
Python Markdown nl2br extension

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2021-02-08 03:49:37
问题 I'm a beginner programmer, and i've been trying to use the python markdown library in my web app. everything works fine, except the nl2br extension. when i try to convert text file to html using md.convert(text), it doesn't see to convert newlines to <br> . for example, before i convert, the text is: Puerto Rico =========== ------------------------------ ### Game Rules hello world! after i convert, i get: <h1>Puerto Rico</h1> <hr /> <h3>Game Rules</h3> <p>hello world!</p> My understanding is

Python Markdown nl2br extension

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2021-02-08 03:48:51
问题 I'm a beginner programmer, and i've been trying to use the python markdown library in my web app. everything works fine, except the nl2br extension. when i try to convert text file to html using md.convert(text), it doesn't see to convert newlines to <br> . for example, before i convert, the text is: Puerto Rico =========== ------------------------------ ### Game Rules hello world! after i convert, i get: <h1>Puerto Rico</h1> <hr /> <h3>Game Rules</h3> <p>hello world!</p> My understanding is

nl2br() not working when displaying SQL results

廉价感情. 提交于 2020-01-05 08:39:33
问题 On my Joomla module, we are using the following code to get shouts from the database function getShouts($number, $timezone, $message) { $shouts = array(); $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $query = $db->getQuery(true); $query->select('*') ->from('#__shoutbox') ->order('id DESC'); $db->setQuery($query , 0 , $number); $rows = $db->loadObjectList(); $i=0; foreach ( $rows as $row ) { $shouts[$i]->id = $row->id; $shouts[$i]->name = $row->name; $shouts[$i]->msg = $row->msg; $i++; } return $shouts; } and

How do I use nl2br() in Laravel 5 Blade

核能气质少年 提交于 2019-12-31 11:37:09
问题 So I want to keep linebreaks from the database while using the Blade Template Engine. I came up on the idea using {!! nl2br(e($task->text)) !!} It works. But it looks like a needlessly complicated solution. Is there a better way? 回答1: You can define your own "echo format" that will be used with the regular content tags {{ ... }} . The default format is e(%s) ( sprintf is used to apply the formatting) To change that format call setEchoFormat() inside a service provider: public function boot(){

Newline Conversion in Submitted Text in PHP

可紊 提交于 2019-12-31 00:50:13
问题 I have a system set up for users to submit their articles into my database. Since it will just be HTML, I don't want to expect them to know to type <br /> every time there's a newline, so I am using the PHP function nl2br() on the input. I'm also providing an article modification tool, which will bring their articles back into the form (this is a different page, however) and allow them to edit it. In doing this, the <br /> elements were appearing also (with newlines still). To remedy the

nl2br() in textarea with BBCode and HTML code

元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-12-25 14:32:14
问题 I have a textarea where an user can use both BBCode and HTML code in order to insert news in database. When I want to show this news in site, PHP script convert BBCode to HTML entities and convert news content (get from database) in HTML standard preserving HTML tags. The problem is when I want to convert newline to <br /> tag with nl2br() function, because <br /> is added after HTML tags too, for example: <li>Some text</li><br /> or <table><br /> <tr><br /> etc. Is there a way to avoid this

nl2br() in textarea with BBCode and HTML code

大憨熊 提交于 2019-12-25 14:31:14
问题 I have a textarea where an user can use both BBCode and HTML code in order to insert news in database. When I want to show this news in site, PHP script convert BBCode to HTML entities and convert news content (get from database) in HTML standard preserving HTML tags. The problem is when I want to convert newline to <br /> tag with nl2br() function, because <br /> is added after HTML tags too, for example: <li>Some text</li><br /> or <table><br /> <tr><br /> etc. Is there a way to avoid this

Laravel 4.2 br tags to nl in textarea makes double tags

旧时模样 提交于 2019-12-24 08:04:06
问题 so i have this problem with Laravel 4.2, that i have a textarea for updating the user profiles "about me", if i take it down from the database it works fine, i tried to do nl2br and hide the br tags, sort of worked aswell, problem is, when i write from scratch and make text like: "hello welcome to my profile" it looks fine on the page it's extracted to, however, if i enter my profile editing page again, it will display with twice the space as such: "hello welcome to my profile" i'm not

outputting \r\n after text is decoded - PHP

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2019-12-24 06:41:57
问题 I am building an application where users can enter a note into a textarea. The note is then encoded when entered into the database. When I decode the returned value, the nl2br function isn't working. It isn't replacing the \r\n with the br tag. When not encoding/decoding text, it works. I am using the following code to encode/decode my information: If I enter into a textarea: Hello World It encodes it, and then returns when decoded Hello\r\nWorld.

Double line breaks with 'pre' tag and 'nl2br'

心不动则不痛 提交于 2019-12-24 03:19:16
问题 I used nl2br function for pre tags, but I've encountered a strange problem: there are 2 line breaks but there's only one <br /> tag. For example: code in line 1<br /> code in line 2<br /> Displays as: code in line 1 code in line 2 instead of: code in line 1 code in line 2 回答1: Wrapping text in a <pre> tag will force it to be displayed as written: including spaces, tabs and new lines. Therefore the carriage return will create a new line AND the <br /> will create a second new line. 回答2: preg