

好久不见. 提交于 2019-11-29 10:42:02
  今天在lesson6的时候,遇到了一个mocha的测试框架,当将代码写好之后,全局安装,项目安装mocha,命令行运行mocha,输出“mocha 不是内部或外部命令”。作者是这样写的”装个全局的 mocha: $ npm install mocha -g 。“” -g 与 非 -g 的区别,就是安装位置的区别,g 是 global 的意思。如果不加的话,则安装 mocha 在你的项目目录下面;如果加了,则这个 mocha 是安装在全局的,如果 mocha 有可执行命令的话,那么这个命令也会自动加入到你系统 $PATH 中的某个地方(在我的系统中,是这里 /Users/alsotang/.nvm/v0.10.29/bin )“;(mac本;)   现在的状态是 卸载了nvm,重新安装了node稳定版。但是在npm i mocha -g 的时候,自动生成了node_nvm,存放在D:\web-software\node_nvm\nvm\npm\node_modules\mocha\bin\mocha这个目录。   说说其他的lesson,lesson7还是mocha,lesson8是supertest依旧是测试用例,也用到了mocha,should;lesson9正则表达式,teacher曾说正则是有一个专门的人去写的,真的吗?什么公司?还是要有一些基础知识的。 lesson10

Is there any way how to run “nvm use” automatically in “prestart” npm script?

最后都变了- 提交于 2019-11-29 08:41:00
问题 I would like to have automatically invoke "nvm use" when I run "npm start". So I come up with this solution: package.json "scripts": { "prestart": "sh test.sh", "start": "nodemon index.js" } .nvmrc 4 test.sh #!/bin/bash if [ -d ~/.nvm ] then source ~/.nvm/nvm.sh nvm use fi This works and switch between nvm versions console output is: > sh test.sh Found '/my-user-path/.nvmrc' with version <4> Now using node v4.2.2 (npm v2.14.7) > app@1.0.0 start /app-path/ > nodemon index.js But when I call

xcode using wrong node.js version

a 夏天 提交于 2019-11-29 05:54:22
问题 I am new to React Native. I used react-native init XXX to create a new project. When launch the xcodeproj, I got an error saying: const setupEnvScript = /^win/.test(process.platform) ^^^^^ SyntaxError: Use of const in strict mode. at Module._compile (module.js:439:25) at Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10) at Object.require.extensions.(anonymous function) [as .js] (/Users/allanhahaha/Documents/Seat/getseat/SeatApp/node_modules/react-native/node_modules/babel-core/lib/api/register/node

node版本管理 (node版本的升级和降级) 切换 node 版本

旧时模样 提交于 2019-11-29 00:12:19
node版本管理 如果在电脑上(node版本的升级和降级) 切换 node 版本 首先需要安装nvm node 版本管理插件 安装方式 安装方式 按官方指导 使用方式 nvm ls 查看所有的node版本 nvm ls-remote 你可以列出可用的版本使用ls-remote nvm use 版本号 切换版本 nvm run node --version 可以直接运行想要的版本 来源: http://www.cnblogs.com/yaogengzhu/p/11474505.html

Update node.js version inside Cloud 9 IDE

佐手、 提交于 2019-11-28 19:00:08
问题 My Cloud 9 workspace is running with Node.Js 0.10. How can I update it to the latest version of Node.Js (today is 0.12.4)? I'm trying to install Node.Js using apt-get but I will always get 0.10 version. UPDATE : Latest version of Cloud 9 workspaces now have preinstalled version 4.1.1 回答1: With Cloud 9 you can use NVM to install a new version of Node.js. Just run: nvm install 5.5.0 nvm use 5.5.0 nvm alias default v5.5.0 NVM keeps all the versions so you can switch back whenever you want. See

NVM & Node.js - Recommended install for all users

孤人 提交于 2019-11-28 14:15:29
问题 is there a recommended install for nvm so all users can use it? i cannot find anything on the web regarding this. this is what i did installed nvm in a common directory put the nvm.sh script locationin .profile for all users created a nvm/alias directory (nvm complains if this is not here for other users) then each user must either run "nvm use " or put it in their profile by default not sure if there is a better way? thanks 回答1: Here is what I did: Installed nvm in /opt/nvm as root. Seemed


删除回忆录丶 提交于 2019-11-28 11:03:47
  自己最近安装npm包时,老是报错,最后查明是Node已经npm版本太高了,常在河边走那能不湿鞋,在我们平时写Node的时候,由于创建时间或人为选择等因素,各个项目里总会有着差异的node版本,这样我们在不同的项目里需要切换不同版本的Node.js,所以我们需要一个能随时切换node版本的东西,所以nvm诞生了。 什么是nvm?   nvm 是 Mac 下的 node 管理工具,有点类似管理 Ruby 的 rvm,如果需要管理 Windows 下的 node,之前官方推荐使用 nvmw 或 nvm-windows,但是目前nvm已支持window,而且快捷方便,不需要设置环境变量! 安装 首先, 要卸载原先装的全局node和npm!(控制面板--> 卸载程序) ,一定要卸载已安装的 NodeJS,否则会发生冲突。 卸载完后 直接下载最新nvm安装 (推荐使用nvm-setup.zip)[地址]: nvm安装   到这就没了,就那么如此简单两步,也不用弄什么环境,就可以直接用😂 常用命令 nvm install node //安装最新版 Node nvm // 会提示nvw下的相关命令 nvm list // 查看已安装node版本 nvm install vXX // 安装对应vXX版本的node 例如nvm install v10.1.16 nvm uninstall vXX

NPM and NODE command not found when using NVM

半世苍凉 提交于 2019-11-28 10:43:47
问题 Seen other questions, but I think they are not my case. I think the problem is over here, but I don't know how to solve it: I do have latest Node version installed (I followed the official github page instructions) > nvm install v7.3.0 v7.3.0 is already installed. Now using node v7.3.0 I check node and npm versions installed > which node ~/.nvm/versions/node/v7.3.0/bin/node > which npm ~/.nvm/versions/node/v7.3.0/bin/npm I check the PATH is right and it actually is > echo $PATH ~/.nvm

Error “Cannot find module 'npmlog'” after “npm update -g”

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-11-28 06:58:52
问题 I have NVM 0.30.1 and used it to install node.js v5.4.0 (with NPM 3.5.4) on Fedora 22. When I run npm update -g , I receive the following warnings: npm WARN EBUNDLEOVERRIDE Replacing bundled npm > init-package-json with new installed version npm WARN EBUNDLEOVERRIDE Replacing bundled npm > node-gyp with new installed version npm WARN EBUNDLEOVERRIDE Replacing bundled npm > npm-install-checks with new installed version npm WARN EBUNDLEOVERRIDE Replacing bundled npm > npmlog with new installed

Node installed but node cannot be found in Ubuntu VPS

雨燕双飞 提交于 2019-11-28 06:49:21
问题 I installed node via NVM. I installed node 0.10.32. using NVM 0.25.0 When I do node -v I get -bash: /root/.nvm/v0.10.32/bin/node: No such file or directory when I do npm v I get /root/.nvm/v0.10.32/bin/npm: 2: exec: /root/.nvm/v0.10.32/bin/node: not found All those directories exist and node executable is in it but they are reading as not found. Node seems to be installed but I am unable to use it. I am not sure how to fix this issue. Any ideas will be greatly appreciated 回答1: Check that your