“UNMOUNTABLE-BOOT-VOLUME及Lsass.exe unable to locate component” 解决
昨晚开机进入xp启动界面之后就蓝屏,报“UNMOUNTABLE-BOOT-VOLUME”,查了ms官网,http://support.microsoft.com/kb/555302/en-us,解决办法是: 插入xp安装盘,进入修复控制台,运行“chkdsk /r”修复完毕运行exit系统可自动重启。 重启之后祸不单行,又报了个“lsass.exe 无法定位组件”,继续查ms,http://support.microsoft.com/kb/922371/zh-cn,整理一下解决办法: 1、插入xp安装盘,进入修复控制台; 2、expand F:/i386/ntdsapi.dl_ C:/; 3、copy c:/ntdsapi.dll c:/windows/system32; 4、exit; 搞定! 附ms解决方案原文: RESOLUTION To resolve this problem, follow these steps:1. Insert the Windows XP disk in the CD drive or DVD drive on the computer. Press and hold down the SHIFT key as you insert the disk to prevent the Windows XP installation from