
Install Protocol Buffers on Windows

点点圈 提交于 2021-02-05 19:35:53
问题 I am unable to find clear instructions to install Google Protocol Buffers (including compiler) on Windows x64 platform. I went through the instructions README file for compiler and source: For Compiler: To install, simply place this binary somewhere in your PATH I added system variable to Path: PROTOC 'C:\dev_tools\protoc-2.4.1-win32' I am stuck on installing Protocol Buffers source using Cygwin. I tried following Unix instructions provided in the readme file: To build and install the C++

Install Protocol Buffers on Windows

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2021-02-05 19:34:59
问题 I am unable to find clear instructions to install Google Protocol Buffers (including compiler) on Windows x64 platform. I went through the instructions README file for compiler and source: For Compiler: To install, simply place this binary somewhere in your PATH I added system variable to Path: PROTOC 'C:\dev_tools\protoc-2.4.1-win32' I am stuck on installing Protocol Buffers source using Cygwin. I tried following Unix instructions provided in the readme file: To build and install the C++

How do I install the boost library to my MinGW compiler?

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2021-02-05 15:34:44
问题 I'm compiling from the command line using g++ on a Windows MinGW installation. How do I get boost...conceptually or if it is easy...what do I need to download and install? 回答1: I know this is an old question but for future reference for anybody coming to this page try this website, http://nuwen.net/mingw.html They have done all the hard work so you don't have to. The most recent distribution on this page has boost 1_52_0 (which is the latest version on the boost website as I'm writing this)

How to install older version of GCC on Windows 10

空扰寡人 提交于 2021-02-05 11:31:07
问题 I need to install MinGW GCC 7.3 on my computer for a project. Downloaded and installed: C:\MinGW\bin\MingGW-get.exe. But when I run it, it only gives me the option to install the latest GCC v9.2.0. How do I download and install GCC v7.3 on my computer? Step-by-step directions appreciated. 回答1: Unless you specifically want the mingw.org toolchain, check out https://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64/files/Toolchains%20targetting%20Win64/. Currently there's v8.1.0, v7.3.0, v6.4.0 and v5.4.0.

gfortran can't find OpenMP library (omp_lib.mod) using MinGW

天涯浪子 提交于 2021-02-04 21:39:55
问题 I am trying to compile a Fortran code including OpenMP. I am replicating the use of OpenMP from a different code. It built successfully once yesterday and then the next time I built it I get the following error: ../MAXBRG3D.f90:3:4: USE OMP_LIB ! USED WITH OMP FUNCTIONS 1 Fatal Error: Can't open module file 'omp_lib.mod' for reading at (1): No such file or directory compilation terminated. subdir.mk:329: recipe for target 'MAXBRG3D.o' failed make: *** [MAXBRG3D.o] Error 1 The only changes I

how to statically compile Qt using MinGW compiler and SSL support

自作多情 提交于 2021-02-04 05:59:05
问题 How to statically compile Qt with OpenSSL support on Windows (with MinGW compiler) The desired 'outcome' of this Qt build is to build and ship a portable Qt application with built-in SSL support. So this is an age old problem with a multitude of questions on this topic, yet very few solutions exist that solves the problem. Some of these questions (and problems): QT https SSL support for static QT static program build - getting 'Protocol “https” is unknown' about compiling openssl inside qt


≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2021-02-01 11:19:13
Cannot find module 'C:\nvm-window\nvm\nodejs\node_modules\npm\bin\npm-cli.js 解决:参考overflow overflow:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24721903/npm-cli-js-not-found-when-running-npm/49100137#49100137 $ nvm uninstall 10.0.0 Uninstalling node v10.0.0...Error removing node v10.0.0 Manually remove C:\nvm-window\nvm\nvm\v10.0.0. Administrator@USER-20160930VO MINGW64 /f/GitHub/reactjs (master) $ nvm list 10.0.0 8.1.3 Administrator@USER-20160930VO MINGW64 /f/GitHub/reactjs (master) $ nvm install 10.0.0 Version 10.0.0 is already installed. Administrator@USER-20160930VO MINGW64 /f/GitHub/reactjs

