
开源IDE LightTable的使用

纵饮孤独 提交于 2020-02-28 11:37:28
开源IDE,LightTable,比较小巧,居然有种完爆我大Sublime的赶脚,可惜全是英文的,特此记录一些用法。 其实就是它自带的帮助文档,不过全是英文,全当练翻译了。 简单的菜单基本和其他文档编辑器相同, Starting Light Table 大概意思就是关于 LightTable 的命令行操作了, LightTable 的右边有 command 的操作,从 View 下的 Command 可以进入, Ctrl+Space ,也可以 , 不过一般或和切换输入法冲突,解决方法是,在 command 下搜索 key, 进入 Setting:Default keyMap, 搜索 space, 替换之,即可解决。 command 中会匹配你输入的最相近的指令,例如你要看 LightTable 的文档,输入 ltd ,第一条就是。 还有一个细节是, command 下的提示会有相关联的快捷键。 The Workspace Tree 这段是关于 Workspace 的操作,大概是新建一个 workspace ,方便管理文件树,如果新开一个窗口的话,新的 workspace 会是空的,点击 file 下的, open recent workspace ,新的窗口就和原来的 workspace 相同了。 通俗来说就是 , 在 LightTable 里面看网页,在 command 键入

How to integrate libraries (clojars) into Lightable plugins

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2019-12-24 04:26:28
问题 As exercise to gain experience with ClojureScript I am writing a LightTable Plugin and I find no way to successfully use any standard library, I read the official documentation and even updated it to reflect latest changes regarding paths etc.. I followed this video and read the whole thread on the google group trying the proposed solutions, even working with the latest github source without luck. I tried including core.async or cljs.http (I know the embedded nodejs alternative, just as

Python Script not executing in Light Table shows error

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2019-12-23 15:05:24
问题 Help! i am getting this error again and again....on light table while i m trying to run python code File "C:\Python34\Lib\", line 176 file=sys.stderr) ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax This is a code with installation. 回答1: I have no idea about the Light Table part, but the error you show is the one that you'd get if you were to somehow try to execute a Python 3 print function call under Python 2 (where print is a statement with a quirky syntax rather than a function). Lines 175-176 of

How do you change Clojure version in Leiningen and LightTable?

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2019-12-21 04:07:09
问题 When I type (clojure-version) into my repl in LightTable, I get "1.5.1" as output. Is there any way to upgrade to 1.6.0? I am assuming that it is drawing the Clojure version from Leiningen (2.3.4 on my machine), which is stocked with 1.5.1 out of the box. How can I make sure that both Leiningen and LightTable are using the most recent version of Clojure? I have googled around and can't find any clear answers. I did find this SO question, but it didn't address my problem specifically. Is there

How to add a live console session inside an imbeded window to LightTable?

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2019-12-11 03:43:49
问题 It would be nice to have an imbedded console within a sub-window within LightTable to reduce the amount of open windows during development for all programing languages. Preferably this would work for all platforms, but at the least one for Linux would be really nice. 来源:

“No reader function” error using Datomic in Light Table

只愿长相守 提交于 2019-12-09 16:40:20
问题 When I eval this code in lighttable: (ns app.core (:require [datomic.api :refer [q] :as d] :reload-all)) (defn add-person [conn id] (d/transact conn [{:db/id #db/id[:db.part/user -1000001] :person/id id}])) I get: clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: No reader function for tag id core.clj:4327 clojure.core/ex-info Anyone knows what is going on? 回答1: This tutorial is attributed to stuart halloway and Bobby Calderwood: (use :reload 'datomic.samples.repl) (easy!) (def conn (scratch-conn)) ;; in data, use

What happens if you write a variable name alone in python?

笑着哭i 提交于 2019-12-08 14:42:23
问题 Recently I became curious about but what happens in line 2 of the following bogus python code: def my_fun(foo,bar): foo return foo + bar The reason I became interested is that I'm trying Light Table and tried to put a watch on "foo." It appeared to cause the python interpreter to hang. Am I correct in thinking that this line has absolutely no effect and does not cause any sort of error? Can someone explain what the interpreter does exactly here? 回答1: One can look at what is happening with a

How can I create a basic ClojureScript Hello World app in Lighttable?

折月煮酒 提交于 2019-12-04 08:06:47
问题 The documentation seems quite sparse in LightTable. I want to create a very bare bones ClojureScript web application in LightTable as a starting point to build on. I have the Instarepl in Clojure working fine, and then I create a new file called dummy.cljs containing the following: (ns dummy) (js/alert "Hello lighttable") How can I run this? Update I have figured this out now, and I will post a video on how todo it as it is quite visual. Update 2 Here is the video:

Lighttable, set font size

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2019-12-03 11:45:18
问题 i am new on Lighttable IDE. anyone know how to set workspace and windows font size. i can change editor font size. but dont know how to set font-size for other element. or change font-size global for all IDE fonts. 回答1: Open commands pane ( ^Space ), search for "User behaviour". This will open config file. Add the following into the middle (LightTable 0.7+): [:editor "Menlo" 13 2] On older LightTable versions add this instead: :editor [:lt.objs.editor/no-wrap (:lt

How do you change Clojure version in Leiningen and LightTable?

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2019-12-03 11:43:05
When I type (clojure-version) into my repl in LightTable, I get "1.5.1" as output. Is there any way to upgrade to 1.6.0? I am assuming that it is drawing the Clojure version from Leiningen (2.3.4 on my machine), which is stocked with 1.5.1 out of the box. How can I make sure that both Leiningen and LightTable are using the most recent version of Clojure? I have googled around and can't find any clear answers. I did find this SO question , but it didn't address my problem specifically. Is there like a "lein update" command I can call that automates this process, and which LightTable will