
How to access a user control in a masterpage from a content page?

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2020-01-22 15:17:08
问题 Lets say that I have a header user control in a master page, and want to change a property of the user control depending on what content page is loaded inside of the master page. How might I go about this? Thanks! 回答1: You can use two methods. The first is by using Page.Master.FindControl('controlID') . Then you can cast it to the type of your user control. The second method is by adding a <%@ MasterType VirtualPath=""> OR <%@ MasterType TypeName=""%> tag to your aspx page. In the VirtualPath

Validationengine jquery not working properly for localization

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2020-01-21 22:22:46
问题 I am using validationEngine jquery 2.6.2 for validation in ASP.NET. I want to load its language rules file according to the language selected like English or Japanese. I am using master page in the application. Give some solution for this. 回答1: You didn't specify how the language are selected and how you are going to check the current selected language. To localize validationEngine, you must reference the right script language. If you use a Script Manager, in the code behind of your Master

Validationengine jquery not working properly for localization

醉酒当歌 提交于 2020-01-21 22:19:06
问题 I am using validationEngine jquery 2.6.2 for validation in ASP.NET. I want to load its language rules file according to the language selected like English or Japanese. I am using master page in the application. Give some solution for this. 回答1: You didn't specify how the language are selected and how you are going to check the current selected language. To localize validationEngine, you must reference the right script language. If you use a Script Manager, in the code behind of your Master

ASP.NET Master Pages equivalent in Java

烂漫一生 提交于 2020-01-21 03:27:43
问题 What would be the Master Pages equivalent in the Java web development world? I've heard of Tiles, Tapestry and Velocity but don't know anything about them. Are they as easy to use as Master Pages? I want something as easy as set up one template and subsequent pages derive from the template and override content regions, similar to Master Pages. Any examples would be great!! 回答1: First, the equivalent of ASP.Net in Java is going to be a web framework, such as the ones you mention (Tiles,

master page implementation in

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2020-01-16 15:25:32
问题 i am using vb-2008 to create my application. i created master page in asp but i am not able to use it on other pages. i used : <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" MasterPageFile="~/Mail.Master" Inherits="webform1._Default" %> i created master page as: <%@ Master Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Mail.master.cs" Inherits="master1.Mail" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "

link button on Master Page with Click Event on Content Page Stack-overflow Exception

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2020-01-16 07:39:31
问题 I am trying to connect an asp link button on a master page to its click event on the content page. I followed descriptions from various online posts, but when I try running the page, I get a Stack-overflow exception in the get{} set{} part of the link button property. I could not find anyone else with this problem, mainly because I don't know what the actual problem is. Here are some bits of my code: Master Page: <%@ Master Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="mySite.master.cs"

assigning css class to a masterpage control from contentpage in

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2020-01-14 19:26:04
问题 I have a unordered list in my master page.... <ul id="mainMenu" runat="server"> <li id="mainHome" runat="server"><a href="#" title="Home" class="home"> <span></span>Home</a></li> <li id="mainManage" runat="server"><a href="Users.aspx" title="Manage" class="manage"><span></span>Manage</a></li> <li id="mainEnquiry" runat="server"><a href="account.aspx" title="Enquiry" class="enquiry"><span></span>Enquiry</a></li> <li id="mainReport" runat="server"><a href="EnquiryReport.aspx" title="Report"

Why doesn't my jQuery UI datepicker work for postbacks when it works fine on initial page loads?

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2020-01-13 16:40:51
问题 I've been trying to integrate the jQuery UI Datepicker into our ASP.NET WebForms application. The application uses master pages to provide a common look to all pages, and all of the content pages are built inside the ContentTemplate of an UpdatePanel. I've created a user control to wrap the datepicker's functionality and allow setting of the minDate, maxDate, validators, etc. for each date from the codebehind at runtime. I also need to deal with the way ASP.NET generates client element IDs.

ASP.NET MVC - pull and populate masterpage contents from database?

余生长醉 提交于 2020-01-13 06:05:20
问题 how can I pull masterpage content from the database and pass that into the masterpage so that my Views inherits from it? This is an example: Clients to the website will have a unique code, lets call it "TargetCode", for example, ABC123, ABC456, etc... This unique code will be entered in the querystring, for example: Each of those "TargetCode" will have a different CSS, name, address, phone number, (common to all pages, so these will be placed in the master page) and page

ASP.NET - Accessing Master Page elements form the Content Page

梦想与她 提交于 2020-01-12 07:58:09
问题 Can the elements of the Master Page be accessed from the Content Page? Lets say I have MasterPage1 and ContentPage1 that inherits from the MasterPage1, and the MasterPage1 has a button: Button1. Can I change the property of that button from the content page, for example to make Button1 invisible, inactive etc? How can I accomplish this? I am using .net2.0 回答1: You have to put a reference to the MasterPage in your page/user control markup. <%@ Reference VirtualPath="..." %> Then in the code