
ng-if showing both elements during asynchronous call [duplicate]

China☆狼群 提交于 2019-12-11 15:26:20
问题 This question already has answers here : Show spinner GIF during an $http request in AngularJS? (26 answers) Closed 8 months ago . Using: v1.3.15 I understand what the coder was trying to accomplish by using two select menus for this. However, because the data being loaded in the select box is the result of an api call, there is a delay, so both select menus are displaying until the data has been retrieved. Is there a way to show the "searching" message option using a single select element

Nested Dropdown- ng-options inside ng-repeat in angularjs

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2019-12-11 13:27:50
问题 I wants to catch parent name and id on child selection. Output should be: $scope.selected = [{"name": "Request1", "id":1, "status":[{"name":"status1","isSelected":true}, {"name":"status2","isSelected":false}] }] Able to get selected child but respective parent not getting. // Code goes here var app = angular.module('demo', []); app.controller('myController', function($scope){ $scope.requests=[{"name": "Request1", "id":1}, {"name": "Request2", "id":2},{"name": "Request3", "id":3} ]; $scope

Double loop to get Ng-options

痴心易碎 提交于 2019-12-11 13:23:44
问题 I want to get all the tasks name as task id, where array of tasks are stored in array of groups. I am trying to get it in ng-options directive of angularJS. Here is link for quick edit. thanks in advance! I know in single array it is task.Id as task.Name for task in Tasks but my tasks are nested in groups so I need tasks in all group. $scope.Groups = [{ Name: 'a1', Id: 1, Tasks:[{Name: 'Some Name' Id: 1},{Name: 'Some Name 2' Id: 2}] }, { Name: 'c2', Id: 2, Tasks:

Link two select boxes using angular js

橙三吉。 提交于 2019-12-11 12:20:16
问题 I want to link two select boxes , with change in one will change other. Following is my code { "Maths": [ { "code": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "sex": "M" } ], "English": [ { "code": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "sex": "M" }, { "code": "John1", "lastName": "Doe1", "sex": "M1" }, { "code": "John" } ] } In the given code first dropdown should show only -English,Maths while other will show -lastName based on item chosen, so if English is chosen in select box-1 then select box-2 option key= John1

angular ng-options with preselected value by object id

佐手、 提交于 2019-12-11 11:12:12
问题 Is there a way the following select can have a pre-selected club ? <select ng-model="c.pilot.clubIdx" ng-options="club.idx as for club in c.clubs track by club.idx"> c.pilot.clubIdx = 2 c.clubs = { {idx: 1, name: "club1"}, {idx: 2, name: "club2"} } The select-menu should show "club2". Since the clubs are stored in a db and can be altered, I like to keep them only as references on the pilots . SOLVED: removing track by solves the problem. 回答1: in the controller set the ng-model of

How to create a directive that provides values for ng-options?

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2019-12-11 11:07:52
问题 I've got select elements that have the same options across the whole app, but may look a bit differently, e.g. selects for user's birthday (day, month, year). Is there a way to create a directive that would provide values/expression for ng-options ? E.g. <select my-options-months></select> , where my-options-months would automatically create options with values 1..12 using ng-options directive. 回答1: Updated answer Your directive would like this: var myapp = angular.module('myapp', []); myapp

AngularJS ng-option get index

只愿长相守 提交于 2019-12-11 00:30:02
问题 I'm making a playlist option in the project I'm working on and I'm trying to get a dropdown for all the videos in the list. which is easy <select ng-options="vid.Id for vid in playList.Videos track by video.Id" ng-model="selected" class="browser-default"></select> but this shows a drop down of the Id's, but now I want it to show the position in the list +1; So when playing video 5/15 the drop down should show 1 to 15 (so not 0 to 14) and 5 should be selected. any idea on how to accomplish

Angular Filters: How to pre-filter so angular filters consider only a partial of the whole data object

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2019-12-10 21:56:51
问题 I got a large data table (which gets its data from a json api) with multiple columns and would like to implement multiple filters doing the following: an option to select which data-column should be considered (a dropdown containing the thead option) [my columnFilter] and then an input field to filter that particular data-partial [my searchFilter] I've got the searchFilter working, but I'm not sure how to connect the columnFilter and make the searchFilter only apply to the selected data


和自甴很熟 提交于 2019-12-10 12:04:53
一丶页面中的指令“” 指令 可根据true或者false来决定显示不现实该标签体内容 当循环的集合中的元素为map对象时,应当书写为 (key,value) in “angular变量集合名”"1" ng-false-value="0" 一般用于复选框,选中值为1否则为0 ,搭配ng-model=“”使用,可将其复制0或1“ as for item in list”性可以在表达式中使用数组或对象来自动生成一个select中的option列表。ng-options与ng-repeat很相似,很多时候可以用ng-repeat来代替ng-options。     但是ng-options提供了一些好处,例如减少内存提高速度,以及提供选择框的选项来让用户选择。 一般用于select中指令用于显示html内容 例如:<div class="attr" ng-bind-html="item.title | trustHtml"></div> ,搭配$sce服务,写出的过滤器trustHtml进行使用   6. ng-checked=“” 指令控制复选框的勾选状态

Dynamically create multiple dropdowns angularjs from a single JSON file

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2019-12-10 11:35:50
问题 I have a list of categoryTypes and each categoryType has a list of categories within them and i am displaying them in a dropdown which the user can select multiple items from and the choices made will filter what apps are shown in the view (this is an inhouse appstore) This is the JSON file im working with. [{"type":"category","id":1181,"categoryType":{"id":1180,"name":"Technology"},"name":"Spotfire"},{"type":"category","id":1182,"categoryType":{"id":1180,"name":"Technology"},"name":"PipelinP