

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2021-01-26 11:41:33
世界最遥远的距离,是我站在你对面,你却在另一台服务器里。 世界最温暖的举例,是我在internet的另一端,而你挑着一筐刚刨出来的数据来看我。 ——做产品的柏拉图 一个系统装再多数据,不与其他系统交互,那也是孤岛系统,孤独没女朋友。 一个系统若很外向,不断撩拨周围的系统,也乐意被撩拨,成为了众系统中的“交际花”,那么这货甚至就是中台的性质。 而更多的系统是介于上述两种极端之间的。像人一样,自己搞生产,也要参与社交——就是系统之间的数据对接。 对接的本质是为了实现数据信息的传输。 在后端产品的世界里,各子系统之间,或与外部系统之间的对接非常常见。 作为产品经理,不仅要知道数据从哪来,还要理清楚获取数据之后的握手方式、运算逻辑、异常规则、容错机制、数据日志等 等。 本文尝试聊聊如下话题: 数据传输的场景和意义 数据传输的方式 数据传输的处理机制 数据传输的注意事项 说明,因为编辑器的问题 一度缺少图片,若需看原文可以点击这里: ******系统间数据传输,产品经理视角的9千字总结:接口、otter、log4j、SFTP、MQ…… ****** 一、 数据传输的场景和意义 1、数据传输的应用场景 1)前端和后端本身无时不刻的数据互动。 2)公司的各个系统之间的信息共享。 比如,式系统部署之后,就需要各个系统模块之间进行数据的配合,比如订单系统的库存扣减数据要同步给备货系统进行采购。 3

NAT router blocking JMS messages

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2020-01-16 07:05:12
问题 I have an openjms-0-7-7 instance running on my cloud machine. The connection to the jms topic happens over tcp. I run the client application on my personal computer at home and I am able to send messages to the topic (which then get forwarded correctly to other listeners) but I am unable to receive messages. My PC is connected to the internet through a NAT router. I have tried to reproduce this issue using my university network and it all worked fine (there I am assigned my own external IP

JMS queue message receive order

只愿长相守 提交于 2019-12-07 11:55:05
问题 I am adding two JMS messages in the same destination sequentially. Will both of these messages be received in the same order in which I have added them or is there a chance for reverse ordering, that is, which ever the message is received first in the destination will be retrieved first. I am adding into a destination as: producer.send(Msg1); producer.send(Msg2); Msg1 and Msg2 will be added sequentially in all the cases (like network failures and latency. etc.)? 回答1: Message ordering is not

JMS queue message receive order

瘦欲@ 提交于 2019-12-06 00:52:57
I am adding two JMS messages in the same destination sequentially. Will both of these messages be received in the same order in which I have added them or is there a chance for reverse ordering, that is, which ever the message is received first in the destination will be retrieved first. I am adding into a destination as: producer.send(Msg1); producer.send(Msg2); Msg1 and Msg2 will be added sequentially in all the cases (like network failures and latency. etc.)? Aravind R. Yarram Message ordering is not guaranteed (and not mandated by the specification) and Total JMS Message ordering explains