
C# under Linux, Process.Start() exception of “No such file or directory”

蓝咒 提交于 2021-02-20 06:11:02
问题 I am having trouble calling a program with the Process class to start a program. The hierarchy to the executable is in under the bin directory while the current working directory needs to be under the lib directory. /project /bin a.out (this is what I need to call) /lib (this is where I need to be in order for a.out to work) I have set the WorkingDirectory = "path/lib" and the "FileName = "../bin/a.out" . However I am getting an error of: Unhandled Exception: System.ComponentModel

Why does the sys_read system call end when it detects a new line?

我们两清 提交于 2021-02-20 05:56:48
问题 I'm a beginner in assembly (using nasm). I'm learning assembly through a college course. I'm trying to understand the behavior of the sys_read linux system call when it's invoked. Specifically, sys_read stops when it reads a new line or line feed . According to what I've been taught, this is true. This online tutorial article also affirms the fact/claim. When sys_read detects a linefeed, control returns to the program and the users input is located at the memory address you passed in ECX. I

Why does the sys_read system call end when it detects a new line?

徘徊边缘 提交于 2021-02-20 05:56:46
问题 I'm a beginner in assembly (using nasm). I'm learning assembly through a college course. I'm trying to understand the behavior of the sys_read linux system call when it's invoked. Specifically, sys_read stops when it reads a new line or line feed . According to what I've been taught, this is true. This online tutorial article also affirms the fact/claim. When sys_read detects a linefeed, control returns to the program and the users input is located at the memory address you passed in ECX. I

Why does the sys_read system call end when it detects a new line?

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2021-02-20 05:55:00
问题 I'm a beginner in assembly (using nasm). I'm learning assembly through a college course. I'm trying to understand the behavior of the sys_read linux system call when it's invoked. Specifically, sys_read stops when it reads a new line or line feed . According to what I've been taught, this is true. This online tutorial article also affirms the fact/claim. When sys_read detects a linefeed, control returns to the program and the users input is located at the memory address you passed in ECX. I

11g,12c Oracle Rac安装

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2021-02-20 05:39:44
安装 Oracle 12cR1 RAC on Linux 7 本文介绍如何在 Oracle Linux 7 上安装 2 节点 Oracle 12cR1 Real Application Cluster ( RAC )。通过使用共享存储创建 2 个虚拟机,在 Oracle Virtual Box 上进行了此安装。我使用的 OS 平台是 Oracle Enterprise Linux 7 , Oracle GI 和 RDBMS 版本是 。相同的安装指南也适用于 Redhat Linux 7 。 如果 RAC 设置中有超过 2 个节点,安装步骤是相同的。 可以通过以下链接找到 12c RAC 安装的官方文档。 Oracle RAC 12c 版本最好配合 Oracle Linux 7 进行安装 Oracle RAC 11.2.04 版本最好配合 Oracle Linux 6 进行安装 前置条件: 通过安装 Oracle Linux 7 来准备所有节点。所有节点上都有私有连接和共享存储。例如,我有 3 个磁盘(每个 2G 大小)用于 CRS 磁盘组用来存储 OCR 和 Voting ,以及 1 个磁盘( 4G )用于 DATA 磁盘组来存储数据库。 在示例里面,我们有 2

C strip html between <…>

不羁的心 提交于 2021-02-20 05:16:31
问题 How can i strip the HTML from document between and including the <...> tags in a HTML document using C? My current program uses curl to get the contents of the webpage and puts it into a text file, it then reads from the text file and removes the <>, but i am unsure of how to remove everything between those tags. #include <curl/curl.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #define WEBPAGE_URL ""

C strip html between <…>

久未见 提交于 2021-02-20 05:16:22
问题 How can i strip the HTML from document between and including the <...> tags in a HTML document using C? My current program uses curl to get the contents of the webpage and puts it into a text file, it then reads from the text file and removes the <>, but i am unsure of how to remove everything between those tags. #include <curl/curl.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #define WEBPAGE_URL ""

date command is giving erroneous output while using inside rpm spec file

℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2021-02-20 05:00:52
问题 I have to perform some necessary steps before installing my package, such as taking back up of previous datastore snapshot. For that purpose I'm using a %pre script as follows. %pre #!/bin/sh -------- -------- stamp=`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S` echo ${stamp} ------------- ------------- The output is as follows: 20161103123325OURCE It is printing some random characters along with date. "OURCE" is not present anywhere in my spec file. The same script works perfectly as standalone. The platform is

date command is giving erroneous output while using inside rpm spec file

我的梦境 提交于 2021-02-20 05:00:49
问题 I have to perform some necessary steps before installing my package, such as taking back up of previous datastore snapshot. For that purpose I'm using a %pre script as follows. %pre #!/bin/sh -------- -------- stamp=`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S` echo ${stamp} ------------- ------------- The output is as follows: 20161103123325OURCE It is printing some random characters along with date. "OURCE" is not present anywhere in my spec file. The same script works perfectly as standalone. The platform is


孤人 提交于 2021-02-20 04:53:53
一、cd命令(changeDirectory) 1. 命令语法:cd [目录名] -- 说明:切换当前目录至dirName 2. 进入主要目录:cd / 3. 进入"家"目录:cd ~ 4. 进入上一次工作路径:cd - 5. 把上个命令的参数作为cd参数使用:cd !$ 二、pwd命令 -- 查看当前工作目录路径 1. 查看当前路径:pwd 2. 查看软链接的实际路径:pwd -P 三、ls命令(list) 1. ls 命令不仅可以查看linux文件夹包含的文件,而且可以查看文件权限(包括目录、文件夹、文件权限)查看目录信息等等 2. 常用参数搭配: ① ls -a 列出目录所有文件,包含以.开始的隐藏文件 ② ls -A 列出除.及..的其它文件 ③ ls -r 反序排列 ④ ls -t 以文件修改时间排序 ⑤ ls -S 以文件大小排序 ⑥ ls -h 以易读大小显示 ⑦ ls -l 除了文件名之外,还将文件的权限、所有者、文件大小等信息详细列出来 3. 例: ① 按易读方式按时间反序排序,并显示文件详细信息: ls -lhrt ② 按大小反序显示文件详细信息: ls -lrS ③ 列出当前目录中所有以“t”开头的目录的详细内容: ls -l t* ④ 列出文件绝对路径(不包含隐藏文件): ls | sed "s:^:`pwd`/:" ⑤ 列出文件绝对路径(包含隐藏文件):