
Lucene JDBC Directory

孤街浪徒 提交于 2021-01-21 09:20:06
问题 I am using Lucene 3.5.0 to do some basic search stuff on my website. I want to store the index in a JDBC Directory in my Mysql Database. I was going to use the Compass Project to do this, but with some more research and actually trying the code I have found that Compass is a dead project and it no longer is compatible with the current version of Lucene. Is there another option to store my index in a JDBC Directory? Is there a reason Lucene does not offer this native? Is storing on the HDD a

Lucene JDBC Directory

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2021-01-21 09:18:27
问题 I am using Lucene 3.5.0 to do some basic search stuff on my website. I want to store the index in a JDBC Directory in my Mysql Database. I was going to use the Compass Project to do this, but with some more research and actually trying the code I have found that Compass is a dead project and it no longer is compatible with the current version of Lucene. Is there another option to store my index in a JDBC Directory? Is there a reason Lucene does not offer this native? Is storing on the HDD a

Why doesn't routing work with ElasticSearch Bulk API?

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2021-01-20 20:23:49
问题 I am setting a Bulk request to ElasticSearch and specifying the shard to route to. But when I run it, the documents get sent to different shards. Is this a bug in ElasticSEarch bulk? it works when I just index a single document. It works when I search. But not when I do a bulk import. To reproduce: curl -XPOST '' -d ' { "index" : { "_index" : "articles", "_type" : "article", "_id" : "1" } } { "title" : "value1" } { "delete" : { "_index" : "articles", "

Why doesn't routing work with ElasticSearch Bulk API?

徘徊边缘 提交于 2021-01-20 20:20:30
问题 I am setting a Bulk request to ElasticSearch and specifying the shard to route to. But when I run it, the documents get sent to different shards. Is this a bug in ElasticSEarch bulk? it works when I just index a single document. It works when I search. But not when I do a bulk import. To reproduce: curl -XPOST '' -d ' { "index" : { "_index" : "articles", "_type" : "article", "_id" : "1" } } { "title" : "value1" } { "delete" : { "_index" : "articles", "

Why doesn't routing work with ElasticSearch Bulk API?

亡梦爱人 提交于 2021-01-20 20:20:07
问题 I am setting a Bulk request to ElasticSearch and specifying the shard to route to. But when I run it, the documents get sent to different shards. Is this a bug in ElasticSEarch bulk? it works when I just index a single document. It works when I search. But not when I do a bulk import. To reproduce: curl -XPOST '' -d ' { "index" : { "_index" : "articles", "_type" : "article", "_id" : "1" } } { "title" : "value1" } { "delete" : { "_index" : "articles", "


谁说我不能喝 提交于 2021-01-13 08:46:27
  大数据时代的浪潮袭来,Hadoop作为一种用来处理海量数据分析的工具,是每一个大数据开发者必须要学习和掌握的利器。本文总结了Hadoop入门基础知识,主要包括了Hadoop概述、Hadoop的发展历程和Hadoop的特性。下面一起来看看吧!   1、Hadoop概述   Hadoop 是 Apache 旗下的一个用 Java 语言实现开源软件框架,它还是一个开发和运行处理大规模数据的软件平台。Hadoop允许使用简单的编程模型,在大量计算机集群上,对大型数据集进行分布式处理。   狭义上说,Hadoop 指 Apache 这款开源框架,它的核心组件有:HDFS(分布式文件系统):解决海量数据存储 ;YARN(作业调度和集群资源管理的框架):解决资源任务调度;MAPREDUCE(分布式运算编程框架):解决海量数据计算。   广义上来说,Hadoop 通常是指一个更广泛的概念——Hadoop 生态圈。当下的 Hadoop 已经成长为一个庞大的体系,随着生态系统的成长,新出现的项目越来越多,其中不乏一些非 Apache 主管的项目,这些项目对 HADOOP 是很好的补充或者更高层的抽象。比如,HDFS: 分 布 式 文 件 系 统;MAPREDUCE:分布式运算程序开发框架;HIVE:基于 HADOOP 的分布式数据仓库,提供基于 SQL 的查询数据操作;HBASE


喜你入骨 提交于 2021-01-11 01:43:28
大概阅读10分钟 本教程是系列教程,对于初学者可以对 ES 有一个整体认识和实践实战。 还没开始的同学,建议先读一下系列攻略目录: Springboot2.x整合ElasticSearch7.x实战目录 本篇幅是继上一篇 Springboot2.x整合ElasticSearch7.x实战(二) ,适合初学 Elasticsearch 的小白,可以跟着整个教程做一个练习。 [toc] 第五章 Mapping详解 Mapping 是整个 ES 搜索引擎中最重要的一部分之一,学会构建一个好的索引,可以让我们的搜索引擎更高效,更节省资源。 什么是 Mapping? Mapping 是Elasticsearch 中一种术语, Mapping 类似于数据库中的表结构定义 schema,它有以下几个作用: 1. 定义索引中的字段的名称 2. 定义字段的数据类型,比如字符串、数字、布尔 3. 字段,倒排索引的相关配置,比如设置某个字段为不被索引、记录 position(位置) 等 在 ES 早期版本,一个索引下是可以有多个 Type ,从 7.0 开始,一个索引只有一个 Type,也可以说一个 Type 有一个 Mapping 定义。 了解了什么是 Mapping 后,接下来对 Mapping 的设置坐下介绍: Maping设置 dynamic (动态Mapping) 官网参考: https:/

Apache Solr - Indexing ZIP files

空扰寡人 提交于 2021-01-07 06:59:24
问题 My web app is an e-mail service. It stores email messages in MySQL database and email attachments are on a disk. The database is similar to: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | id | sender | receiver | subject | body | attach_dir | attachments | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | 2 | 444 | 555 | Apples | Hey! | /mnt/emails| att1.doc\r\n| | | | | | | | att2.doc\r\n| ------------------------------------------------------

Apache Solr - Indexing ZIP files

徘徊边缘 提交于 2021-01-07 06:59:07
问题 My web app is an e-mail service. It stores email messages in MySQL database and email attachments are on a disk. The database is similar to: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | id | sender | receiver | subject | body | attach_dir | attachments | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | 2 | 444 | 555 | Apples | Hey! | /mnt/emails| att1.doc\r\n| | | | | | | | att2.doc\r\n| ------------------------------------------------------

Upgrading Solr index from 6 to 8

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2021-01-07 01:14:30
问题 I have a core which was created years ago, running correctly from a Solr 6.x. I've upgraded Solr to 7.7.3. I've launched the IndexUpgrade script: /opt/solr/server/solr-webapp/webapp/WEB-INF/lib$ sudo java -cp lucene-core-7.7.3.jar:lucene-backward-codecs-7.7.3.jar org.apache.lucene.index.IndexUpgrader /var/solr/data/hms/data/index/ It silently run, so my assumption is that it did what it had to do correctly. Then I've upgraded to Solr 8.7.0, and launched the script: /opt/solr/server/solr