
Is Auto_Increment supported in Oracle using Liquibase

梦想的初衷 提交于 2021-02-10 14:28:39
问题 I want to add an auto_increment column in an oracle database using liquibase script. I have tried using the auto_increment attribute in liquibase : <column name="SUPPLEMENT_ID" type="INTEGER" autoIncrement="true" > <constraints primaryKey="true"></constraints> </column> If oracle supports auto_increment, how can I achieve it using liquibase scripts? 回答1: IDENTITY columns are introduced in oracle 12c which allows users to create auto increment columns But if you are using older versions you

Oracle SELECT FOR UPDATE - Demonstration?

南笙酒味 提交于 2021-02-10 14:23:09
问题 I am quite not understanding the lock functionality with SELECT FOR UPDATE. Here is what I've tried. CREATE TABLE ACCOUNT_TAB ( ACC_ID int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, BALANCE int NOT NULL ); INSERT INTO ACCOUNT_TAB VALUES(1, 100); SELECT * FROM ACCOUNT_TAB FOR UPDATE; SELECT * FROM ACCOUNT_TAB; Both SELECT will retrieve the row, but shouldn't the first query lock the row in the ACCOUNT_TAB table? I have read something about sessions: queries from the same session don't care about the lock. Can I

What is regexp_replace equivalent in SQL Server

余生颓废 提交于 2021-02-10 14:18:41
问题 I have this piece of code in Oracle which I need to convert into SQL Server to get the same behavior. I have used the REPLACE function. It seems to be working but I just wanted to make sure. REGEXP_REPLACE( phonenumber, '([[:digit:]]{3})([[:digit:]]{3})([[:digit:]]{4})', '(\1)\2-\3' ) phonenumber 回答1: SQL Server does not have native regex support. You would need to use CLR (or as @Lukasz Szozda points out in the comments one of the newer Language Extensions) . If I have understood the regex

Split CLOB column based on new line - Oracle SQL

余生长醉 提交于 2021-02-10 14:16:42
问题 I have a table table1 f_name f_content test1.txt YL*1**50*1~ RX*1~ LR*2~ test2.txt YL*1**49*1~ EE*1~ WW*2~ f_content is CLOB f_name is varchar2 (4000) I have written this SQL: SELECT d.*, c.line_num, translate(substr(d.f_content, part1 + 1, part2 - part1), ' ~' || CHR(10) || CHR(13), ' ') line FROM table1 d CROSS JOIN LATERAL ( SELECT level line_num, DECODE(level, 1, 0, regexp_instr(d.f_content, '~', 1, level - 1)) part1, DECODE(regexp_instr(d.f_content, '~', 1, level), 0, length(d.f_content)

Split CLOB column based on new line - Oracle SQL

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2021-02-10 14:15:25
问题 I have a table table1 f_name f_content test1.txt YL*1**50*1~ RX*1~ LR*2~ test2.txt YL*1**49*1~ EE*1~ WW*2~ f_content is CLOB f_name is varchar2 (4000) I have written this SQL: SELECT d.*, c.line_num, translate(substr(d.f_content, part1 + 1, part2 - part1), ' ~' || CHR(10) || CHR(13), ' ') line FROM table1 d CROSS JOIN LATERAL ( SELECT level line_num, DECODE(level, 1, 0, regexp_instr(d.f_content, '~', 1, level - 1)) part1, DECODE(regexp_instr(d.f_content, '~', 1, level), 0, length(d.f_content)

ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis (With Examples)

夙愿已清 提交于 2021-02-10 12:12:24
问题 I'm trying to create this table in SQL. CREATE TABLE Orders ( order_id int(10) NOT NULL, order_date date NOT NULL, total_value varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL, order_status varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL, payment_type_id int(10) NOT NULL, delivery_id int(10) DEFAULT NULL, store_id int(10) NOT NULL, staff_id int(10) DEFAULT NULL, client_id int(10) NOT NULL, sale_type_id int(10) NOT NULL ); I gives me [Err] ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis I really don't know why. I already searched a lot, I put this

ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis (With Examples)

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2021-02-10 12:07:44
问题 I'm trying to create this table in SQL. CREATE TABLE Orders ( order_id int(10) NOT NULL, order_date date NOT NULL, total_value varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL, order_status varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL, payment_type_id int(10) NOT NULL, delivery_id int(10) DEFAULT NULL, store_id int(10) NOT NULL, staff_id int(10) DEFAULT NULL, client_id int(10) NOT NULL, sale_type_id int(10) NOT NULL ); I gives me [Err] ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis I really don't know why. I already searched a lot, I put this


℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2021-02-10 11:23:00
越来越多的企业使用PHP+MYSQL搭建网站,究竟PHP有什么好,为什么要选择用PHP? 1. 跨平台,性能优越,跟Linux/Unix结合别跟Windows结合性能强45%,并且和很多免费的平台结合非常省钱,比如LAMP (Linux/Apache/Mysql/PHP)或者FAMP(FreeBSD/Apache/Mysql/PHP)结合,或者数据应用够大可以考虑换 PostgreSQL或者Oracle,支持N种数据库。(N >= 10) 2. 语法简单,如果有学习C和Perl的很容易上手,并且跟ASP有部分类似。有成熟的开发工具,比如NuPHPed,或者Zend Studio等等,再Linux平台下可以使用Eclipse等等。 3. 目前主流技术都支持,比如WebService、Ajax、XML等等,足够应用。 4. 有比较完整的支持,比如使用ADODB或者PEAR::DB做数据库抽象层,用Smarty或者smart template做模板层,如果是PHP 5.1的话,还能够使用PDO(PHP Data Object)来访问数据库。 5. 有很成熟的框架,比支持MVC的框架:phpMVC,支持类似ASP.net的事件驱动的框架:Prado,支持类似Ruby On Rails的快速开发的框架:Cake等等,足够满足你的应用需求。 PHP 6. PHP 5已经有成熟的面向对象体系


空扰寡人 提交于 2021-02-10 08:56:13
摘要: 2018年云数据库RDS发展上,不但针对MySQL、SQL Server、PostgreSQL提供了适合个人入门用户的基础版产品,以实惠的价格普惠广大中小用户。更加入最新的MariaDB TX企业版,及大幅度提高PPAS的Oracle兼容性,从企业需求出发,重点在全生命周期、全链路安全、全链路监控、全方位运维、多引擎覆盖 5个方面进行发力,为企业用户提供更优质的云数据库服务。 云计算已经进入普及期,不少企业开始从自建数据中心转向云计算。在云计算资源的使用上,从最开始只是使用IaaS层基础资源,转向使用包括云数据库在内的各类PaaS资源。数据库是企业IT架构的核心部分,RDS关系型数据库服务已经成为企业重度依赖的云服务。 过去7年的持续发展,2018年阿里云首次进入Gartner的数据库魔力象限,能够入选Gartner,这是中国数据库厂商的一次突破。阿里云入围Gartner充分说明,在新一波技术浪潮之上进行创新,才可能做出突破。云数据库已经不仅仅是简单地完成数据库在云资源中的搭建,数据库曾经是IT系统中最昂贵的投入之一。对企业CXO们(CEO、CFO、CTO、CIO等)而言,更加灵活的生命周期管理,可以实现成本的合理投入及灵活管理。对DBA技术人员而言,更高的安全性、更全面的监控能力、更便捷的运维方式,将改变DBA在企业的工作模式及地位。 从企业管理者及DBA的角度

Disable oracle autocommit on close connection

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2021-02-10 08:42:11
问题 I have a question about Oracle autocommit on close connection event. Information from oracle docs( If the auto-commit mode is disabled and you close the connection without explicitly committing or rolling back your last changes, then an implicit COMMIT operation is run. So, I want to disable this feature programmatically in JDBC driver. I don't wan't do autocommit on connection close at least one transaction. Is it possible? P.S.