all the way at the bottom of

How to untick checkboxes in org-mode for the next cyclic/repetitive task

浪尽此生 提交于 2020-06-24 07:20:45
问题 With cyclic or repetitive tasks in org-mode, inside this task, if there are several checkboxes and all of them marked as ticked, after the general task is masked as DONE, the checkboxes for the next cycle period stills appear as ticked and it should be unticked. e.g.: TODO Cyclic monthly home [0/5] SCHEDULED: <2013-11-30 Sat +1m> [ ] pay sauna [ ] pay electricity [ ] pay renting [ ] pay internet [ ] pay union Once I ticked all of them and put it as done, this is what I can see: WIP Cyclic

How to untick checkboxes in org-mode for the next cyclic/repetitive task

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2020-06-24 07:20:36
问题 With cyclic or repetitive tasks in org-mode, inside this task, if there are several checkboxes and all of them marked as ticked, after the general task is masked as DONE, the checkboxes for the next cycle period stills appear as ticked and it should be unticked. e.g.: TODO Cyclic monthly home [0/5] SCHEDULED: <2013-11-30 Sat +1m> [ ] pay sauna [ ] pay electricity [ ] pay renting [ ] pay internet [ ] pay union Once I ticked all of them and put it as done, this is what I can see: WIP Cyclic

What is the simplest way to filter the content of a web page from a drop down menu?

佐手、 提交于 2020-05-13 05:37:22
问题 I would like to be able to allow a user to "filter" the contents of an HTML page from a drop down menu. I have minimal coding skills but maintain a simple website produced using Emacs org-mode. (easy to assemble pages and produce different versions of the same content using tags.) The output is simple HTML. I can easily produce different versions of a page and make them selectable with a drop down menu to move between them, but this means I have different versions of the same content on my


流过昼夜 提交于 2020-03-06 18:51:21
1 本文参考 yupeng的 Emacs的Org Mode Emacs学习笔记(9):org-mode,最好的文档编辑利器,没有之一 2 简介 Org-Mode:Your Life in Plain Text. Org-模式(Org-mode)是文本编辑软件Emacs的一种支持内容分级显示的编辑模式。这种模式支持写 to-do 列表,日志管理,做笔记,做工程计划或者写网页。比如,todo 列表可以给每一件事分别赋上不同的优先级和最后完成期限,每一个 todo 项目又可以细分成次级 todo 列表或者核对表,而且每一个项目还都可以分别加标签或者属性。除此之外,org-模式还可以自动生成某一段时间以内的日程表。 我开使用主要的被所见所得,只专注与自己的思绪的神奇之处所吸引。至于高手们所说的种种其实都还没有概念,我相信通过不断深入的学习,我也会发出这样的惊叹:太TM的太神奇了。 3 安装及简单配置 Emacs23之后已经默认包含有org-mode模式了,但是网上都说新版的比较好,我于是就下了个目前最新的稳定版,解压到site-lisp目录下后,在.emacs中配置如下: 1: ;;;;; 配置org-mode 2:

Calculate time range in org-mode table

二次信任 提交于 2020-02-24 04:40:20
问题 Given a table that has a column of time ranges e.g.: | <2015-10-02>--<2015-10-24> | | <2015-10-05>--<2015-10-20> | .... how can I create a column showing the results of org-evalute-time-range? If I attempt something like: #+TBLFM: $2='(org-evaluate-time-range $1) the 2nd column is populated with Time difference inserted in every row. It would also be nice to generate the same result from two different columns with, say, start date and end date instead of creating one column of time ranges out

How to define Hebrew anniversaries to show up in Org agenda?

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2020-01-17 04:43:25
问题 How to define Hebrew anniversaries (like birthdays) to show up in Org agenda? The best would be to do it through BBDB. So far I managed to add anniversaries/birthdays to BBDB and display them in org-agenda. Now I need to move to the next step and provide those dates as Hebrew dates. In diary mode the dates seem to look like HSivan 17, 5776 . However if I insert it to BBDB like anniversary: HSivan 17, 5776 birthday - I get error while trying to generate agenda view: bad-sexp at line 5 /path/to