
Cannot verify facebook messenger webhook, curl_errno = 28

陌路散爱 提交于 2019-12-10 11:56:20
问题 i want to configure webhook for facebook application.during the development process i was using ngrock, which was working perfectly, today i cann't establish connection. Address is , which works and returns ok i try to add webhook to the facebook application , getting error like this The URL couldn't be validated. Callback verification failed with the following errors: curl_errno = 28; curl_error = Operation timed out after 6001


不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-09 18:32:12
一、微信公众平台消息管理接口介绍   要实现微信公众号的普通消息的接收和回复,我们需要先熟悉微信公众平台API中消息接口部分, 点此进入 ,点击后将进入到【消息管理】部分,如下图所示:      对于普通消息的接收和回复我们只需要关注上图中的"接收消息——接收普通消息"和"发送消息——被动回复消息" 1.1、消息接收   先来说说接收消息, 当普通微信用户向公众账号发消息时,微信服务器会先接收到用户发送的消息,然后将用户消息按照指定的XML格式组装好数据,最后POST消息的XML数据包到开发者填写的URL上。   接收到的普通消息的消息类型目前有以下几种:   1 文本消息   2 图片消息   3 语音消息   4 视频消息   5 小视频消息   6 地理位置消息   7 链接消息   每一种消息类型都有其指定的XML数据格式,这7种消息的xml格式请到 官方文档 查看,有具体的格式定义和属性说明。格式很简单,基本 共有属性包括ToUserName、FromUserName、CreateTime、MsgType、MsgId ,并且每种类型有自己特殊的属性。    接收消息的过程其实就是获取post请求的这个xml,然后对这个xml进行分析的过程 。post请求的入口还是之前提到的微信公众号接入的那个地址,整个公众号的所有请求都会走这个入口,只是接入时是get请求


元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-12-09 18:09:47
目前移动开发处于比较火的的趋势,很多的开发者都跃跃欲试,目前移动App开发领域主要分为以下几种类型      我在平时的工作中接触得比较多的就是基于Android的Native App开发和基于微信公众号的Light App开发,今天就来带领大家快速进入微信公众号的开发领域. 一、微信开发环境搭建    工欲善其事,必先利其器。要做微信公众号开发,那么要先准备好两样必不可少的东西:   1、要有一个用来 测试的公众号。   2、用来 调式代码的开发环境 。 1.1、注册测试公众号   微信公众号分为服务号、订阅号、企业号,订阅号可以个人申请,服务号和企业号要有企业资质才可以。      我们所说的微信公众号开发指的是订阅号和服务号。   关于订阅号和服务器的区别,官方是这样解释的   服务号 :主要偏向于服务交互(功能类似12315,114,银行,提供绑定信息,服务交互),每月可群发4条消息;服务号 适用人群: 媒体、企业、政府或其他组织。   订阅号 :主要偏向于为用户传达资讯,(功能类似报纸杂志,为用户提供新闻信息或娱乐趣事),每天可群发1条消息;订阅号 适用人群 :个人、媒体、企业、政府或其他组织。   个人订阅号有一些接口是没有权限的,也就是说个人订阅号无法调用一些高级的权限接口,下图就是一个我的个人订阅号所具备权限列表,如下图所示:      而一些高级接口,如生成二维码

How to restore specific data from previous backup on Postgres Heroku? (Eg. Accidentally deleted rows)

半腔热情 提交于 2019-12-09 17:59:02
问题 Here's the situation : With Heroku & Postgres, you can have automatically generated backups dump file. But what can you do with it? Dump it on your database, if you want to fully go back to the backup state Dump it locally to "have a look", or to use production data in development environment Set back specific rows of your database in a previous state (eg. restore accidentally deleted rows) I found myself so much struggling about latter point that I wanted to share how I have done it. How to

