common vue-slider a vue slider component without jQuery. **events included: ** auto animation,hover on buttons, click the button. main theory: change the pisition of images container when the currentIndex changes due to the above events. tips: stop the automatic animation when the mouse hovers on the button or click the button in case of conflict. **图片轮播组件事件:**自动轮播、鼠标悬停、左右按钮点击 **总体原理:**通过 currentIndex 的变换来调整显示的图片。 **注意事项:**鼠标悬停或是左右按钮点击都停止自动轮播,避免出现冲突。 附上全部代码,也可以 访问我的github < template > < div id = "slider" > < ! -- img - container -- > < div class = "slider-imgcontainer" ref = "container" > <