
How to sort this lua table?

蓝咒 提交于 2021-02-07 19:05:36
问题 I have next structure self.modules = { ["Announcements"] = { priority = 0, -- Tons of other attributes }, ["Healthbar"] = { priority = 40, -- Tons of other attributes }, ["Powerbar"] = { priority = 35, -- Tons of other attributes }, } I need to sort this table by priorty DESC, other values does not matter. E.g. Healthbar first, then Powerbar, and then going all others. // edit. Keys must be preserved. // edit #2 Found a solution, thanks you all. local function pairsByPriority(t) local

How to sort this lua table?

梦想的初衷 提交于 2021-02-07 19:05:07
问题 I have next structure self.modules = { ["Announcements"] = { priority = 0, -- Tons of other attributes }, ["Healthbar"] = { priority = 40, -- Tons of other attributes }, ["Powerbar"] = { priority = 35, -- Tons of other attributes }, } I need to sort this table by priorty DESC, other values does not matter. E.g. Healthbar first, then Powerbar, and then going all others. // edit. Keys must be preserved. // edit #2 Found a solution, thanks you all. local function pairsByPriority(t) local


南笙酒味 提交于 2021-02-07 17:50:00
有眼尖的朋友已经发现,近期爱奇艺的热播剧们有了 新“看”法; 在日常追剧的间隙,结合了IP要素的趣味视频互动特效小游戏玩法吸引了百万用户参与互动的热潮,更激发了The9全员、李诞等娱乐圈多位大咖艺人的脑洞,玩得停不下来。 这也不禁让人发问:爱奇艺视频互动小游戏到底有什么魔力? 在当前各类短视频产品中,各种各样的拍摄玩法屡见不鲜,但基本是以人为核心的 美化装扮玩法; 此类玩法对用户的拍摄能力要求极高,需要掌握一定的运镜、分镜技巧,且颜值在线,才能拍出好看的视频。同时,更多的拍摄玩法均较为独立,很少和IP有进一步的关联及互动。 而在爱奇艺视频互动小游戏的场景下,以 强互动的方式结合IP元素, 只需用户根据提示进行游戏,就能拍出趣味性强的视频。同时IP在小视频场景的授权应用并不少见,但将IP内核通过互动游戏的方式来呈现尚属首次。在小游戏中,除了能充分展现IP形象元素外,还能通过游戏方式,让 IP附带的内核 以更加生动的形式与用户产生互动。 这篇文章将从技术实现和产品应用两个方向,梳理爱奇艺视频互动小游戏的新玩儿法。 AR+AI双引擎:视频互动小游戏背后的技术 为了让用户获得更好的互动体验,爱奇艺技术产品团队集成了 AR+AI 能力,从整体架构、人脸手势操控,到LUA游戏层的配置,都进行了一系列技术攻坚。 1. 整体架构 为了实现互动小游戏,爱奇艺自研的 AR拍摄引擎VideoAR,

What do the last lines in Lua's `package.config` mean?

久未见 提交于 2021-02-07 13:46:57
问题 The Lua specs say about package.config (numbering added by me): The first line is the directory separator string. Default is ' \ ' for Windows and ' / ' for all other systems. The second line is the character that separates templates in a path. Default is ' ; '. The third line is the string that marks the substitution points in a template. Default is ' ? '. The fourth line is a string that, in a path in Windows, is replaced by the executable's directory. Default is ' ! '. The fifth line is a

Is it better to declare a local inside or outside a loop? [duplicate]

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2021-02-07 06:29:05
问题 This question already has an answer here : In Lua, should I define a variable every iteration of a loop or before the loop? (1 answer) Closed 4 years ago . I am used to do this: do local a for i=1,1000000 do a = <some expression> <...> --do something with a end end instead of for i=1,1000000 do local a = <some expression> <...> --do something with a end My reasoning is that creating a local variable 1000000 times is less efficient than creating it just once and reuse it on each iteration. My


