
NEAT Error - AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'connections'

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2021-01-28 22:03:11
问题 I'm currently trying to create a NEAT algorithm to solve FlappyBird but am coming across an error while running my code (see title). Currently I have set up my run function and my eval_genomes functions. I've simplified them to remove the pygame stuff and tried to keep it just to the neat-python relevant bits. I know there are ways I could make this better, but I can someone help in finding how to solve the error I'm seeing below. The error seems to stem from the neat-python module, but I've

NEAT Error - AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'connections'

大憨熊 提交于 2021-01-28 21:53:32
问题 I'm currently trying to create a NEAT algorithm to solve FlappyBird but am coming across an error while running my code (see title). Currently I have set up my run function and my eval_genomes functions. I've simplified them to remove the pygame stuff and tried to keep it just to the neat-python relevant bits. I know there are ways I could make this better, but I can someone help in finding how to solve the error I'm seeing below. The error seems to stem from the neat-python module, but I've


拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2021-01-28 17:44:19
外部因素:优化场景之外的所有内容 优化内部设置和3D场景的复杂性只是方程式的一部分。 有时,您的场景已经进行了充分的优化,或者您根本无法对场景进行任何更改,因为您只负责 渲染 ,也可以不冒险对场景进行深入的更改而没有进行任何更改被批准。 您可以做很多事情来加快渲染速度,这些事情可以在3D场景之外进行控制,尽管有时以下选项确实需要在场景中进行一些小准备,然后才能发挥其全部潜力: 渲染通道和合成 让我们从渲染通道开始。我们都在某种程度上使用了它们,我们在本文的AOV部分中很快介绍了它们,因为它们确实有时会降低性能。 但是,通常,使用renderpass可以节省更多时间(如果使用正确)。 渲染通道不仅仅用于输出一些额外的图像信息,例如深度或对象或拼图遮罩。 正确使用时,可以将它们与comp组合使用。 Render Engine的Beauty Pass是默认输出的标准最终RGBA图像,它是内部由多个Renderpass组成的图像,例如Diffuse Pass,GI Pass,Light Pass,Shadow Pass,AO Pass,反射,折射…… 可以将这些通行证相加或相乘,以重制最终的通行证。 您可能已经猜到了:将其与一些Puzzle或Crypto-Mattes结合使用可以选择您的单个对象,并且您拥有一个非常强大的工具来更改comp的场景,而无需在其中重新渲染另一帧。您拍摄的3D软件


▼魔方 西西 提交于 2020-12-24 08:28:12
1. 分级标题,任务列表 1.1 分级标题 # 一级标题 ## 二级标题 ### 三级标题 #### 四级标题 ##### 五级标题 ###### 六级标题 1.2 任务列表 [ ] 未完成任务 [x] 已完成任务 - [ ] 未完成任务列表 - [x] 已完成任务列表 1.3 无序列表 list with * list with + list with - * list with * + list with + - list with - 1.4 有序列表 list 1 list 2 1. list 1 2. list 2 2. 缩进、换行、段落、引用、空行、对齐方式 2.1 首行缩进  首行缩进  首行缩进 2.2 换行 Press Shift + Return to create a single line break. Most other markdown parsers will ignore single line breaks, so in order to make other markdown parsers recognize your line break, you can leave two spaces at the end of the line, or insert <br/> . 2.3 段落 A paragraph is simply one

Applying saved NEAT-Python Genome to test environment after training

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2020-12-13 03:18:19
问题 I have used some NEAT algorithms to code my own AI for some easy games like flappy bird. Everything works fine and I know what is going on. The problem is I do not know what to do with the result. The AI learns something and I want to save that progress. TechwithTim YouTuber said something about using pickle, which worked for me when I saved it. I can even load it from the file, but that is where I end. I don't know what to do next to start just one bird to play the game with the knowledge of

Applying saved NEAT-Python Genome to test environment after training

扶醉桌前 提交于 2020-12-13 03:18:06
问题 I have used some NEAT algorithms to code my own AI for some easy games like flappy bird. Everything works fine and I know what is going on. The problem is I do not know what to do with the result. The AI learns something and I want to save that progress. TechwithTim YouTuber said something about using pickle, which worked for me when I saved it. I can even load it from the file, but that is where I end. I don't know what to do next to start just one bird to play the game with the knowledge of


本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2020-08-18 04:27:16
ylbtech-汉语-词语:整饬 整饬(zhěng chì),意思是 整齐有序 ; 整顿使有条理,整饬纪律 ; 端庄,严谨 。语出晋张华 《游猎篇》:“舆徒既整饬,容服丽且妍。” 1. 返回顶部 1、 中文名:整饬 外文名:put in order 拼 音:zhěngchì 解 释:整顿使有条理 出 处:《说文》 目录 1 基本信息 2 详细解释 2、 2. 返回顶部 1、 基本信息 【词目】整饬 【拼音】zhěng chì 【近义词】 整理 、 整顿 、 整治 【英译】 rectify; consolidate; straighten out 【基本解释】 [put in order;straighten]∶整顿使有条理   整饬纪律 [in good order; neat; tidy]∶整齐;有条理   服装整饬 [dignified]∶端庄;严正   志行整饬 详细解释 1、 整齐 有序 。   晋 张华 《游猎篇》:“舆徒既整饬,容服丽且妍。”   清 魏源 《圣武记》卷十四:“夫水师整饬,而外洋无庇贩之人, 绣衣 四出,黥面令行,而内地无 尝试 之犯,如是而烟不绝者,无是理也。”   郭沫若 《洪波曲》第八章六:“内部工作极有条理,卫生勤务非常整饬。” 2、 整治 ,使有 条理 。   《三国志·蜀志·许靖传》:“知足下忠义 奋发 ,整饬元戎,西迎大驾,巡省中岳。”  


余生颓废 提交于 2020-08-15 21:38:32
2020.08.10 p47-48 whale vt. 猛揍;使惨败 vi. 捕鲸 n. 鲸;巨大的东西 whip vt. 抽打;搅拌 n. 鞭子;抽打 vi. 抽打;急走 wholly adv. 完全地 wreck n. 失事;残骸;[口]失去健康的人 vt. 破坏(destroy) veteran n. 经验丰富的人; 老兵 /'vet(ə)r(ə)n/ vibrate v. 振动 /vaɪ’breɪt/ volt n. 伏特 voltage 电压 well-being 健康,幸福 well-off 顺利的;富裕的 weary adj. 疲倦的;令人厌烦的(tired) v. 厌烦;疲倦 webcast 网播 2020.08.11 p45-46 trace vt. 追踪,查探;描绘;回溯 n. 痕迹,踪迹 tractor n. 拖拉机;牵引机 trademark n. (注册)商标 transmission n. 传送, 传播 trash vt. 捣坏; 破坏; 弄脏 n. 拙劣的材料,垃圾 tray n. 盘子, 托盘 trifle n. 琐事;少量;蛋糕 vi. 开玩笑/'traɪfl/ trim vt. 修剪,减少,装饰 adj. =slim neat n. 修剪,装饰 triumph n. 胜利 vi. 获胜; 克服/'traɪʌmf/ toll 伤亡人数,损害,通行费