
C++ static members, multiple Objects

我们两清 提交于 2021-02-11 17:22:06
问题 I've got some trouble with static members and methods in C++. This is the Class header: class Decoration { public: //Static Methods static void reloadList(); //Static Members static std::unordered_map<int, Decoration> decorationMapID; }; And in .cpp: void Decoration::reloadList() { sqlTable result = db->exec("SELECT id, name, description FROM decorations"); for(sqlRow r: result) { Decoration::decorationMapID.insert(std::pair<int,Decoration>(atoi(r[0].c_str()), Decoration(r[1], r[2], atoi(r[0]

C++ static members, multiple Objects

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2021-02-11 17:21:32
问题 I've got some trouble with static members and methods in C++. This is the Class header: class Decoration { public: //Static Methods static void reloadList(); //Static Members static std::unordered_map<int, Decoration> decorationMapID; }; And in .cpp: void Decoration::reloadList() { sqlTable result = db->exec("SELECT id, name, description FROM decorations"); for(sqlRow r: result) { Decoration::decorationMapID.insert(std::pair<int,Decoration>(atoi(r[0].c_str()), Decoration(r[1], r[2], atoi(r[0]

Why deserialize XML into Object return null value?

谁都会走 提交于 2021-02-11 16:55:02
问题 I have a XML string like that: <?xml version="1.0" ?> <result> <vmeet_id>7121</vmeet_id> <username>MT_Hue_QuangBinh_QuangTri</username> <email></email> <begin_date>2010-04-21 08:53</begin_date> <expiry_date>2010-12-21 00:00</expiry_date> <point></point> <info>OK</info> </result> I want to deserialize it into an object, so I created this class: [Serializable] [XmlRoot(ElementName = "result", IsNullable = false)] public class UserInfo { [XmlAttribute("vmeet_id")] public int UserID { get; set; }

Why deserialize XML into Object return null value?

我是研究僧i 提交于 2021-02-11 16:54:47
问题 I have a XML string like that: <?xml version="1.0" ?> <result> <vmeet_id>7121</vmeet_id> <username>MT_Hue_QuangBinh_QuangTri</username> <email></email> <begin_date>2010-04-21 08:53</begin_date> <expiry_date>2010-12-21 00:00</expiry_date> <point></point> <info>OK</info> </result> I want to deserialize it into an object, so I created this class: [Serializable] [XmlRoot(ElementName = "result", IsNullable = false)] public class UserInfo { [XmlAttribute("vmeet_id")] public int UserID { get; set; }

How to add a paintComponent() to a JPanel

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2021-02-11 15:14:49
问题 I have 2 classes, Class2 and Class4. I wish to add the paint in Class2 from Class4 onto a JPanel in Class4 using the p4.add(c2o) and f.add(p4) methods. I have no problems adding GUI but I simply couldn't add graphics. Class4: import java.awt.BorderLayout; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; public class Class4 { public void mainMethod(int event){ JFrame f = new JFrame("Love Test"); if(event == 0){ f.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON

Invalid object name [dbo].[TriggerName]

隐身守侯 提交于 2021-02-11 15:00:42
问题 I created a trigger named UPDATE_MERCHANDISE . The query completed with one error, a simple typo. I fixed the typo and changed the code to ALTER TRIGGER , but now when I try to execute it I receive the error Invalid object name [dbo].[UPDATE_MERCHANDISE] Why would it be valid when I created it, but not when I try to alter it? Any and all help/ideas would be appreciated. Thanks. USE [CIS31038] GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[UPDATE_MERCHANDISE] ON [dbo]

Methods and parameters declaration problem in a class with header

夙愿已清 提交于 2021-02-11 14:46:55
问题 Helo everyone, I'm having big trouble with the declaration of some parameters in a class I defined in a header file I'm using a raspberry pi with C++ and trying to implement some objects through a class. Therefore, I have : my main cpp file where I call the object (it works, I'm sure of that, you'll see) the class cpp file called "Motorcontrol01.cpp" the header file called "Motorcontrol01.h" My code is more complex than what I show here, but I simplified it for tests purpose and it don't work

Object to Array returns undefined

五迷三道 提交于 2021-02-11 14:46:27
问题 Im trying to convert JS Object to an Array but Array after conversion is undefined. I initially have JSON but from what I have read it is automatically parsed into JS Object (when I try to parse it, I get SyntaxError: Unexpected token o in JSON at position 1). Also when I console.log(typeof cityList) I get Object. Initial JSON goes like this: [ { "id": 707860, "name": "Hurzuf", "country": "UA", "coord": { "lon": 34.283333, "lat": 44.549999 } }, { "id": 519188, "name": "Novinki", "country":

Object to Array returns undefined

不问归期 提交于 2021-02-11 14:42:19
问题 Im trying to convert JS Object to an Array but Array after conversion is undefined. I initially have JSON but from what I have read it is automatically parsed into JS Object (when I try to parse it, I get SyntaxError: Unexpected token o in JSON at position 1). Also when I console.log(typeof cityList) I get Object. Initial JSON goes like this: [ { "id": 707860, "name": "Hurzuf", "country": "UA", "coord": { "lon": 34.283333, "lat": 44.549999 } }, { "id": 519188, "name": "Novinki", "country":

Why ObjectNode adds backslash in in Json String

前提是你 提交于 2021-02-11 14:04:41
问题 Here is how I am trying to convert an object to json String ObjectNode batch = OBJECT_MAPPER.createObjectNode(); String s = OBJECT_MAPPER.writeValueAsString((triggerCommands.getCommands())); batch.put("commands", s); System.out.println("raw String= " + s); System.out.println("ObjectNode String = " + batch); Which results in output of; raw String= [{"cmdid":"a06c00d4-5b8b-4313-a8f3-5663dde0fa5b","type":"test"}] ObjectNode String = {"commands":"[{\"cmdid\":\"a06c00d4-5b8b-4313-a8f3-5663dde0fa5b