
Replacing Multiple Different Occurences with Multiple Different Replacements - Swift4.2

三世轮回 提交于 2020-12-21 03:58:12
问题 Trying to find the exact format for doing this. I have a textField user input, I want to take that input and find multiple occurrences and replace each unique occurrence with a different unique character respectively. i.e. : replace " example " with " 1328571 " This is my code I currently have (currently is just set up for a single replacement so it doesn't work), formatted in the way that might help to explain what I'm trying to accomplish: let monoText: String = textInput.text! let

NumberFormatter wrong result for 0.9972

前提是你 提交于 2020-04-19 05:43:18
问题 I have a double: let value = 0.99720317490866084 And a Double extention function: extension Double { func stringWithFixedFractionDigits(min: Int, max: Int) -> String { let formatter = NumberFormatter() formatter.minimumFractionDigits = min formatter.maximumFractionDigits = max formatter.minimumIntegerDigits = 1 let numberObject = NSNumber(value: self) return formatter.string(from: numberObject) ?? "\(self)" } } If I use: value.stringWithFixedFractionDigits(min: 2, max: 2) I get 1.00 but I

Remove last character of NSString

元气小坏坏 提交于 2020-04-07 11:08:47
问题 I've got some trouble 'ere trying to remove the last character of an NSString. I'm kinda newbie in Objective-C and I have no idea how to make this work. Could you guys light me up? 回答1: NSString *newString = [oldString substringToIndex:[oldString length]-1]; Always refer to the documentation: substringToIndex: length To include code relevant to your case: NSString *str = textField.text; NSString *truncatedString = [str substringToIndex:[str length]-1]; 回答2: Try this: s = [s substringToIndex:

Remove last character of NSString

末鹿安然 提交于 2020-04-07 11:08:07
问题 I've got some trouble 'ere trying to remove the last character of an NSString. I'm kinda newbie in Objective-C and I have no idea how to make this work. Could you guys light me up? 回答1: NSString *newString = [oldString substringToIndex:[oldString length]-1]; Always refer to the documentation: substringToIndex: length To include code relevant to your case: NSString *str = textField.text; NSString *truncatedString = [str substringToIndex:[str length]-1]; 回答2: Try this: s = [s substringToIndex:


心不动则不痛 提交于 2020-04-07 09:00:29
前言   上一篇已经介绍了核心动画在UI渲染中的位置和基本概念,但是没有具体介绍CAAnimation子类的用法,本文将介绍CABasicAnimation及其子类CASpringAnimation的用法和一些注意事项。 一、CABasicAnimation 1.什么是CABasicAnimation   CABasicAnimation是核心动画类簇中的一个类,其父类是CAPropertyAnimation,其子类是CASpringAnimation,它的祖父是CAAnimation。它主要用于制作比较单一的动画,例如,平移、缩放、旋转、颜色渐变、边框的值的变化等,也就是将layer的某个属性值从一个值到另一个值的变化。类似x -> y这种变化,然而对于x -> y -> z甚至更多的变化是不行的。 2.常用属性   @property(nullable, strong) id fromValue;   @property(nullable, strong) id toValue;   @property(nullable, strong) id byValue;   很明显,fromvalue表示初始状态,tovalue表示最终状态,byvalue是在fromvalue的基础上发生的变化,这个可以慢慢测试,主要还是from和to。 3.实例化方法   +


北慕城南 提交于 2020-04-07 01:19:48
属性: //设置右边的指示样式cell.accessoryType = UITableViewCellAccessoryDisclosureIndicator;//设置右边的指示控件 cell.accessoryView = [[UISwitch alloc] init];//设置cell的选中样式 cell.selectionStyle = UITableViewCellSelectionStyleNone;//设置背景色 cell.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor];//设置背景viewUIView *bg = [[UIView alloc] init]; bg.backgroundColor = [UIColor blueColor]; cell.backgroundView = bg;//设置选中的背景view UIView *selectedBg = [[UIView alloc] init]; selectedBg.backgroundColor = [UIColor purpleColor]; cell.selectedBackgroundView = selectedBg; 性能优化:   思路:当滚动列表时,部分UITableViewCell会移出窗口

Objective-C ---NSString(梳理整理)

限于喜欢 提交于 2020-04-06 20:21:16
NSString 创建方式: (对象方法(对应类方法)) 1. 针对不可变字符串: = @" "; 2.通过一个字符串创建 initWithString(stringWithString) 3 .通过格式化创建 initWithFormat(stringWithFormat) 常用属性 1.length 常用对象方法 1.取值(doubleValue,floatValue,intValue,integerValue) 2.大小写转化(uppercaseString,lowercaseString,capitalizedString) 3.拼接stringByAppendingString,Format,PathComponent 4.判断前后缀hasSuffix,hasPrefix 5.取字符串的内容substringFromIndex,substringToIndex,substringWithRange,characterIndex 字符串之间的交互: 6.比较大小(英文字典后面的大)compare __ options:__ 7.是否相等:isEqualToString 8.查找 rangeOfString__ options:__ 和其他类交互 1.字符串的分割与拼接(转化成数组) componentsSeparatedByString


前提是你 提交于 2020-04-04 20:30:24
1.iOS 集成流程 主要按照官方文档设置即可: 1:关于openssl/asn.h file not found的问题 可能会遇到这个问题: #include <openssl/asn.h> 找不到 也就是路径没有引入 解决方法如下: 在xcode 的build setting --> header searchPaths里 添加支付宝openssl/asn.h的文件路径 格式: $(PROJECT_DIR)/文件夹路径(可以直接选中openssl,show in finder),注意:路径为OpenSSL上层文件夹 支付宝配置文件:libcrypto.a libssl.a openssl util 四个文件,一个都不能少 2.支付宝sdk使用流程 第一步:需要服务器端配置,步骤如下: /* 步骤: 1.设置商品信息 2.将商品信息按要求拼接成字符串 3.用私钥将商品信息签名 . 4.将加签成功后的字符串格式化成订单字符串,返回给客户端 5.客户端获取后台返回的订单字符串,调用支付宝支付接口发起支付请求 6.处理支付宝返回的支付结果 前4步需要在服务端进行处理,客户端只需获取字符串调用支付接口发送支付请求 */ //生成订单信息及签名 //将商品信息赋予AlixPayOrder的成员变量 Order* order = [Order new]; // NOTE: app_id设置