Fast Gaussian blur on unsigned char image- ARM Neon Intrinsics- iOS Dev
Can someone tell me a fast function to find the gaussian blur of an image using a 5x5 mask. I need it for iOS app dev. I am working directly on the memory of the image defined as unsigned char *image_sqr_Baseaaddr = (unsigned char *) malloc(noOfPixels); for (row = 2; row < H-2; row++) { for (col = 2; col < W-2; col++) { newPixel = 0; for (rowOffset=-2; rowOffset<=2; rowOffset++) { for (colOffset=-2; colOffset<=2; colOffset++) { rowTotal = row + rowOffset; colTotal = col + colOffset; iOffset = (unsigned long)(rowTotal*W + colTotal); newPixel += (*(imgData + iOffset)) * gaussianMask[2 +