和自甴很熟 提交于 2021-02-07 02:46:29
序言 上一篇文章《Redis为什么这么快》介绍了Redis性能评估工具,以及Redis高性能的原因。详细请见: 这篇我们将从业务的视角,讲解下影响Redis性能的因素以及如何提升Redis使用的性能。 从用户到Redis请求过程分析 以最常用场景缓存为例,流量从用户到Redis Server的过程如下所示: image 用户访问后端服务器,调用对应的Controller Controller命中缓存记录,通过Jedis客户端调用Reids从缓存获取记录。 如果使用的Jedis连接池获取Jedis对象,从Jedis连接池获取一个Jedis连接实例。 Jedis使用Redis序列化协议(RESP)将命令编码,放到Redis Server输入缓冲区中。 Redis Server从输入缓冲区获取命令并执行。 执行结束后将执行结果放入到输出缓冲区。 Jedis客户端从输出缓冲区获取执行结果并返回给Controller。 Controller执行完业务逻辑相应用户的请求。 从上面时序图可以看出,用户请求通过Redis client经由网路到达Redis Server。 因此在考虑使用Redis性能的时候要从客户端和服务端两个角度考虑。 对于业务方来说, 合理使用Redis特性比Redis服务器的优化可操作性更强,也更容易获得好的效果。 下面将从业务优化和服务器优化两个方面介绍Redis的优化。

How do I run a .lua script? [closed]

梦想的初衷 提交于 2021-02-06 09:46:05
问题 This question is unlikely to help any future visitors; it is only relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an extraordinarily narrow situation that is not generally applicable to the worldwide audience of the internet. For help making this question more broadly applicable, visit the help center. Closed 7 years ago . I need to execute a .lua script using windows command line (cmd). I've got my .lua file in the same folder in which my lua.exe is. I've tried several

In Lua, what is #INF and #IND?

梦想的初衷 提交于 2021-02-06 09:14:29
问题 I'm fairly new to Lua. While testing I discovered #INF / #IND . However, I can't find a good reference that explains it. What are #INF , #IND , and similar (such as negatives) and how do you generate and use them? 回答1: #INF is infinite, #IND is NaN. Give it a test: print(1/0) print(0/0) Output on my Windows machine: 1.#INF -1.#IND As there's no standard representation for these in ANSI C, you may get different result. For instance: inf -nan 回答2: Expanding @YuHao already good answer. Lua does

In Lua, what is #INF and #IND?

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2021-02-06 09:13:50
问题 I'm fairly new to Lua. While testing I discovered #INF / #IND . However, I can't find a good reference that explains it. What are #INF , #IND , and similar (such as negatives) and how do you generate and use them? 回答1: #INF is infinite, #IND is NaN. Give it a test: print(1/0) print(0/0) Output on my Windows machine: 1.#INF -1.#IND As there's no standard representation for these in ANSI C, you may get different result. For instance: inf -nan 回答2: Expanding @YuHao already good answer. Lua does


我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2021-02-05 16:41:27
Redis 知识点 redis的全称为远程字典服务器 Redis中文网 中Redis的介绍: Redis 是一个开源(BSD许可)的,内存中的数据结构存储系统,它可以用作数据库、缓存和消息中间件。 它支持多种类型的数据结构,如 字符串(strings) , 散列(hashes) , 列表(lists) , 集合(sets) , 有序集合(sorted sets) 与范围查询, bitmaps , hyperloglogs 和 地理空间(geospatial) 索引半径查询。 Redis 内置了 复制(replication) , LUA脚本(Lua scripting) , LRU驱动事件(LRU eviction) , 事务(transactions) 和不同级别的 磁盘持久化(persistence) , 并通过 Redis哨兵(Sentinel) 和自动 分区(Cluster) 提供高可用性(high availability)。 1. 为什么使用Redis redis是一种内存字典,访问速度远快于访问磁盘 随着文件变大,一个data page默认4k,这意味着在没有一个类似B+树的索引时查找一个大文件中的磁盘数据需要的寻址时间变长 随着访问量增加和需要取出的数据量变大磁盘I/O变大,而磁盘带宽有限 关系型数据库必须给出schema类型(字节宽度)以利于存储