
Value not found when retrieving from UserDefaults

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2020-08-10 18:52:47
问题 This is the exact error I get: valueNotFound(Foundation.Data, Swift.DecodingError.Context(codingPath: [_PlistKey(stringValue: "Index 0", intValue: 0), CodingKeys(stringValue: "wishData", intValue: nil), _PlistKey(stringValue: "Index 0", intValue: 0), CodingKeys(stringValue: "image", intValue: nil)], debugDescription: "Expected Data value but found null instead.", underlyingError: nil)) Details: I have two custom strcuts : Wishlist : struct Wishlist: Codable { var name: String var image:

Save dictionary to UserDefaults

戏子无情 提交于 2020-06-22 17:58:49
问题 I'm trying to store a dictionary in UserDefaults and always get app crash when the code runs. Here is the sample code which crashes the app when it is executed. I tried to cast it as NSDictionary or make it NSDictionary initially - got the same result. class CourseVC: UIViewController { let test = [1:"me"] override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() defaults.set(test, forKey: "dict1") } } 回答1: Dictionaries are Codable objects by default, you can use the following extensions to save them

iOS - Is saving to UserDefaults synchronous?

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2020-05-29 12:39:09
问题 Are operations on UserDefaults synchronous? For example does the second save wait for the first save to finish? UserDefaults.standard.set(myValue1, forKey: "myValue1") UserDefaults.standard.set(myValue2, forKey: "myValue2") 回答1: From apple's documentation: At runtime, you use UserDefaults objects to read the defaults that your app uses from a user’s defaults database. UserDefaults caches the information to avoid having to open the user’s defaults database each time you need a default value.

iOS - Is saving to UserDefaults synchronous?

空扰寡人 提交于 2020-05-29 12:36:21
问题 Are operations on UserDefaults synchronous? For example does the second save wait for the first save to finish? UserDefaults.standard.set(myValue1, forKey: "myValue1") UserDefaults.standard.set(myValue2, forKey: "myValue2") 回答1: From apple's documentation: At runtime, you use UserDefaults objects to read the defaults that your app uses from a user’s defaults database. UserDefaults caches the information to avoid having to open the user’s defaults database each time you need a default value.

Is there a protocol for all property-list objects?

和自甴很熟 提交于 2020-05-28 08:06:46
问题 By convention, each Cocoa and Core Foundation object listed in Table 2-1 is called a property-list object. So, does this protocol (known as PropertyListObject in the code below) exist, or do we need to make our own? If we do need to make our own, has someone made a definitive one? public protocol UserDefaults_Value_WrappedValue { associatedtype PropertyListObject: HM.PropertyListObject init?(propertyListObject: Any) var convertertedToPropertyListObject: PropertyListObject { get } } public

Is there a protocol for all property-list objects?

心不动则不痛 提交于 2020-05-28 08:06:39
问题 By convention, each Cocoa and Core Foundation object listed in Table 2-1 is called a property-list object. So, does this protocol (known as PropertyListObject in the code below) exist, or do we need to make our own? If we do need to make our own, has someone made a definitive one? public protocol UserDefaults_Value_WrappedValue { associatedtype PropertyListObject: HM.PropertyListObject init?(propertyListObject: Any) var convertertedToPropertyListObject: PropertyListObject { get } } public

Is there a protocol for all property-list objects?

安稳与你 提交于 2020-05-28 08:06:34
问题 By convention, each Cocoa and Core Foundation object listed in Table 2-1 is called a property-list object. So, does this protocol (known as PropertyListObject in the code below) exist, or do we need to make our own? If we do need to make our own, has someone made a definitive one? public protocol UserDefaults_Value_WrappedValue { associatedtype PropertyListObject: HM.PropertyListObject init?(propertyListObject: Any) var convertertedToPropertyListObject: PropertyListObject { get } } public

Is there a protocol for all property-list objects?

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2020-05-28 08:06:12
问题 By convention, each Cocoa and Core Foundation object listed in Table 2-1 is called a property-list object. So, does this protocol (known as PropertyListObject in the code below) exist, or do we need to make our own? If we do need to make our own, has someone made a definitive one? public protocol UserDefaults_Value_WrappedValue { associatedtype PropertyListObject: HM.PropertyListObject init?(propertyListObject: Any) var convertertedToPropertyListObject: PropertyListObject { get } } public

Is there a protocol for all property-list objects?

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2020-05-28 08:06:08
问题 By convention, each Cocoa and Core Foundation object listed in Table 2-1 is called a property-list object. So, does this protocol (known as PropertyListObject in the code below) exist, or do we need to make our own? If we do need to make our own, has someone made a definitive one? public protocol UserDefaults_Value_WrappedValue { associatedtype PropertyListObject: HM.PropertyListObject init?(propertyListObject: Any) var convertertedToPropertyListObject: PropertyListObject { get } } public