
SASS and Liferay - how to use in custom themes?

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2019-12-04 23:37:22
问题 I don't really find an answer on liferay's blogs and google - so i hope anyone here can help me. I'm trying to get started with sass in a custom theme i am building in liferay 6.2. As i understand it, the approach would be this: create an empty theme, (using maven,) based off _styled this gives me a file layout like this: <theme> +-src +-main +-webapp +-css +- ... here i'll put any css overwrites develop sass stylesheets, link to main.css <theme> +-src +-main +-webapp +-css +-main.css +

How do I get Sites of which the user is a member in Liferay theme?

痞子三分冷 提交于 2019-12-04 20:03:30
In Liferay 6.1 custom theme - How can I get Sites for a user that it is a member of in a theme? I have seen how the dockbar Go to/My sites gets generated via the Liferay UI taglib. However, I want to get a list of user's sites and list them as part of super navigation bar separate from the dockbar options. Is this possible and what is the API call to get the user's sites in a list? Thanks in advance. From the user object you can retrieve the groups he belongs to: $user.mySites This returns a List<Group> . Once you have the Group you can easily build a URL to the public and private pages of

how to import a theme in liferay 7 workspace?

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2019-12-04 02:33:14
问题 how to import a theme in liferay 7 workspace? I added the theme under workspace/themes and I tried to deploy it but did not work. The build type of my Theme is Ant. The following picture shows the details: I put the Theme under *sdk\com.liferay.portal.plugins.sdk-1.0.11\themes* and I tried to test it as in Liferay 6. Import-> Liferay Projects from plugins SDK then when adding the SDK I got an error : app.server.dir is invalid. Please reconfigure Plugins SDK setting: app.server.dir=path to

jQuery plugin in a Liferay 7 theme

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2019-12-03 22:29:18
问题 I need some help understanding Liferay 7 themes, specifically to use jQuery plugins. As I am having the same issue as in this thread: "is not a function" is occuring whenever I call the plugin function I tried to install. I am tring all the possible placements for this: <script type="text/javascript" src="${javascript_folder}/mCustomScrollbar.js"></script> When I inspect the page I can see the jQuery object there,

rendering Liferay page URLs inside of portlets Liferay 6.1

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-03 16:39:19
I'm new to liferay and I'm almost positive this is blazingly simple to do: Using velocity markup, I want to be able to generate links to pages within my Liferay website and embed them inside of my portlets on different pages. I have a vague idea of how it might be done so I searched around figuring it would be posted somewhere, but I can't find anything on it. Incidentally, I want to put whatever code I come up with inside the view.jsp of the portlet. I would use velocity markup here but I don't think (don't know for sure) if that is allowed inside of a jsp. Please let me know if you need more

SASS and Liferay - how to use in custom themes?

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2019-12-03 15:48:33
I don't really find an answer on liferay's blogs and google - so i hope anyone here can help me. I'm trying to get started with sass in a custom theme i am building in liferay 6.2. As i understand it, the approach would be this: create an empty theme, (using maven,) based off _styled this gives me a file layout like this: <theme> +-src +-main +-webapp +-css +- ... here i'll put any css overwrites develop sass stylesheets, link to main.css <theme> +-src +-main +-webapp +-css +-main.css +-custom.scss main.css initially looks like this: @import url(custom.css); /* other css import here */ custom

Color and other footer's parameters in Liferay

狂风中的少年 提交于 2019-12-02 19:31:11
问题 I need to create footer which will be just like small orange bar, and I need to make it responsive, I mean when I resized my window everything should be ok. How can I do that? <footer id="footer" role="contentinfo"> <p class="powered-by"> #language ("powered-by German") </p> </footer> This is my <footer> tag in portal_normal.vm 回答1: To make your footer responsive, you can use Liferay supported Twitter Bootstrap classes, aided by your own custom styles controlled through media queries in

Color and other footer's parameters in Liferay

孤街浪徒 提交于 2019-12-02 10:37:18
I need to create footer which will be just like small orange bar, and I need to make it responsive, I mean when I resized my window everything should be ok. How can I do that? <footer id="footer" role="contentinfo"> <p class="powered-by"> #language ("powered-by German") </p> </footer> This is my <footer> tag in portal_normal.vm To make your footer responsive, you can use Liferay supported Twitter Bootstrap classes, aided by your own custom styles controlled through media queries in custom.css of theme: Example: <div id="footer" class="row-fluid"> <div class="span12 text-center"> <p class=

How can I add a new language in Liferay 7?

南楼画角 提交于 2019-12-01 20:31:39
My problem is how to add new language like thailand language in liferay 7 . When I inspect the existing flag I see that the image is not png but it is svg, but I can't add new language with icon. In this page.jsp I see that the constructor of image is automatically generated. This code describes the generation of svg image <svg class="lexicon-icon lexicon-icon-<%= image %>" role="img" title="<%= HtmlUtil.escapeAttribute(LanguageUtil.get(resourceBundle, label)) %>" <%= InlineUtil.buildDynamicAttributes(dynamicAttributes) %>> <use xlink:href="<%= Validator.isNotNull(src) ? src : themeDisplay

How to create Structure & Template programmatically in Liferay 6

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2019-12-01 08:54:28
问题 I need to create the Structure and Template progrmatically through java code.I used following code snippets. Structure: public void createStructure(String userName,long userId){"Inside create structure "); long structureId=115203; DDMStructure ddmStructure=DDMStructureLocalServiceUtil.createDDMStructure(structureId); ddmStructure.setName("MigrationStructure"); ddmStructure.setDescription("This Structure created programatically"); ddmStructure.setUserId(userId); ddmStructure