
How to convert WMF to EMF+ with GdipConvertToEmfPlus without losing three-quarter of image?

点点圈 提交于 2020-01-17 02:27:11
问题 After converting WMF to EMF+ in order to get anti-aliased rendering, only the upper left quadrant of my WMF is included after conversion to EMF+. Drawing the WMF (before conversion) with EnumerateMetafile works, but doesn't anti-alias, which is what I'm gunning for here. Any ideas why three quarters of the image is lost on conversion? The WMF was generated by AutoCAD LT and 32640x14586 pixels sized, with units/inch=1632. The record types in the EMF (after conversion) are: EmfMin Header

Vector graphics clipboard format for Qt

元气小坏坏 提交于 2020-01-14 07:57:51
问题 I want my Qt application to be able to save simple vector graphics to clipboard in a compatible way. On windows I want to be able to paste the graphics into Microsoft Word or Powerpoint. On Linux I want to be compatible with the Open Office. Which format would you recommend? Can Qt generate EMF in an easy way? Is SVG an option? Update: My current plan is to add a piece of native win32 code to render the graphics to emf on windows. This code will not be available on linux. 回答1: The

Reliable .wmf/wmf to Pixel based image conversion

百般思念 提交于 2019-12-24 20:50:30
问题 Good afternoon, I am having a little trouble with .net's internal (System.Drawing) based MetaFile / Image handling of .wmf files that containt transparent areas. Basically whenever I do a MetaFile.LoadFile(...) and take that to save it as a tiff/png etc, some areas of that source files are missing. I can't really pin it down, but it -seems- like the vector based informations within the metafile just work fine, but the pixel-based areas (e.g. an image placed within the .wmf) are missing. Does

Save MetaFile to Stream and back again

拥有回忆 提交于 2019-12-24 18:16:52
问题 I need to store a MetaFile into a Stream and create a new Metafile with the same stream. I have the following code but it throws an excetpion: string tempPath = Path.GetTempFileName(); MyMetaFile.Save(tempPath); var stream = new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(tempPath)); File.Delete(tempPath); var newMetafile = new Metafile(stream); // here the exception The exception message says: ExternalException: A generic error occured in GDI+ . I tried also to use the method Image.Save(stream,

Where can I find documentation and/or examples of working with TMetafile and TMetafileCanvas?

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2019-12-24 10:39:09
问题 As I'm working to add custom printing to my application, I've settled on using TMetafile to create the pages, then using it to preview &/or print, but I'm finding the documentation lacking. Are there any good resources for learning the ins and outs of working with TMetafile and TMetafileCanvas? 回答1: The ins and outs of working with TMetaFile/Canvas are more related to meta files than to the TMetaFile and TMetaFileCanvas implementations from my traumatic experience of working with it. Aka, you

How do I parse a CREATEPENINDIRECT metafile record out of a byte array?

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2019-12-12 01:33:26
问题 I need a little help in defining the following Windows GDI type in C#. I have the data in the form of a byte[] in C#, and I need to somehow marshal or cast it as the following in C#. Please see my other question, as I got the answer to the Polyline. This is the type: NAME META_CREATEPENINDIRECT NEAREST API CALL #include <windows.h> HPEN32 CreatePenIndirect(const LOGPEN32 *pen); typedef struct tagLOGPEN { UINT lopnStyle; POINT lopnWidth; COLORREF lopnColor; } LOGPEN; DESCRIPTION U16 Value 0

How do I parse a polyline metafile record out of a byte array?

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2019-12-11 15:03:15
问题 I need a little help in defining the following Windows GDI type in C#. I have the data in the form of a byte[] in C#, and I need to somehow marshal or cast it as the following in C#. I suppose I need to define the proper struct? This is the type: NAME META_POLYLINE NEAREST API CALL #include <windows.h> BOOL32 Polyline ( HDC32 hdc, const POINT32 *pt, INT32 count ); DESCRIPTION U16 array no Value --------------------------- -------------- 0 no of points 1 each odd until the end x of the point 2

extract keywords form images using python

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2019-12-11 06:09:35
问题 still learning python. I am currently working on a python code that will extracts metadata (usermade keywords) from images. I already tried Pillow AND exif but this excludes the user made tags or keywords. With applist, i successfully managed to extract the metafile including my keywords but when I tried to purse it with ElementTree to extract the parts of interest, I obtain only empty data. My xml file look like this (after some manipulation): <x:xmpmeta xmlns:x="adobe:ns:meta/" x:xmptk="XMP

How to render CRichEditCtrl on CDC with transparent backgorund ? (MFC)

北慕城南 提交于 2019-12-11 05:01:53
问题 I need help with rendering CRichEditCtrl content with transparent background on graphical context which is displayed on screen and printed as well. Now I have following code, which is working good except transparency issues: CRichEditCtrl ctrl; // my CRichEditCtrl CDC *dc; // - my graphical context dc->SetBkMode(TRANSPARENT); dc->DPtoHIMETRIC(&targetSize); CRect cHiMetricRect( 0, 0,*factor,*factor); CRect cTwipsRect( 0, 0, (TWIPS_INCH * + HIMETRIC_INCH / 2

How to display Windows Metafile?

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2019-12-04 19:03:10
问题 I need to display a Windows Metafile (EMF) using WPF, how can I do? Edit: I'd to keep the image vector-based. 回答1: Take a look at the 3rd party library Ab2d.ReadWmf. Update #1: Overview First off, this post states that Microsoft does not intend support EMF files in WPF. That doesn't mean it can't be done, just that they will not support them. Looking at the Wikipedia page about the WMF/EMF format I see that it describes EMF as: Essentially, a WMF file stores a list of function calls that have