

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2021-02-10 10:00:09
一个很难受的问题 朋友,你们逛全球最大的同性交友网站 Github 的时候,是否遇到过这个问题? 图片都无法显示了。这是什么情况?我已经遇到过好几次了,之前没时间管它,不过一直这样也不是办法啊,太难受了😒!今天我来探探究竟。 一探究竟 猜测:难道是缓存问题? 于是我使用组合键 ctrl + f5 强制刷新了一下网页,发现不起作用。我又打开 f12 ,强制清除缓存: 还是不行,图片依旧无法显示。 但是我打开 f12 后注意到一个问题,console里面一片红色: 看这样子应该是因为网络问题,加载图片资源失败了。 考虑到github是国外的网站,难道是被墙了? 应该不是,除了图片之外的代码和文档都可以访问,我猜测应该是图片服务器访问失败了。 于是我定位到图片的地址,看看这些图片是从哪个服务器请求的。 使用这个小箭头点击网页上图片的位置,可以看到源码: 然后我看到一个头像的图片地址是: 新打开一个窗口访问下这个地址: 哦豁,果然不出所料,无法访问。 域名映射IP 那么问题出在哪里呢?我打开百度一顿搜索,找到了答案: 这位网友说出现这个问题,一般有三种情况: dns污染 host设置错误 官方更新了dns,但是dns缓存没有被更新,导致错误解析。 OK,知道问题的原因


两盒软妹~` 提交于 2021-02-07 12:18:18
一、首先我们需要找到vs2019的文件夹所在位置,具体方法如下; 1、找到桌面上vs2019的图标,鼠标右键单击它,点击属性 2、点开之后找到“起始位置” 3、就是我们要找的文件夹的位置了 二、其次我们需要打开刚才找到的文件夹(此文件夹名称位IDE,但并不是每个人的这个文件夹都叫IDE),找到一个名叫“VC"的子文件夹 三、双击点开之后,找到一个名叫”vcprojectitems"的文件夹,双击点开 四、点开之后我们会看到有一个文件名叫"newc++file.cpp",这就是我们要找的文件 需要注意的是:我们在第一步寻找“起始位置”文件夹IDE的时候,这个文件夹的上上一个母文件夹(名叫“Community")中也有一个文件夹名称为VC(此VC非彼VC)。 使用vs2019的朋友们请先我上面介绍的步骤找到文件"newc++file.cpp",如果找不到可以来这个VC文件夹里来找(点开此文件夹然后重复第三步及其之后的操作),看看能不能找到文件"newc++file.cpp";使用vs2010或者vs2013的朋友们可以先来这个VC文件夹里找找(点开此文件夹然后重复第三步及其之后的操作),使用vs2017的朋友您随意(我没试过,不太清楚)。另外,安装多个版本的vs的时候需要从低版本到高版本安装,否则会安装不起来。 五、好了,现在我们需要打开文件"newc++file.cpp" 1

Unable to configure Notepad++ DBGP plugin. Xdebug already installed

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2021-02-07 11:27:35
问题 I have installed xdebug on PHP but now I can't make the notepad++ DBGp plugin work. I have latest wamp version on Win7 and the wwww folder is on partition: d:\www . I have coded a test file test.php : <?php $test = "3"; echo $test; ?> And I have tried opening it in web browser using this link : http://localhost/test.php?XDEBUG_SESSION_START=test But the DBGp won't connect. I tried with and without IDE_Key . I have gone through the documentation many times but was unable to find/solve the

Regular Expression - Add a character before/after each word

纵饮孤独 提交于 2021-02-07 09:11:00
问题 Using Notepad++ and replace function, I tried to add a symbol " + " or " [ " before each word of my list. Example of list : blue car red car big red car small green car big green car small I'm looking for the following result : +blue +car +red +car +small +red +car +big .. etc I know how to add a character befor each line... but I cannot find the way to add it in front of every word without using replace " blue " to " +blue ". 回答1: A cross platform solution should be Search : \b\w+\b (or \b[[

Regular Expression - Add a character before/after each word

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2021-02-07 09:09:03
问题 Using Notepad++ and replace function, I tried to add a symbol " + " or " [ " before each word of my list. Example of list : blue car red car big red car small green car big green car small I'm looking for the following result : +blue +car +red +car +small +red +car +big .. etc I know how to add a character befor each line... but I cannot find the way to add it in front of every word without using replace " blue " to " +blue ". 回答1: A cross platform solution should be Search : \b\w+\b (or \b[[

Notepad++ deleting lines containing duplicate words

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2021-02-07 03:41:20
问题 I have a .txt document which consists of one word followed up with a date in one line, and so on in each line. How can Notepad++ recognize same words in different lines and delete duplicate lines? 回答1: Assuming the dates can be different for the same occurrence of the same word and you want to keep the one that appears first in the file then this should work (make sure your file end with a new line for this): Go to the "Replace" dialog (you can do Ctrl + F and go to replace tab). In the

Notepad++ deleting lines containing duplicate words

荒凉一梦 提交于 2021-02-07 03:34:40
问题 I have a .txt document which consists of one word followed up with a date in one line, and so on in each line. How can Notepad++ recognize same words in different lines and delete duplicate lines? 回答1: Assuming the dates can be different for the same occurrence of the same word and you want to keep the one that appears first in the file then this should work (make sure your file end with a new line for this): Go to the "Replace" dialog (you can do Ctrl + F and go to replace tab). In the

Notepad++ deleting lines containing duplicate words

久未见 提交于 2021-02-07 03:32:40
问题 I have a .txt document which consists of one word followed up with a date in one line, and so on in each line. How can Notepad++ recognize same words in different lines and delete duplicate lines? 回答1: Assuming the dates can be different for the same occurrence of the same word and you want to keep the one that appears first in the file then this should work (make sure your file end with a new line for this): Go to the "Replace" dialog (you can do Ctrl + F and go to replace tab). In the

Notepad++ deleting lines containing duplicate words

三世轮回 提交于 2021-02-07 03:32:10
问题 I have a .txt document which consists of one word followed up with a date in one line, and so on in each line. How can Notepad++ recognize same words in different lines and delete duplicate lines? 回答1: Assuming the dates can be different for the same occurrence of the same word and you want to keep the one that appears first in the file then this should work (make sure your file end with a new line for this): Go to the "Replace" dialog (you can do Ctrl + F and go to replace tab). In the

Keyboard shortcut to navigate Back Forward in Notepad++

元气小坏坏 提交于 2021-02-05 20:48:08
问题 In Eclipse, we can use Alt + Left to navigate Back, and Alt + Right to navigate Forward. Is this shortcut available in Notepad++? If no, can it be installed using plugins? 回答1: The plug-in SourceCookifier comes with a navigation history, but it only remembers the jumps between symbols. Navigate Backward (Alt + Left) Navigate Forward (Alt + Right) Then there's the plug-in LocationNav, which promises to do what you're after, but I didn't try it myself, yet. ..Can use shortcut (ctrl + - for back