Laravel and ngrok: url domain is not correct for routes and assets

别来无恙 提交于 2019-12-09 11:20:24
问题 My setup: Homestead on Mac OSX with multiple sites configured I have one site setup using domfit.test as the local domain (auto mapped using hostsupdater) My problem: If I vagrant ssh , and then share domfit.test I get a random generated ngrok url as you'd expect (, however when I access this URL all my resources / routes are being prefixed with http://domfit.test/ (http://domfit.test/login for instance) I've tried the following: Setting APP_URL as the ngrok URL php

How to get the real client ip for a request when tunneling with ngrok

偶尔善良 提交于 2019-12-08 19:11:57
问题 How can I make sure that the client IP address is forwarded by ngrok? My test code keeps insisting that all the requests are coming from because of ngrok but i want to log the actual client IP instead. Load balancers usually set a header in X-Forwarded-For or x-real-ip but I'm not sure what the process for ngrok is ... console.log('req.headers[\'x-real-ip\']', req.headers['x-real-ip']); console.log('req.headers[\'X-Forwarded-For\']', req.headers['X-Forwarded-For']); console.log('req

Ngrok not passing my post request on to localhost

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-12-07 06:47:37
问题 I'm trying to set up a webhook for Stripe and I've created a controller, according to the Stripe doc , to do it in ASP.Net MVC running in a virtual machine (maybe that changes things?). I've been testing the action in the controller to see if I can receive posts, so I'm using Postman to send my localhost posts requests which are working. But now I need to use Ngrok to give my localhost a url so that Stripe can use it. I'm running ngrok and passing in these parameters to run ngrok http -host


ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2019-12-05 22:36:50
什么是持续集成( Continuous integration ) 提出者Martin Fowler本人对持续集成是这样定义的:持续集成是一种软件开发实践,即团队开发成员经常集成他们的工作,通常每个成员每天至少集成一次,也就意味着每天可能会发生多次集成。每次集成都通过自动化的构建(包括编译,发布,自动化测试)来验证,从而尽快地发现集成错误。许多团队发现这个过程可以大大减少集成的问题,让团队能够更快的开发内聚的软件。 随着软件开发复杂度的不断提高,团队开发成员间如何更好地协同工作以确保软件开发的质量已经慢慢成为开发过程中不可回避的问题。尤其是敏捷开发(Agile) 在软件工程领域越来越红火,如何能再不断变化的需求中快速适应和保证软件的质量也显得尤其的重要。 持续集成正是针对这一类问题的一种软件开发实践。 持续集成的核心价值在于: 减少风险,减少重复过程 任何时间、任何地点生成可部署的软件 增强项目的可见性 建立团队对开发产品的信心 持续集成的原则 所有的开发人员需要在本地机器上做本地构建,然后再提交的版本控制库中,从而确保他们的变更不会导致持续集成失败。 开发人员每天至少向版本控制库中提交一次代码。 开发人员每天至少需要从版本控制库中更新一次代码到本地机器。 需要有专门的集成服务器来执行集成构建,每天要执行多次构建。 每次构建都要100%通过。 每次构建都可以生成可发布的产品。

Testing PayPal with Rails

孤街浪徒 提交于 2019-12-05 02:10:29
I need to test a new PayPal integration with my application. I use PayPal sandbox in development env. In order to test the entire interface, I figured out that ngrok might solve the problem of messages from PayPal. I installed ngrok using apt-get install ngrok-client on my new Ubuntu 16.04 instalation. When I try to run it ( ngrok 3000 , ngrok 80 ) I get the following error: Invalid address server_addr '': lookup no such host Any idea? Any other solution to test PayPal integration? ==================== EDIT ================== Very important - if youi use

Alexa Skill Development using flask-ask and ngrok

烈酒焚心 提交于 2019-12-04 19:17:34
问题 I'm trying to begin developing a skill for alexa using flask-ask and ngrok in python. Following is my code: from flask import Flask from flask_ask import Ask, statement, question, session import json import requests import time import unidecode app = Flask(__name__) ask = Ask(app, "/reddit_reader") def get_headlines(): titles = 'is this working' return titles @app.route('/') def homepage(): return "hi there, how ya doin?" @ask.launch def start_skill(): welcome_message = 'Hello there, would