
Cannot start Kibana 7.5.0 Fatal Error have not done any changes in configuration file

╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2021-02-08 04:31:47
问题 Getting FATAL Error when starting Kibana 7.5, i have not configured anything i am just running elasticsearch.bat (also v7.5) and kibana.bat '{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"mapper_parsing_exception","reason":"No handler for type [flattened] declared on field [state]"}],"type":"mapper_parsing_exception", "reason":"Failed to parse mapping [_doc]: No handler for type [flattened] declared on field [state]", "caused_by":{"type":"mapper_parsing_exception","reason":"No handler for type [flattened]

Cannot start Kibana 7.5.0 Fatal Error have not done any changes in configuration file

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2021-02-08 04:31:12
问题 Getting FATAL Error when starting Kibana 7.5, i have not configured anything i am just running elasticsearch.bat (also v7.5) and kibana.bat '{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"mapper_parsing_exception","reason":"No handler for type [flattened] declared on field [state]"}],"type":"mapper_parsing_exception", "reason":"Failed to parse mapping [_doc]: No handler for type [flattened] declared on field [state]", "caused_by":{"type":"mapper_parsing_exception","reason":"No handler for type [flattened]

ElasticSearch : Nested query not returning desired results

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2021-02-05 09:28:16
问题 I am new to Elastic Search and facing some problems in implementing some queries. Following is my index structure { "cl_1" : { "aliases" : { }, "mappings" : { "properties" : { "@timestamp" : { "type" : "date" }, "@version" : { "type" : "long" }, "class" : { "type" : "text", "fields" : { "keyword" : { "type" : "keyword", "ignore_above" : 256 } } }, "file" : { "type" : "text", "fields" : { "keyword" : { "type" : "keyword", "ignore_above" : 256 } } }, "level" : { "type" : "text", "fields" : {


旧时模样 提交于 2021-01-29 22:47:28
作者: Shay Banon 请注意: 最初发布这篇博客后,我们又增发了两篇博客来补充一些详细信息: 许可协议变更澄清 和 为什么我们必须变更许可协议 。 Elasticsearch 和 Kibana 的许可协议即将变更 我们即将把根据 Apache 2.0 许可授权的 Elasticsearch 和 Kibana 的源代码变更为双重许可模式(即 SSPL 1.0 和 Elastic 许可),以便用户选择适合自己的许可。通过这一许可协议的变更,这样既能确保我们的社区和客户继续以免费开放的方式使用、修改和重新分发代码,又能开展基于代码的协作,而且还可以限制云服务提供商在不向社区提供任何回馈的情况下,将 Elasticsearch 和 Kibana 作为一项对外提供的服务,从而保护我们在开发免费及开放产品方面的持续投资。此次变更将适用于 Elasticsearch 和 Kibana 的所有维护分支,并从我们即将发布的 7.11 版本开始生效。我们的发行版将继续使用与三年前相同的 Elastic 许可。 此次源代码许可协议变更 对绝大部分免费使用默认分发版的社区用户没有影响 ,也 不会影响我们的云服务客户或自管型软件客户 。 近年来,市场已发生了很大的变化,社区开始逐渐的认识到,开源公司只有更好地保护了自己的软件,才能够实现持续创新和进行必要的投资。随着很多公司不断的转型到 SaaS

How to index (ingest) geo data (Geometry, GeometryCollection) as GeoShape in ElasticSearch with C#, Nest, NetTopologySuite from GeoJson file / string?

久未见 提交于 2021-01-29 15:41:36
问题 Summary I want to to properly index (ingest) geo data (Geometry, GeometryCollection) as GeoShape in ElasticSearch using C#, Nest and NetTopologySuite (NTS) from GeoJson files or string representations. I'm using the following stack: ElasticSearch 7.10.1 NEST 7.10.1 NetTopologySuite 2.1.0 NetTopologySuite.IO.GeoJSON 2.0.4 In my GitHub GIST you can find the two sample files (postal-area.geojson and the geojson file as a sample for Scenario #7) along with the code presented bellow with what i've

Using nested values in script_score

北战南征 提交于 2021-01-29 13:50:00
问题 I am attempting to use nested values in a script score, but I am having issues making it work, because I am unable to iterate over the field by accessing it through doc . Also, when I try to query it in Kibana like _type:images AND _exists_:colors , it will not match any documents, even though the field is clearly present in all my docs when I view them individually. I am however able to access it using params._source , but I have read that it can be slow slow and is not really recommended. I

In Kabana can you create a line chart from a custom aggregation?

眉间皱痕 提交于 2021-01-29 08:51:03
问题 I have a nested aggregation which returns data like: "aggregations" : { "builds" : { "buckets" : [ { "key" : 1610145879928, "key_as_string" : "2021-01-08T22:44:39.928Z", "total_duration_parent" : { "total_duration_ms" : { "value" : 3515.0 } } }, { "key" : 1610146149159, "key_as_string" : "2021-01-08T22:49:09.159Z", "total_duration_parent" : { "total_duration_ms" : { "value" : 6206.0 } } }, { "key" : 1610146149564, "key_as_string" : "2021-01-08T22:49:09.564Z", "total_duration_parent" : {

Vega-Lite / Kibana difference to manage JSON object

此生再无相见时 提交于 2021-01-29 07:16:01
问题 I am trying to use Vega in Kibana and I have trouble manage data that are sub-object within the data. It is working fine with but when I do it with Kibana, it doesn't work. Vega-editor: Kibana: I have tried a lot of things to access the typology, I am stuck now. { "$schema": "", "title": "Test", "datasets": { "stores": [ { "storeId": "toto", "info": { "typology": "type1" } }, { "storeId": "tata", "info": {

Logstash unable to read json from text file

岁酱吖の 提交于 2021-01-29 07:12:06
问题 I am pretty new to ELK stack, trying to play with it. I have a json saved in text file - just want to send it to elastic search and view using kibana. This is my conf file : input { file { path => ["C:/Users/vaish/Desktop/sample.txt"] start_position => beginning codec => json } } filter { json { source => "message" } } output { stdout { codec => rubydebug } elasticsearch { hosts => ["localhost:9200"] } } This is my sample.txt file on desktop. {"firstname":"bob","lastname":"the builder"} I

Query fields in Kibana with RegEx

Deadly 提交于 2021-01-29 07:08:29
问题 I need to search in Kibana Logs for fields with a specific content. The field is "message", that looks like this: - - [26/Nov/2020:08:44:23 +0000] "GET /images/image.jpg HTTP/1.1" 200 123456 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.14 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.0.1 Safari/605.1.14" "" This field contains URIs, for example here "". How can I