
Write line to Service-Based Database with textbox

China☆狼群 提交于 2020-01-07 02:18:12
问题 I'm trying to create and write line by line to the Service-Based Database with textbox, without additional columns just Index and phrase. So as beginner need help or useful example for my case to figure out, what I'm doing wrong here. So what I did, my database: CREATE TABLE [dbo].[User] ( [Id] INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY IDENTITY, [Phrase] TEXT NOT NULL ) In Id column Properties Identity Specification I’ve changed (is identity) to True, then Update dbo.User [Design], then refresh to my

Need to save a lot of records for my application… should I use a local database instad?

泄露秘密 提交于 2020-01-04 15:26:39
问题 I am about to start developing a "time machine" for windows. I need to store a lot of records in a table. Every time I perform a backup I will write about 50,000 records because that's how many files I have in my computer (each records has nothing to do with storing a file. the record will contain the path where each file is located) Anyways I don't know if I could use XML to store my records since my queries are not going to be complicated plus it is easier to deploy versus creating a local

Xamarin Sqlite Local file path

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2020-01-02 21:58:49
问题 I have an app (Xamarin.Forms cross platform) that uses SQLite to manipulate data locally. I have initialized the data values like this: static UserDatabase database; database = new UserDatabase(DependencyService.Get<ILocalFileHelper>().GetLocalFilePath("User.db3")); //sv67219.Diabetes_App.dbo")); This seems to work perfectly, but i dont know where exactly is the database stored. In other words, where is "User.db3" stored? (Which folder?). I want to know this because i want to view my database

Parse.com syncing network with Local Datastore - pinning & unpinning issue

China☆狼群 提交于 2019-12-24 15:00:04
问题 I have a Parse backend setup where I have three classes: User Place - with restaurant information SavedPlace - an object modelling the User and Place relationship with pointers to both User and SavedPlace. What I'm trying to do is to be unable to sync my network and local datastore but only where there are changes i.e. only for SavedPlace objects that are different in the network and local (using updateAt). However, I'm running into issues with pinning and unpinning and I've looked everywhere

What is the difference between a Local Database in C# and a SQL Server Management Studio created database?

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2019-12-21 07:16:09
问题 I'm creating an application with MS Visual C# 2010 Express that requires a database. I've learned that there seem to be two ways to create/use a SQL database with this application. The first seems to be where from within C#, I can create a "local database" by right-clicking on my application in the Solution Explorer and clicking "Add"->"New Item"->"Local Database". Then it's shown in the Database Explorer and I can use it. The other way is where I create a database with SQL Server Management

linq to sql (Local database for Windows Phone) better ? (OR) A sqlite-net version for mobile better ?? for windows phone 8 local database creation

感情迁移 提交于 2019-12-21 06:04:29
问题 Hi I am creating windows phone 8 app , i want to store huge amount data in my app , i have already completed my windows 8 tablet app using sqlite version for windows 8. my doubt is regarding creating a local datbase in windows phone 8 which is the most reliable one to go with ? option 1:- Working with SQLite in Windows Phone 8: a sqlite-net version for mobile option 2:- linq to sql (Local database for Windows Phone) if i use the option 1 i can easily re-use all my Data, DALC, BIZ layers as it

Chrome Extension with Database API interface

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2019-12-13 08:11:49
问题 I want to update a div with a list of anchors that I generate from a local database in chrome. It's pretty simple stuff, but as soon as I try to add the data to the main.js file via a callback everything suddenly becomes undefined. Or the array length is set to 0. ( When it's really 18. ) Initially, I tried to install it into a new array and pass it back that way. Is there a setting that I need to specify in the chrome manifest.json in order to allow for communication with the database API? I

Why doesn't DataDirectory change on run time

匆匆过客 提交于 2019-12-13 05:19:29
问题 I am tring to connect to a local database with w winform c# application when i set my connection string to Data: Source=C:\Users\PACKARD BELL\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\GestionStock\MyApp\Mydb.sdf it works fine but when i set it to Data Source=|DataDirectory|\Mydb.sdf it dosen't work i tried to print the connection string with the data directory variable in the console and i found that it dosen't change i want the connection string to change with the location of the application

Combining HTML5 localStorage and local Database for more space?

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2019-12-12 14:39:14
问题 I am developing a web application for remote areas with little internet connectivity and was wondering if I can use HTML5 localStorage with a maximum size of 10MB and HTML5 local Database with a maximum size of 10MB for a total of 20MB of offline storage (Not including HTML5 Application Cache) or do browsers combine these quotas? Is HTML5 Application Cache a separate quota? Are there any other ways of getting more than 10MB of persistent storage? 回答1: You might expect the browser to enforce a

What is the database needed to run web application with local database file?

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2019-12-11 18:57:46
问题 I programmed a web application that uses from local database (.mdf file) and would be run locally on client system. my question is that what is the database needed to install on client system to run this application. MS SQL Server? MS SQL Server Express or nothing? 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24459652/what-is-the-database-needed-to-run-web-application-with-local-database-file