
Reuse access token from MSAL in web view

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2021-02-17 03:25:09
问题 In my iOS app I'm currently authenticating through the MSAL iOS SDK and it's working fine. Somewhere in the app I'm also required to show a website (opened via UIWebView) that also requires the same Azure AD authentication. Since I'm already authenticated through the SDK and have an access token, is there any way to bypass authentication process in the web view? 回答1: You can use one of the following for cookie sharing: 1. ASWebAuthenticationSession in MSAL + open URL in Safari browser MSAL


余生颓废 提交于 2021-02-16 19:57:38
一、背景 1.我是一名软件工程师,技术出身,担任开发组长,对项目管理不是很熟,所以决定系统学习下项目管理。 2.全球最适合的项目管理学习课程就是PMP,每年有4次PMP考试,证书还是很有含金量的。 3.目前工作上不是很忙,有多余时间用来做自己的事,所以准备写点代码来玩下。 4.组里都是做小程序开发的,虽然是开发组长,但是大部分的时间都是和甲方打交道,写代码的时间确实很少。 5.于是决定写个小程序来帮助我考PMP。 6.题库都是培训机构出的模拟题,我们学习小组将纸质的题目转成了txt格式,方式有OCR,语音转换,纯手敲。 整理题库真的非常耗时!! 7. 目前有14个小伙伴(培训认识的) 在使用这个小程序刷题,6月22号我们考完了,希望都能5A。 8.每天坐地铁1个多小时都在刷题。 零碎时间刷题真的非常爽,一直刷题一直爽 。 9.想着做好了,可以跟培训机构合作下,赚点外快。只可惜培训机构的老板已经找到其他供应商了~~~~ 10.最开始是小组内有个同学做了一个安卓的pmp知识工具,但ios的用不了,所以想着做一个小程序,这样安卓和ios都可以用了,受众也变多了。 组织过程资产: 小组聚在一起学习 二、show一波我的小程序 现在show一波我的小程序吧。后台采用小程序云开发,这样就不用自己搭后台,快速上手和开发。 主要有以下功能: 1. 每日练习题 2. 4套模拟试题在线作答 3.

How to uniquely identify user logging in via oauth?

偶尔善良 提交于 2021-02-16 13:09:29
问题 I particular - I don't understand how to link user that authenticated using oauth to a particular account in my application? So here's accounts in my applciation: CREATE TABLE accounts ( id BIGINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, username VARCHAR(40), email VARCHAR(256), created DATETIME, updated DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY (email), UNIQUE KEY (username) ) ENGINE=InnoDB CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; With openid for example there is a unique user id (uri, xri) which uniquely

How to uniquely identify user logging in via oauth?

陌路散爱 提交于 2021-02-16 13:05:37
问题 I particular - I don't understand how to link user that authenticated using oauth to a particular account in my application? So here's accounts in my applciation: CREATE TABLE accounts ( id BIGINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, username VARCHAR(40), email VARCHAR(256), created DATETIME, updated DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY (email), UNIQUE KEY (username) ) ENGINE=InnoDB CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; With openid for example there is a unique user id (uri, xri) which uniquely


為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2021-02-14 22:49:59
OpenID 和 OAuth 的区别 IdentityServer4,NET Core下的安全框架 客户端模式(Client Credentials) 密码模式(resource owner password credentials) 简化模式(implicit flow) 授权码模式(Authorization code flow) 混合模式(Hybrid Flow) <span id="OpenIDvsOAuth"></span> OpenID 和 OAuth 的区别 OpenID:Authentication,即认证,用户是谁? OAuth:Authorization,即授权,用户能做哪些操作? OpenID Connect(OIDC):基于OAuth协议,是“认证”和“授权”的结合。 OAuth2提供了Access Token来解决授权第三方客户端访问受保护资源的问题。 OIDC在这个基础上提供了ID Token来解决第三方客户端标识用户身份认证的问题。。 <span id="identityServer4"></span> IdentityServer4 IdentityServer4 是 ASP.NET Core的一个包含OpenID Connect和OAuth 2.0协议的框架,提供了单点登录,集中控制,API访问控制等功能。 <span id="client"><

微信小程序支付 java

冷暖自知 提交于 2021-02-13 17:19:26
原文: 话不多说,直接开撸。 支付流程步骤: 1)首先调用wx.login方法获取code,通过code获取openid; 2)java后台调用统一下单支付接口(这里会进行第一次签名),用来获取prepay_id; 3)java后台再次调用签名(这里会进行第二次签名),并返回支付需要用使用的参数; 4)小程序前端wx.requestPayment方法发起微信支付; 5)java后台接收来自微信服务器的通知并处理结果。 详细步骤可参考: demo链接: 密码: cgrt 一、获取openid, 这里的代码可以参考博主的另外一篇文章中的 3.1 代码模块,代码先贴上,如果了解更多点击链接查看 小程序端代码 wx.login({ success: function (res) { var service_url =

java 微信小程序登录

陌路散爱 提交于 2021-02-12 11:56:00
微信登录 开发前准备(必须)   小程序标识(appid):wx4d4838ebec29b8**   小程序秘钥(secret):4fd6ca38a1261f96cbc0314c5675b9** 登录微信官网 : 根据官方文档 java 登录接口 //前端传给你的code public void wxlogin(String code) {       //填写你小程序的appid 和 secret , 还有前端传给你的code ,最后一个参数是固定的 String token_url = "" + WxConfig.APP_ID + "&secret=" + WxConfig.SECRET + "&js_code=" + code + "&grant_type=authorization_code" ; JSONObject access_token = httpsRequestToJsonObject(token_url, "GET", null );       // openid

Identify logged in Google Account user with OAuth2.0

半世苍凉 提交于 2021-02-10 20:08:48
问题 I am developing a web application that uses OAuth2 to login the users with their Google Accounts. I am also accessing some Google Data APIs so I am asking for refresh tokens and offline access too( in case that it makes a difference ). My problem is the following : after the app's user first comes to login, does OAuth and I save the tokens/user id in the database, I need to have in place a system that identifies the user on subsequent visits. I do this by saving the Google user ID (obtained

Google App Engine: Endpoints authentication with ID and password

半腔热情 提交于 2021-02-06 04:26:50
问题 We have an HTML5 client accessing a Google Cloud Endpoints backend. We want to offer users a reasonable range of sign-in methods , e.g.: sign-in with an existing OpenID, or alternatively sign-up with an email and password. These seem like basic requirements to us! If there is a better alternative that does not restrict our audience, then we'd consider it. We're encountering two problems: (1) it seems the Endpoints service will only authenticate Google accounts, and (2) we don't know how to

How to disable ssl certificate validation upon OpenId connect in .Net Core 3.1?

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2021-02-05 09:01:52
问题 I'm trying to connect in a development environment to a open id authority with it's ip address. Obviously in this scenario the ssl validation will fail. I'd like to bypass it, without any luck so far. I've found the following answers regarding this topic: Setting the RequireHttpsMetadata to false in the OpenIdConnectOptions class. Using the code below: ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += (sender, cert, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => true; When my app tries to access the