
Perlin Noise detail level. How to zoom in on a landscape?

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2019-12-03 11:53:26
问题 I've written my own Perlin Noise implementation and it works well. I can 'zoom' in and out by changing the frequency, but as I zoom in the noise gets smoother and smoother. Assume I have a landscape that displays a continent. I want to zoom in down to a city-size area (or closer), but still have detail. I think I need to re-generate the landscape at the closer detail but I'm not sure if there are any implementations that can help with that? Zoomed out, I see the continent and oceans, but I

How to change GENYMOTION screen orientation?

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2019-12-03 11:32:59
问题 Is it possible to change the orientation of the genymotion emulator? Is there a shotcut or setting to change this? I've tried to google it but have not find it. Any suggestion would be appreciated,thank you. 回答1: Two ways : Button in the sidebar CTRL + F11 Edit : And if it does not work, it's surely because the application in foreground is orientation locked. 回答2: It seems on Mac it is in the latest version CMD + F11 and not CTRL + F11 , although it is documented to be the last one. 回答3: When

IOS6 landscape playing embedded youtube video from a uiwebview within an only portrait iPhone app

人盡茶涼 提交于 2019-12-03 06:46:41
I've got an iPhone application with a storyboard,few xib and custom cells. The application is set as a "portrait" as "supported interface orientation" (i mean everything is display like that). In my custom cells, there is Uiwebview that is linked to a youtube embedded video, when i clicked it the video start to playing, but my problem is that they are always playing in "portrait" mode. I've read lots of things that solve this problem but only in ios5. Actually : I can identify when the video start or stop playing. I can identify the device orientation. But i can't (I want) switch (Force)

Android (ActionBarSherlock) Is there any way to keep the same ActionBar height both in portrait and landscape?

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2019-12-03 06:11:22
I have been working with the ActionBar and ActionBarSherlock for the last few days, and i am having some issues when filling some information in the ActionBar. When the application runs in portrait mode, the ActionBar looks fine, and all the data can be displayed, for example: But when i switch the app to be displayed in landscape, some of the data is cropped: You can notice how both the status icon and the email has been cropped due to the new height of the ActionBar. In this case, i want to keep the same size for portrait and landscape so the app can look fine. I can't reduce the font size

How can I rotate display only in landscape mode in android?

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2019-12-03 04:32:48
I want that my View rotates only in landscape mode, clockwise and counterclockwise. I read about the only counterclockwise for android < 2.2 and that's not a problem, my App will be +2.2 for now. I modify my manifest to catch Configuration Changes android:configChanges="keyboardHidden|orientation" I override my activity to catch Configuration Changes @Override public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) { and I know how to catch orientation Display display = ((WindowManager) getSystemService(WINDOW_SERVICE)).getDefaultDisplay(); int rot = display.getRotation(); but... I don't

android camera stretched in landscape mode

可紊 提交于 2019-12-03 03:45:34
问题 The app I'm writing requires camera functionality. So to learn about how to operate the camera, I followed this script: I have put the activity in my manifest, set the screen orientation for it on landscape mode. The problem I'm having is, when the camera is held sideways (so I hold my Galaxy Tab P1000 in landscape position) the view is stretched out. To be more specific about my

AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer landscape orientation

陌路散爱 提交于 2019-12-03 02:19:08
How can I get 'AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer' to display properly in landscape orientation? It works fine in portrait but doesn't rotate, and shows a rotated camera capture when the parent view controller is in landscape orientation. First, the answer - (void)viewWillLayoutSubviews { _captureVideoPreviewLayer.frame = self.view.bounds; if (_captureVideoPreviewLayer.connection.supportsVideoOrientation) { _captureVideoPreviewLayer.connection.videoOrientation = [self interfaceOrientationToVideoOrientation:[UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarOrientation]; } } - (AVCaptureVideoOrientation

How to change GENYMOTION screen orientation?

蓝咒 提交于 2019-12-03 02:03:56
Is it possible to change the orientation of the genymotion emulator? Is there a shotcut or setting to change this? I've tried to google it but have not find it. Any suggestion would be appreciated,thank you. Two ways : Button in the sidebar CTRL + F11 Edit : And if it does not work, it's surely because the application in foreground is orientation locked. It seems on Mac it is in the latest version CMD + F11 and not CTRL + F11 , although it is documented to be the last one. farooq shaik When device rotates after pressing vibration-like icon, this icon disappears preventing the device from

How to play video full screen in landscape using exoplayer

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2019-12-03 01:59:26
I am using exoplayer to play video from url in my android app. In portrait everything work as expected (using viewpager, fragments and tabs inside activity). My goal is to play the video in full screen when the user is in landscape. It means only the video will play in landscape and all other details will desapear and return back to the original layout when portrait. How can I achieve this please? or what is the best way to achieve this? any sample code will be appreciate. i am a noob so this is the best i can help with, btw I tested this in the Exoplayer Demo application, i changed the

Android landscape right to landscape left event

筅森魡賤 提交于 2019-12-02 15:23:34
问题 I would like to now if the is any possible way to trigger an event when the layout is being redrawn because of the event of switching directly from landscape right orientation to landscape left orientation. I tried the OrientationEventListener. The problem is that it triggers to fast. I am doing UI changes and they happen before the landscape is being redrawn, and it looks bad. I could just add some delay on the changes but depending on the phone that change could last more or less. For the