Qt Creator 的下载与安装

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2021-02-01 06:32:53
一、Qt和Qt Creator的区别 Qt是C++的一个库,或者说是开发框架,里面集成了一些库函数,提高开发效率。 Qt Creator是一个IDE,就是一个平台,一个开发环境,类似的比如说VS,也可以进行Qt开发,当然VS中的Qt是作为一个插件插入VS平台的。 二、下载 qtcreator是Qt开发的IDE,只安装这个是不行的,因为还没有相关的Qt库呢,也就是说他只是一个空壳,一般都用不上。 qt的版本主要分为windows、linux、mac的版本,分别在不同的平台张运行。 在 qt5.9以前 ,windows版本又细分了一些版本,包括 MinGW和MSVC 。其中 MSVC 用的 VS 编译器,还需要安装一些Visual C++的库什么的,总之, 如果你的电脑中没有安装VS那就不要安装这个版本了,否则使用时编译通不过 。 而我们要用的就是MinGW版本,注意这个编译器是 只有32位的 ,所以在找64位的同学就不要再找了。还有一些是用于安卓开发的,我也不懂,但也用不上啊,至于什么编译器GCC,G++之类的,也不太懂, MinGW好像是基于G++的 。 然后说一下qt5.9以后的版本,其实就是集成了。把以前版本中的一些细分都集成到一个安装包中,可以看到安装包从以前的1.2G变为了2.3G。而具体的细分就放到了安装时自选了,比如之前的MinGW和MSVC等不同版本就可以在安装时选择


旧街凉风 提交于 2021-01-31 09:02:40
QWT源码的下载 官网下载地址(可以使用svn下载最新版本的源码) https://qwt.sourceforge.io/index.html QWT源码的编译 使用svn下载完成源码之后使用QtCreator打开QWT的工程文件qwt.pro如图所示 点击QtCreator编辑器上方帮助菜单的About Qt Creator选项,查看QtCreator版本发现该编辑器是使用MSVC2019 32bit的编译器编译的。 这时我们先选择QtCreator里面MSCV 32bit的编辑器对QWT进行编译,该版本的编辑器包含的只有MSCV 2017 32bit的编辑器,我们选择该编辑器对QWT进行编译。 编译完成后把build-qwt-Desktop_Qt_5_12_10_MSVC2017_32bit-Debug\designer\plugins\designer目录下的qwt_designer_plugin.dll和qwt_designer_plugin.lib拷贝到QtCreator的\bin\plugins\designer。如图 这时关闭QtCreator编辑器从新打开然后创建一个新的带有ui文件的项目就可以在设计页面看到QWT的控件列表了,当然现在还无法编译通过,原因是我们还没有引入QWT的外部库。 引入QWT库文件 以MinGW 32-bit编译器为例


纵然是瞬间 提交于 2021-01-31 00:31:37
开发工具 我和我的组员的都是使用的是大一老师推荐的codeblocks,所以,就愉快的决定了工具统一为codeblocks,语言C++。 测试单元 老师推荐的是JUnit和VSTS工具,但同学们从大一到现在最熟悉的还是codeblocks编程软件。既然的其他编程软件能加载测试工具,我想,codeblocks也行,百度后发现googleTest支持codeblocks(我就说会有的。。)。那么接下来,是具体的配置过程。 工具下载 1. googleTest官网上最新版为1.8.0版本的,但我试了并不能成功Build,所以我这里给出1.7版本的。这里还需要下载cMake用来生成cbp文件让codeBlocks识别。 工具下载地址: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1uSu_TioPFOal6MYdM5Zp5A 2.分别解压两个文件后,进入cmake文件夹的bin下,运行cmake-gui。 在“where is the source code”中选择解压后的googletest文件路径,如我的路径为 C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/googletest-release-1.7.0/googletest-release-1.7.0 , 然后在“where to build the binaries ”可选择在解压路径下新建的一个文件夹路径,如