
Unity Final VR IK (Asset) lock person in sitting position

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-12-02 01:13:35
Currently I am working on a game for people with accessibility restrictions. I am having the issue of locking the player model in a sitting position. If the user does not center themselves in the room the player model will be pulled to a certain direction. I would like to lock the player model in a seat and only allow for arm movements and head rotations, no leaning or moving in the game using the HMD. Since I am using the Final VR IK asset I have tried using their demo for sitting position in VR and cannot get the player to stay seated naturally. I am not sure how to program this or set

Unity - change scene after specific time

折月煮酒 提交于 2019-12-02 00:01:33
问题 I am developing game for oculus Gear VR (to put in your consideration memory management ) and I need to load another screen after specific time in seconds void Start () { StartCoroutine (loadSceneAfterDelay(30)); } IEnumerator loadSceneAfterDelay(float waitbySecs){ yield return new WaitForSeconds(waitbySecs); Application.LoadLevel (2); } it works just fine , my questions : 1- What are the best practices to achieve this? 2- How to display timer for player showing how many seconds left to

Unity - change scene after specific time

别来无恙 提交于 2019-12-01 22:17:25
I am developing game for oculus Gear VR (to put in your consideration memory management ) and I need to load another screen after specific time in seconds void Start () { StartCoroutine (loadSceneAfterDelay(30)); } IEnumerator loadSceneAfterDelay(float waitbySecs){ yield return new WaitForSeconds(waitbySecs); Application.LoadLevel (2); } it works just fine , my questions : 1- What are the best practices to achieve this? 2- How to display timer for player showing how many seconds left to finish level. Yes, it is the correct way. Here's the sample code to display a countdown message: using

应用于Oculus Quest的VR头显应用

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-12-01 19:50:02
项目需要一个VR头显项目来展示算法成果,设备为Oculus Quest一体机,基于android平台(平台要切换为android),体验了下设备效果还行,但还是有点沙窗效应。记录一下开发流程。 先贴个官方文档: https://developer.oculus.com/documentation/quest/latest/concepts/book-unity-gsg/ 建立工程后需要添加VR支持 然后去asset商店下载Oculus Integration: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/integration/oculus-integration-82022 然后注册Oculus账号,在 https://dashboard.oculus.com/ 申请成为开发者,创建APP,获取AppID等,平台选择”Oculus Go & Gear VR” 将AppId填入VuforiaConfiguration 打开Oculus / Tools/Oculus Platform Tool,将Target Oculus Platform 改成 Oculus Quest. 注意:Other Settings:在Graphics APIs中移除Vulkan、把Minimum API Level修改为大于等于19的 然后就可以将oculus

Three.js - VRControls integration - How to move in the scene?

你。 提交于 2019-12-01 00:36:06
I use Three.js to render and move (my orbitControl changes camera.position) in a small scene. Now I have an oculus rift. So I added VRControls and VREffect. There is no problem to move the head. But I can no more move in the scene because VRControls override the camera parameters : object.quaternion.copy( state.orientation ); // object is the camera I thought that it was easy to correct : I have only to update the camera instead of overriding it : object.quaternion.copy(stateOrientationQuat.multiply(currentCameraQuat)); But it does not work : it renders a moving flicking scene. VRControls and