
How to get a UTF-8 JSON

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-12-04 13:55:53
I'm using LitJSON library but things gets a little bit odd. Do you know any JSON library that keeps the accents when converting ? Here's the test : test.json [{"id":"CS_001","name":"L'élément","type":"Tôt"},{"id":"CS_002","name":"L'outrage","type":"Tôt"},{"id":"CS_003","name":"Test","type":"Tôt"}] test.cs public class test : MonoBehaviour { private string jsonString; private JsonData cardData; JsonData database; void Start () { jsonString = File.ReadAllText (Application.dataPath + "/test.json"); cardData = JsonMapper.ToObject (jsonString); database = JsonMapper.ToJson (cardData); Debug.Log

how to parse json array using Litjson?

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 01:05:01
可以将文章内容翻译成中文,广告屏蔽插件可能会导致该功能失效(如失效,请关闭广告屏蔽插件后再试): 问题: I am developing an application in which i am using data came from server in the json format. However i am able to parse normal json data but failed to parse the json data with arrays, the json response is given below, [{"id_user":"80","services": [{"idservice":"3","title":"dni-e","message":"Texto para el dni-e"}, {"idservice":"4","title":"Tarjeta azul","message":"Texto para la tarjeta azul"}] }] how can i read this json array? Note :I am using Litjson for parsing. 回答1: You should create yourselft following POCO objects: public class Service

Is it possible to have nested array json?

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-02 09:10:48
I'm kinda new with json. So I want to make an array value inside a value of an array like below. { "id": 0, "title": "LEVEL", "value": [10[2,3,5], 1] } But unfortunately It's not working. It gives me an error when I tried to read the data. I want to know if it's possible to have an array inside an array value. Thank you. I always advice people to create a class and generate json from it instead of trying to construct json from your head. It's easier if you do it this way and the generated json will always be valid and exaclty what you wanted. This is what you want the json to look like: Here

how to parse json array using Litjson?

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2019-11-29 14:55:02
I am developing an application in which i am using data came from server in the json format. However i am able to parse normal json data but failed to parse the json data with arrays, the json response is given below, [{"id_user":"80","services": [{"idservice":"3","title":"dni-e","message":"Texto para el dni-e"}, {"idservice":"4","title":"Tarjeta azul","message":"Texto para la tarjeta azul"}] }] how can i read this json array? Note :I am using Litjson for parsing. You should create yourselft following POCO objects: public class Service { public int idservice { get; set; } public string title {

.NETCore C# 中级篇2-6 Json与XML

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-11-28 16:33:56
.NETCoreCSharp 中级篇2-6 本节内容为Json和XML操作 简介 Json和XML文本是计算机网络通信中常见的文本格式,其中Json其实就是JavaScript中的数组与对象,体现了一种面向对象的方式,而XML则是一种可标记语言,类似于我们的html标签,他更多的是体现一种层级关系。 但无论哪一种文本格式,我们都有学习的必要。 JSON 首先,介绍一下Json: Json其实就是JavaScript里面的对象和数组,通过不同的组合,可以构成许多不同的数据结构。其中使用花括号的是对象,中括号的是数组,例如: { "data": { "people": [ {"name":"ppppp","age":18} ] }, "status":0 } 这里面,data就是一个对象,而people就是一个数组。 如果你要处理Json数据,你在nuget上可以找到许多适宜的库,在这里,我是用的是LitJson,这可能是一个比较少见的库,但是我觉得很好用。 这里我给出我们的免费api地址 ,这里你可以请求到我们的json文本。 对于LitJson,它充分的阐明了我们Json的核心——数组与对象。对于LitJson,数组使用List ,对象则直接创建一个类进行处理。对于上面的例子,我们可以构造出如下的类关系


a 夏天 提交于 2019-11-27 18:31:04
unity3d在跟.net进行http通信的时候,最常见的就是表单数据的提交请求了,但服务器端会返回一坨json数据,这就要求我们在unity中进行json数据的处理了,一般unity中处理json个数数据用的最多的就是LitJSON(它是.net平台下处理SON数据库的类库)。下面我就贴出源码,仅供学习参考! 关于LitJSON的安装和使用,请参考: 或者参考: 将LitJson.dll放在assets目录下的plugins文件下,如果没有plugins文件就手动创建一个 Client: [csharp] view plain copy print ? using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using LitJson; public class GetPhotoList : MonoBehaviour { // Use this for initialization void Start () { StartCoroutine(GetPhotos()); } // Update


人盡茶涼 提交于 2019-11-26 17:07:11
C#菜鸟学习笔记 网络数据传输时,数据的序列化和反序列化(以Json为例) 对象转Json字符串 实验环境:Unity客户端 使用工具:LitJson.dll 步骤: 下载Litjson.dll,下载地址:; 在Unity工程下创建Plusin文件夹,放入 Litjson.dll 文件 脚本添加 Litjson 引用,在命名空间 using 即可 使用: //最简单的用法(以用户信息为例) JsonData userInfo = new JsonData(); //创建一个json对象,并添加键值对 userInfo["UserName"] = strUserName; userInfo["PassWord"] = strPassWord; string strJson = userInfo.ToJson();//将json转换成字符串 //转化为字节数组,这样就生成能传输的数据了 byte[] _sendData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(strJson); Json字符串转Dictionary<string, string>类型 服务端最快捷的方法:引用 Newtonsoft.Json 使用**JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(