

北城以北 提交于 2020-08-10 15:44:09
如今,黑暗模式是Web,桌面和移动应用程序中经常需要使用的功能。 通过增加可定制的界面来提高开发者对UI库的使用体验是非常重要的,可以带动很多开发者使用特定的UI库。 以下是一些支持暗模式的已知UI库。 Material UI React JS的Material Design UI框架在GitHub上拥有超过57,000个星标,具有简单,面向开发人员和可扩展的主题功能。它基于著名的CSS-in-JS,使开发人员可以在与同一基本概念相关的三种不同样式API之间进行选择。 任何熟悉Material UI的开发人员都可以证明其主题和调色板管理功能是生态系统中最好的。 根据主题化文档,我们可以很容易地在基本material UI应用程序上添加暗色主题。 此外,当我们访问文档时,我们可以切换明/暗模式和切换调色板,以帮助可视化所有提供的素材组件与不同的主题。 Vuetify Vuetify在GitHub上拥有25k颗星,是Vue中非常流行的UI框架。 它非常有名,因为它充分利用了Vue API。在Vuetify上,主题系统构建得非常好。给你的web应用一个黑暗主题是非常容易的。 Vuetify支持Material Design规范的浅色和深色版本。 这种指定从根程序组件 v-app 开始,并得到大多数组件的支持。默认情况下,你的应用程序将使用浅色主题

Nebular Auth Angular Validation

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2020-06-16 17:56:47
问题 I use Nebular to create login form. But the form of Nebular using email validation. I want to disable email validation because my website using username . 回答1: I don't believe there is an easy configuration option to change the user properties of the login form. If you look at the source of the login form you can see the user is just an object of type any . This mean you can extend the NbLoginComponent and change the [(ngModel)] binding for the email field to username . (see below for a

Angular 8: Stripe elements nested inside Nebular Components

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2020-04-30 06:49:50
问题 Problem: I'm running into an issue where I am unable to tokenize the credit card information posted inside of the card stripe element I am mounting to my component. I am currently using the Nebular stepper component ( and have a nested child component with the following ts code: public async fetchCardInput(): Promise<any> { let address: Address = this.ccAddress.fetchAddressData(); let name = this

Validation of form layouts in ngx-admin angular project

和自甴很熟 提交于 2020-04-17 18:43:34
问题 With the help of forms of ngx-admin/forms/form layout. I made my own form. Now I want to apply validation to the form and send data to firebase. I tried using formgroup, ngmodel. Nothing works. Help me out. This is the link for formlayout - I had downloaded the template from here - <nb-card> <nb-card-header>Appointment form</nb-card-header> <nb-card-body> <form class="form-horizontal"> <div class="row">

Angular & ng2-smart-table: Multi selectmode checkbox disable

百般思念 提交于 2019-12-13 03:32:56
问题 I'm using ng2-smart-table to display some data, i've set the selectMode to 'multi' in order to have checkboxes on the left side. In the data i have an array of objects which come with a property "set" which is a boolean and can either be true or false, how do i disable the checkbox if the set property is true? Is there a way to do this? I've already tried making a new renderComponent etc but then i lose the selectAll functionality plus with a renderComponent the selectRow works different.