
How can SBT generate metamodel classes from model classes using DataNucleus?

我们两清 提交于 2019-12-14 02:33:10
问题 How can I generate metamodel classes (like QClient, QProduct, QInvoice) from a persistence model classes (like Client, Product, Invoice) so that a JDOQL typesafe queries can be employed? In particular, I'm interested on generating the metamodel classes and also run bytecode enhancement on persistence classes, via SBT and using DataNucleus with JDO annotations. This question is related to How can I run DataNucleus Bytecode Enhancer from SBT? 回答1: In a nutshell, you need to define functions in

Rails custom meta model?

你。 提交于 2019-12-12 09:09:30
问题 I'd like to be able to add "meta" information to a model, basically user-defined fields. So, for instance, let's imagine a User model: I define fields for first name, last name, age, gender. I would like users to be able to define some "meta information", basically to go in their profile page and share other information. So one user might want to add "hobbies", "occupation", and "hometown", and another might want to add "hobbies", and "education". So, I'd like to be able to have a standard

Hibernate ORM to map to non-classes

懵懂的女人 提交于 2019-12-12 05:36:50
问题 I'm building the storage subsystem for an application platform. The metamodel will be dynamic (changeable at runtime). I have a metamodel to represent the model structure (complete with pseudo-classes with properties, relationships, hierarchy, etc.). Because the metamodel is dynamic there are no Java classes corresponding to the pseudo-classes in the metamodel. I know that Hibernate uses a metamodel to map between classes and tables, generating queries based on the class model and populating

JPA Hibernate null pointer exception with OneToOne primary key/foreign key type relation

不问归期 提交于 2019-12-11 16:08:28
问题 I'm having lots of trouble with a little prototype I'm trying to build. The problem involves two entities. But to understand it, I will need to describe a few others. In terms of the database structure, it can be described as follows: Person ---------------- id Integer PK surname VARCHAR givenNames VARCHAR TypedIdentifier ---------------- idCode VARCHAR PK FK (IdType.code) idVal VARCHAR PK person Integer FK ( IdType ------ code VARCHAR PK IdDescription ---------- code VARCHAR PK FK

JPA Static Metamodel not recognized by IntelliJ

旧街凉风 提交于 2019-12-11 03:02:39
问题 I generated the application with JHipster with Gradle as the build tool. When I created entity I added filtering support, which generated JPA static metamodel. But IntelliJ doesn't recognize the metamodels. I have enabled the annotation processor settings on IntelliJ but it doesn't seem to work. What settings do I have to change for IntelliJ to recognize the JPA static metamodels? 回答1: To get IntelliJ IDEA to recognize the generated classes, I had to add this line on build.gradle sourceSets {

Hibernate 5.2 get natural id properties from metamodel

醉酒当歌 提交于 2019-12-11 01:49:00
问题 Since SessionFactory#getClassMetadata(java.lang.Class) was deprecated, I am not able to use ClassMetadata. I would like to access to the following methods: org.hibernate.metadata.ClassMetadata#getNaturalIdentifierProperties org.hibernate.metadata.ClassMetadata#hasNaturalIdentifier According to the documentation, I should replace getClassMetada with EntityManagerFactory.getMetamodel(). However, the metamodel does not contain methods to get natural-id. I am using xml mapping for natural-id and

javac 8 error while metamodel generation (hibernate-jpamodelgen)

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-12-10 16:06:08
问题 I am trying to auto generate metamodel classes using hibernate-jpamodelgen library in Play Framework. My build.sbt file is like this: libraryDependencies ++= Seq( javaCore, // filters, cache, "org.springframework" % "spring-context" % "4.0.4.RELEASE", "org.springframework" % "spring-orm" % "4.0.4.RELEASE", "org.springframework" % "spring-jdbc" % "4.0.4.RELEASE", "org.springframework" % "spring-tx" % "4.0.4.RELEASE", "org.springframework" % "spring-expression" % "4.0.4.RELEASE", "org

How to specifiy enumeration literal as default value in UML Attribute?

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2019-12-08 11:26:27
I currently doing some model transformations using EMF-UML-Implementation. In my model transformation I create an uml class with some attributes. The attributes are type of enumerations I also created. Some of the attribute should get a default value. The default value should be enumeration literals. The question now is, how do I get the enumeration literals to the defaultValue -property of the Property . I already have found that I have to use ValueSpecification . But the UML superstructure says not much about that (page 139 f.). Which properties do I have to use for setting the defaultValue

Retrieve information from JPA Metamodel

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2019-12-08 05:28:40
问题 Jpa 2 metamodel has one known use: type safe criteria query. My question is different: I suppose metamodel can be source of information like length, human friendly description, left-right alligment etc, for example for building pretty GUI table (desktop or web, no matter). I imagine such quasi code: SomeTable st = buildTable(Person_.class, Person_.surName, Person_.Height) Tell me, I'm thinking in wrong way? My google research give no result. Or give some info to start reading EDIT: auto

How can I discover all the roles a Perl 6 type does?

耗尽温柔 提交于 2019-12-06 20:24:51
问题 With .does I can check if a type has the role I already know. I'd like to get the list of roles. Inheritance has .^mro but I didn't see anything like that for roles in the meta model stuff. Along with that, given a "type", how can I tell if it was defined as a class or a role? 回答1: .^roles say Rat.^roles; # ((Rational[Int,Int]) (Real) (Numeric)) By default it includes every role, including roles brought in by other roles. To only get the first level use :!transitive Rat.^roles(:!transitive);