
How do Operating Systems prevent programs from accessing memory?

心已入冬 提交于 2021-02-08 19:16:17
问题 My understanding currently is, I can write an operating system in C I can write a program for that operating system in C When I write an operating system I can see all of the memory When I write a program the operating system hides memory from other programs from me. Whenever a program runs inside an OS it appears to the program as if the memory it is allocated is all the memory the computer has How does the CPU / OS achieve this? Is this something purely implemented on the software level? Or

How do Operating Systems prevent programs from accessing memory?

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2021-02-08 19:12:53
问题 My understanding currently is, I can write an operating system in C I can write a program for that operating system in C When I write an operating system I can see all of the memory When I write a program the operating system hides memory from other programs from me. Whenever a program runs inside an OS it appears to the program as if the memory it is allocated is all the memory the computer has How does the CPU / OS achieve this? Is this something purely implemented on the software level? Or

How do Operating Systems prevent programs from accessing memory?

百般思念 提交于 2021-02-08 19:05:54
问题 My understanding currently is, I can write an operating system in C I can write a program for that operating system in C When I write an operating system I can see all of the memory When I write a program the operating system hides memory from other programs from me. Whenever a program runs inside an OS it appears to the program as if the memory it is allocated is all the memory the computer has How does the CPU / OS achieve this? Is this something purely implemented on the software level? Or

How do Operating Systems prevent programs from accessing memory?

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2021-02-08 19:05:11
问题 My understanding currently is, I can write an operating system in C I can write a program for that operating system in C When I write an operating system I can see all of the memory When I write a program the operating system hides memory from other programs from me. Whenever a program runs inside an OS it appears to the program as if the memory it is allocated is all the memory the computer has How does the CPU / OS achieve this? Is this something purely implemented on the software level? Or

When accessing memory, will the page table accessed/dirty bit be set under a cache hit situation?

可紊 提交于 2020-05-15 06:01:06
问题 As far as I know, a memory access of CPU involves CPU cache and MMU. CPU will try to find its target in cache and if a cache miss happens, CPU will turn to MMU. During accessing by MMU, the accessed/dirty bit of correspondent page table entry will be set by hardware. However to the best of my knowledge, most CPU design won't trigger the MMU unless there's a cache miss, and here my problem is, will the accessed/dirty bit of page table entry still be set under a cache hit? Or it's architecture

Why does ARM have 64KB Large Pages? [closed]

南笙酒味 提交于 2020-05-15 05:26:38
问题 Closed . This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post. Closed 3 years ago . The ARM720T user manual mentions small and large pages. Since the ARM 720T requires a 64KB page table entry to be duplicated 16 times in the page table, why not place 16 small page (4KB) entries to mimic a 64KB page entry instead of using a large page in the first place? 回答1:


。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2020-04-03 12:04:12
原文: 参考: MMU 存储器管理单元,在之前因为是操作物理地址,不需要MMU,因此是处于关闭状态的,而这次则是打开MMU并且使用MMU. 一、MMU的作用 1.将虚拟地址转化为物理地址 2.进行访问权限的管理 看上图可以得知,有三个运行的程序,他们的虚拟地址都为0x400000,但是若要使用物理地址,他们的物理地址不能够相同,因此就需要一个机制,使他们的相同的虚拟地址对应不同的物理地址,这个机制就是上图中的Page tables(即页表),虚拟地址通过查表的方式对应到不同的物理地址上。 二、地址转化 首先需要知道的是,以段(Section,1M)的方式进行转换时只用到一级页表,而页(Page)的方式进行转换时用到两级页表,有粗也转换和细页转换两种,页的大小有3种:大页(64KB)、小页(4KB)和极小页(1KB)。 1.地址转化总体分析 整个地址转换的过程分为了两步,为一级转换和二级转换。 虚拟地址的[31:20]位作为一个表的索引,表的名字为translation table,即TTB,如果表的后两位为00,则为无效的转换,如上图,如果后两位为01


a 夏天 提交于 2020-03-18 17:41:02
进程和程序的区别 程序,只占用磁盘的空间。 进程运行在操作系统之上,占用内存,cpu等系统资源。 并发 同一时间运行多个程序,多个进程同时在运行 单道程序设计 A堵塞,B只能进行等待,即使CPU处于空闲状态,而在人机交互的时候堵塞的时候是必然的结果 多道程序设计 时钟中断,到了指定的时间程序必须中断 CPU和MMU 存储的介质越大速度越慢 内存使用的是电信号,速度是非常快的 cache缓存是在寄存器和内存之间的 来源: