
Cannot insert relationship ID into Aldeed's Autoform MeteorJS framework

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2019-12-08 09:10:43
问题 New to MeteorJS. I started making a novel Clan/Samurai app to see if I could understand how mongo/meteor and Autoforms handle relationships. I'm trying to make clans and samurai relate to each other so that each Samurai has a specific clan. I'm attempting to insert the clan data into the Samurai identity. I seem to not be able to. I've read the following and still seem generally confused on how to implement this. I've tried before, onsuccess, onsubmit hooks. I've attempted to set the schema

Meteor - errors after adding autoform package

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2019-12-08 02:17:08
问题 I am trying to add the autoform package to my meteor project. After running "meteor add aldeed:autoform" and adding the package - I am encountering the following errors: Cannot find module 'mongo-object', Cannot read property 'AutoForm' of undefined, Uncaught ReferenceError: meteorInstall is not defined I didn't even try to use the package. Just adding the package caused the errors. I am using Meteor Any idea why this happens ? I followed the instruction in the autoform github repo.

AutoForm 5.0.2 nested schema inputs required on update

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2019-12-06 14:23:31
问题 I have schemas set up so that I can have an array of complex input sets. Something like: address = { street:{ type: String }, city: { type: String }, active_address: { type: Boolean, optional: true }, ... } people: { name:{ type: String }, address:{ type: [address], optional: true, defaultValue: [] } } This way adding an address is optional, but if you add an address all of the address fields are required. This worked in (I believe it was) version 4.2.2. This still works on insert type

Meteor - errors after adding autoform package

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2019-12-06 12:28:57
I am trying to add the autoform package to my meteor project. After running "meteor add aldeed:autoform" and adding the package - I am encountering the following errors: Cannot find module 'mongo-object', Cannot read property 'AutoForm' of undefined, Uncaught ReferenceError: meteorInstall is not defined I didn't even try to use the package. Just adding the package caused the errors. I am using Meteor Any idea why this happens ? I followed the instruction in the autoform github repo. The installation for autoform 6 says the following: $ meteor add aldeed:autoform $ npm i --save simpl

MeteorJs “loginWIthPassword” seems not to work in method

折月煮酒 提交于 2019-12-05 11:30:47
It seems that the "Meteor.loginWithPassword" function does not work when called in a method. I want to create my login form with autoforms and so I created a callback method which get called after a user submitted the login form. The form gets called the right way but the loginWithPassword function does not seems to work. This is my method (on Client & Server side) Meteor.methods({ autoform_test_login : function (doc) { console.log('Called login method'); if (Meteor.isClient) { Meteor.loginWithPassword('test', 'test', function(e) { if (e) { console.log(e); } }); } } }); My autoforms calls this

AutoForm 5.0.2 nested schema inputs required on update

北战南征 提交于 2019-12-04 20:25:17
I have schemas set up so that I can have an array of complex input sets. Something like: address = { street:{ type: String }, city: { type: String }, active_address: { type: Boolean, optional: true }, ... } people: { name:{ type: String }, address:{ type: [address], optional: true, defaultValue: [] } } This way adding an address is optional, but if you add an address all of the address fields are required. This worked in (I believe it was) version 4.2.2. This still works on insert type autoforms, but not on update type autoforms. Doing an update, none of the fields will submit unless all

Meteor-AutoForm: How to update select options based on another control

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2019-12-03 13:48:40
问题 I've been trawling SO questions for an answer to something that should be very simple but for the life of me I cannot figure it out. Basically I have a meteor-autoform with two select controls: <template name="processFormTemplate"> {{#autoForm id="processForm" collection="Processes" type=formAction doc=doc validation="blur"}} <div class="col-md-12"> {{> afQuickField name="elementId" options=elements}} {{> afQuickField name="categoryId" options=categories}} {{> afQuickField name="title"}} {{>

Blaze template iterate over object

梦想与她 提交于 2019-12-02 22:42:41
问题 I am trying to iterate over an object in blaze template (meteor) , in console I can see the data but nothing on template.How can I get this working ? #each not working , arrayify also didn't work. Added here from comments: {{#each contactList}} <tr class="clickable" name="edit-contact" > <td>{{name}} </td> <td>{{email}} </td> <td>{{title}}</td> <td>{{phone1}}</td> <td>{{phone2}}</td> <td>{{phone3}}</td> </tr> {{/each}} JS: contactList: function() { $.ajax({ url: Meteor.absoluteUrl()+'contacts

Blaze template iterate over object

眉间皱痕 提交于 2019-12-02 13:17:23
I am trying to iterate over an object in blaze template (meteor) , in console I can see the data but nothing on template.How can I get this working ? #each not working , arrayify also didn't work. Added here from comments: {{#each contactList}} <tr class="clickable" name="edit-contact" > <td>{{name}} </td> <td>{{email}} </td> <td>{{title}}</td> <td>{{phone1}}</td> <td>{{phone2}}</td> <td>{{phone3}}</td> </tr> {{/each}} JS: contactList: function() { $.ajax({ url: Meteor.absoluteUrl()+'contacts/get_by_company/'+Session.get(‌​'company_id'), type: 'GET', error: function() { callback(); }, success:

Populate the select field from collection and filter according to the selected value in meteor

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2019-12-02 06:52:57
问题 I am a new guy in Meteor. I have select box which i want to populate from the mongo collection itself.I tried doing this as below but doesn't work <template name="clist"> <div class="input-field"> <select> <option value="" disabled selected>Choose your option</option> {{#each company}} <option>{{ccategory}}</option> {{/each}} </select> </div> <ul class="collection" id="listings"> {{#each company}} <li> {{> employees}} </li> {{/each}} </template> And also i want to filter the data in