
compile 64-bit version of lzo.dll

不羁岁月 提交于 2019-12-06 12:01:37
[Update] I've since compiled successfully and anyone else chasing these binaries can download from here I'm compiling version 2.06 of lzo by issuing the following command from the Visual Studio Command Prompt (2010) b\win64\vc_dll.bat which produces lzo2.dll without any errors, however this doesnt look like it really did produce the 64-bit dll as my 32bit C# app can still reference and call methods (successfully) How can I compile the 64bit version? some of the comments on this question may be outdated as the question changed but I since changed it back to the original question when it got

Java LZO compression library

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2019-12-06 11:23:24
I'm trying to use LZO compression library inside my Java program ( http://www.oberhumer.com/opensource/lzo/ ). I could not find a single example how to use it for compression and decompression of data. Can anybody help me with it? Apparently the native code is not in Java, so I'm not also sure what steps to take to use it (JNI or something?!) cello The original code from Oberhumer does not contain a java compressor. You might want to have a look at https://github.com/shevek/lzo-java . Does it have to be LZO or would another compression algorithm also work? There is a nice benchmarking suite of

Hadoop: How to output different format types in the same job?

偶尔善良 提交于 2019-12-05 21:04:58
I want to output gzip and lzo formats at the same time in one job. I used MultipleOutputs , and add two named outputs like this: MultipleOutputs.addNamedOutput(job, "LzoOutput", GBKTextOutputFormat.class, Text.class, Text.class); GBKTextOutputFormat.setOutputCompressorClass(job, LzoCodec.class); MultipleOutputs.addNamedOutput(job, "GzOutput", TextOutputFormat.class, Text.class, Text.class); TextOutputFormat.setOutputCompressorClass(job, GzipCodec.class); ( GBKTextOutputFormat here is written by myself which extends FileOutputFormat ) They are used in reducer like: multipleOutputs.write(

How to decompress lzo compressed byte array in java?

扶醉桌前 提交于 2019-12-03 21:37:41
I am new to LZO compression and decompression. I'm trying to use this lzo-java library . Input Information : I have one byte array which is in compressed format. This byte array I want to decompress and finally I want decompressed byte array. NOTE : I don't know the how much size should give to decompress byte array because I don't know exact size of decompressed byte. I created below code but it is not giving any exception and not even decompressing single byte. Program : InputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(src); int b1 = stream.read(); int b2 = stream.read(); int b3 = stream.read()

64位linux下支持lzo的Hadoop 2.2.0分布式集群配置细节摘要

北城以北 提交于 2019-11-29 21:31:10
初学者搭建Hadoop环境容易陷入细节漩涡中,并不是说细节不重要,在程序世界中,细节恰恰是决定成败的关键。然而,如果能在深入细节之前对整体有全面、逻辑性的认识,那么遇到细节时也能准确定位自己所处位置,知道如何退、如何进。 搭建Hadoop总的来说分为以下步骤: 检查集群机子环境,准备合适的Hadoop部署文件,一般有以下内容: 检查Java安装(一般不用自带的openJDK,具体原因暂不清楚); 自编译Hadoop 64位部署文件(32bit Hadoop部署文件在x64机子上会有些小问题) 分布式环境下对机子进行整理,罗列其ip(更改/ect/hosts文件需要),划分其Master、Slaver职责(也可以划分更细的ResourceManager、SecondNameNode等,一般来说每个机子都充分利用,均充当DataNode) “规划”Hadoop文件夹结构,包括安装目录、数据文件(hadoop_data)、临时文件(hadoop_tmp)等;一般来说,建议一个hadoop x.x.0目录下,分别设立hadoop x.x.0目录(解压的Hadoop部署文件存放位置)、hadoop-data(数据文件)、hadoop_tmp(临时文件);当然这是笔者自己的实践,如果不是“行业标准”,请勿见笑; 配置运行环境,这里指的是除Hadoop部署文件中配置文件之外的与系统相关的配置: