
How to decide whether to parameterize on the type-level or the module-level when designing modules?

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2019-12-09 11:54:46
问题 I'm working towards a deep understanding of ML-style modules: I think the concept is important and I love the kind of thinking they encourage. I am just now discovering the tension that can arise between parametric types and parametric modules. I am seeking tools for thinking about the matter that will help me make smart design decisions as I build up my programs. Fist I will try to describe my question in general. Then I will provide a concrete example from a learning project I am working on

Prism modularity practices

心不动则不痛 提交于 2019-12-08 04:00:38
问题 I'm studying Prism and need to create a small demo app. I have some design questions. The differences between attitudes might be small, but I need to apply the practices to a large scale project later, so I'm trying to think ahead. Assuming the classical DB related scenario - I need to get a list of employees and a double click on a list item gets extra information for that employee: Should the data access project be a module, or is a project accessed via repository pattern a better solution?

How do I resolve avoid duplicate symbols in common transitive Xcode dependencies?

不羁的心 提交于 2019-12-07 15:18:32
问题 I have the following Xcode project dependencies: A -> C B -> C When I build these separately, everything works fine. However, I want to add A and B to the same Xcode project, creating the following dependency graph: / -> A -> C D-< \ -> B -> C This causes duplicate symbol errors, and is basically DLL hell. What is a good way to resolve this while allowing the projects to be independent? I realize that I could break up A and B 's dependency on C , and then remake that dependency in D , but I

How to define an array of a type in an external file in Raml?

戏子无情 提交于 2019-12-07 09:01:18
问题 If I have a file defining a Datatype SimpleDuple , and in another file defining another datatype called DiscreetFilter I want to have a property values to be an array of SimpleDuple how would I use include there? Consider the files for SimpleDuple: #%RAML 1.0 DataType type: object properties: id: string name: string And the other definition where I want to make a property be an array of SimpleDuples in the values property (but I had to use an inline definition). #%RAML 1.0 DataType type:

Modularizing Rails applications

自作多情 提交于 2019-12-07 05:54:37
问题 I'm looking for a way to modularize Rails applications. As I've seen there is no built-in way of accomplishing it. I've found different plugins/core hacks but I feel untrusted about the way they work and their maturity. Do you have any experience on this? So far I found this ones: Desert: Rails engines: 回答1: Rails engines are part of the current stable rails 2.X and so aren't really "hacks" anymore. They seem like a good fit if you

Modular applications with Entity Framework Code Only and ASP.NET MVC

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2019-12-07 01:13:33
问题 By modular applications I mean applications in which base functionality and data model can be extended without modifying core application code. It's a popular approach with eg. open source CRMs like SugarCRM or VTiger. This approach may be followed in mvc application using Areas or (portable areas from MVC contrib) which allow adding new controllers and views in separate assemblies, without impacting core dlls. The problem arises when one wants to extend the base application's data

Modular application

纵饮孤独 提交于 2019-12-06 09:22:06
问题 Recently we decided to refactor our old web ASP.NET MVC project. We decided to use modular architecture and build it around the ASP.NET WebAPI to write dependent and independent modules for it. Is there any tutorial or explanation or library helping build modular web applications? If so, can you point me to this? Thanks in advance!! 回答1: Depends on your necessity. If you need to provide service to the world outside your app domain go for SOA. If you need only project organization, just fallow

How do I Modular Design in C?

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-12-06 09:17:44
问题 I want to make my project more modular so that there are no inter-modular dependencies if one of the module is removed. For e.g. If I divide the code in my process into multiple directories, say, X, Y and Z so that data structures in X should not be accessed directly by data structures in Y and Z and vice versa then I need some internal communication mechanism between X, Y and Z. Since I am coding in C, can anyone suggest a sample project or design considerations for the same? 回答1: This often

C++: Should I use global variables or class member pointers to communicate between modules?

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2019-12-06 05:54:24
问题 In my project, I have multiple subsystems organized as classes. I need those classes to communicate (so be able to access the other one via a pointer), and I want to implement this in the best way as possible. I basically see three possible solutions here: If subsystem X needs to access subsystem Y, add a member variable to class X pointing to an instance of Y. When X is created, pass to it the pointer to Y and have the member variable m_pSystemY set. Declare a global variable CSystemX * g

In Elm, is there a way to merge union types ? (for modularity purpose)

江枫思渺然 提交于 2019-12-06 03:43:21
问题 Starting from those three declarations : type SharedMsg = SharedAction type Page1Msg = Page1Action type Page2Msg = Page2Action I there a way to obtain an equivalent of the following one? Like a way to "merge" union types ? type Msg = SharedAction | Page1Action | Page2Action ============================= Context : I am splitting an Elm application into one module per page with their own folders. Some actions will be shared, and some actions will be page-specific. If I was to use the