
Vue.js interceptor

戏子无情 提交于 2019-12-03 13:31:12
How can I use a interceptor in vue.js ? So before every request/response it should first go to the interceptor. I already searched a lot but can't find a good documentation about that. I would like to use JWTAuth like this: (function (define) { 'use strict' define(function (require) { var interceptor interceptor = require('rest/interceptor') /** * Authenticates the request using JWT Authentication * * @param {Client} [client] client to wrap * @param {Object} config * * @returns {Client} */ return interceptor({ request: function (request, config) { var token, headers token = localStorage

Elixir versioning public path

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2019-12-03 12:25:33
I'm trying to use Elixir's version() method with my 'public' folder being public_html (instead of the default 'public' method). I version my css file, which produces a build folder with the manifest inside public_html elixir.config.cssOutput = 'public_html/css'; elixir.config.jsOutput = 'public_html/js'; elixir(function(mix) { mix.styles([ 'vendor/normalize.css', 'app.css' ], null, 'public_html/css'); mix.version('public_html/css/all.css'); }); In my blade template I use <link href="{{ elixir("css/all.css") }}" rel="stylesheet"> Problem is the elixir function searches in 'public/build' folder.

Gulp Error: watch ENOSPC

浪尽此生 提交于 2019-12-01 04:00:14
Hi i'm getting this error while running gulp watch. im using vueify in laravel project. why is this happening. it was working fine all these days and this came in today. $ gulp watch [12:56:01] Using gulpfile ~/Documents/web_projects/next-home/gulpfile.js [12:56:01] Starting 'watch'... [12:56:01] Starting 'browserify'... Fetching Browserify Source Files... - resources/assets/js/app.js Saving To... - public/js/app.js [12:56:02] Finished 'browserify' after 707 ms [12:56:02] 'watch' errored after 722 ms [12:56:02] Error: watch /home/bazi/Documents/web_projects/next-home/resources/assets/less/