How to apply less functions to gradient colors?
I am new in less. I want to apply less functions to the gradient colors. I have tried best of my knowledge but I couldn't get the output. Can any one please suggest me the correct way to get the less function derived colors. I tried the below codes. @input: #fff , #aaa 25%, #ccc 50%, #000 100%; @light: 10%; @dark: 20%; div{ .custom-grad(@input, @light, @dark); } .for(@array) when (default()) {.for-impl_(length(@array))} .for-impl_(@i) when (@i > 1) {.for-impl_((@i - 1))} .for-impl_(@i) when (@i > 0) {.-each(extract(@array, @i), @i)} .custom-grad(@input, @light, @dark) { .for(@input); .-each(