
Vectorized implementation of exponentially weighted moving standard deviation using R?

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2021-02-20 05:13:26
问题 I am trying to implement a vectorized exponentially weighted moving standard deviation using R. Is this the correct approach? ewma <- function (x, alpha) { c(stats::filter(x * ratio, 1 - ratio, "recursive", init = x[1])) } ewmsd <- function(x, alpha) { sqerror <- na.omit((x - lag(ewma(x, ratio)))^2) ewmvar <- c(stats::filter(sqerror * ratio, 1 - ratio, "recursive", init = 0)) c(NA, sqrt(ewmvar)) } I'm guessing it's not, since its output is different from Python's pandas.Series.ewm.std()

Vectorized implementation of exponentially weighted moving standard deviation using R?

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2021-02-20 05:12:33
问题 I am trying to implement a vectorized exponentially weighted moving standard deviation using R. Is this the correct approach? ewma <- function (x, alpha) { c(stats::filter(x * ratio, 1 - ratio, "recursive", init = x[1])) } ewmsd <- function(x, alpha) { sqerror <- na.omit((x - lag(ewma(x, ratio)))^2) ewmvar <- c(stats::filter(sqerror * ratio, 1 - ratio, "recursive", init = 0)) c(NA, sqrt(ewmvar)) } I'm guessing it's not, since its output is different from Python's pandas.Series.ewm.std()

Moving average on pandas.groupby object that respects time

百般思念 提交于 2021-02-19 06:01:12
问题 Given a pandas dataframe in the following format: toy = pd.DataFrame({ 'id': [1,2,3, 1,2,3, 1,2,3], 'date': ['2015-05-13', '2015-05-13', '2015-05-13', '2016-02-12', '2016-02-12', '2016-02-12', '2018-07-23', '2018-07-23', '2018-07-23'], 'my_metric': [395, 634, 165, 144, 305, 293, 23, 395, 242] }) # Make sure 'date' has datetime format = pd.to_datetime( The my_metric column contains some (random) metric I wish to compute a time-dependent moving average of, conditional on the

Calculating Rolling forward averages with pandas

旧巷老猫 提交于 2021-02-18 13:51:57
问题 I need to calculate some rolling forward averages in a dataframe and really don't know where to start. I know if I wanted to select a cell 10 days ahead say I would do df.shift(-10) , but what I'm looking to do is calculate the average between 10 and 15 days ahead say. So what I'm kind of thinking is df.rolling(-10,-15).mean() , if I was trying to calculate just a moving average going backing in time df.rolling(15, 10).mean() would work perfectly and I did think about just calculating the

Rolling Average in Pandas

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2021-02-10 14:43:41
问题 I have a dataframe with 2 columns - Date and Price. The data is sorted with newest date first (23 Jan in first row, 22 Jan in second row and so on). Date Price 23 Jan 100 22 Jan 95 21 Jan 90 . . . I want to calculate 2 days rolling average price for this time series data. I am using this: df.rolling(2).mean() What this does is, it assigns NaN to the first row (23 Jan) and then for the second row gives the output as the mean of prices on 23 Jan and 22 Jan. This is not useful as 22 Jan average

Rolling Average in Pandas

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2021-02-10 14:42:11
问题 I have a dataframe with 2 columns - Date and Price. The data is sorted with newest date first (23 Jan in first row, 22 Jan in second row and so on). Date Price 23 Jan 100 22 Jan 95 21 Jan 90 . . . I want to calculate 2 days rolling average price for this time series data. I am using this: df.rolling(2).mean() What this does is, it assigns NaN to the first row (23 Jan) and then for the second row gives the output as the mean of prices on 23 Jan and 22 Jan. This is not useful as 22 Jan average

Rolling average without timestamp in pyspark

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2021-01-28 11:42:08
问题 We can find the rolling/moving average of a time series data using window function in pyspark. The data I am dealing with doesn't have any timestamp column but it does have a strictly increasing column frame_number . Data looks like this. d = [ {'session_id': 1, 'frame_number': 1, 'rtd': 11.0, 'rtd2': 11.0,}, {'session_id': 1, 'frame_number': 2, 'rtd': 12.0, 'rtd2': 6.0}, {'session_id': 1, 'frame_number': 3, 'rtd': 4.0, 'rtd2': 233.0}, {'session_id': 1, 'frame_number': 4, 'rtd': 110.0, 'rtd2'

Rolling average without timestamp in pyspark

冷暖自知 提交于 2021-01-28 11:25:33
问题 We can find the rolling/moving average of a time series data using window function in pyspark. The data I am dealing with doesn't have any timestamp column but it does have a strictly increasing column frame_number . Data looks like this. d = [ {'session_id': 1, 'frame_number': 1, 'rtd': 11.0, 'rtd2': 11.0,}, {'session_id': 1, 'frame_number': 2, 'rtd': 12.0, 'rtd2': 6.0}, {'session_id': 1, 'frame_number': 3, 'rtd': 4.0, 'rtd2': 233.0}, {'session_id': 1, 'frame_number': 4, 'rtd': 110.0, 'rtd2'