

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2019-12-26 17:57:51
在使用keil的全局搜索功能时,如果带有单个中括号结尾进行搜索会出现弹窗死循环的结果 来源: CSDN 作者: hello!树 链接:

keil MDK 中使用虚拟串口调试串口

假装没事ソ 提交于 2019-12-25 21:03:25
转自: 题目有点拗口,想利用串口调试Modbus啊,GPS啊什么的,可是手头没有硬件,怎么办?其实字节KEIL MDK和VSPD(这里两个软件网上都很容易就可以下载到破解版,如果找不到可以给我联系)就可以,这样调试串口就会很方便了。看了很多的文章,写的都很简单(其实也很简单:))。给出个详细一点的教程。 1. 利用VSPD将PC上的两个虚拟串口连接起来。如图我将COM4 和COM5连接起来。点击Addr pair。 2. 2.可以看到Virtual ports上将两个虚拟串口连接到了一起了。 3.虚拟串口准备就绪了。先将直接输入命令的方式来调试。我们打开KEIL MDK的,设置成仿真的模式。点DEBUG.在COMMAND串口输入:MODE COM4 9600, n, 8, 1 说明: MODE命令的作用是设置被绑定计算机串口的参数。基本使用方式为: MODE COMx baudrate, parity, databits, stopbits 其中: COMx(x = 1,2,…)代表计算机的串口号; baudrate代表串口的波特率;parity代表校验方式; databits代表数据位长度; stopbits代表停止位长度。 例如:MODE COM1 9600, n, 8, 1

Unable to use CMSIS library in Atollic

空扰寡人 提交于 2019-12-24 22:15:31
问题 I am trying to use CFFT function for my STM32 microcontroller in Atollic TrueStudio. But I am unable to use any of the DSP functions. I get the error - undefined reference to `arm_cfft_f32' and undefined reference to 'arm_cfft_sR_f32_len16'. I don't know what the problem is because it works on Keil. What am I doing wrong? #include "stm32f4xx.h" #include "arm_math.h" #include "arm_const_structs.h" #include "core_cm4.h" #include "math.h" #define TEST_LENGTH_SAMPLES 32 float32_t ffttestip[TEST

Why USART transmits incorrect data as the APB1 frequency changes. (RCC <= 21MHz)

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2019-12-24 19:15:35
问题 I want to use the USART communication protocol in my project. Communication is provided but incorrect data is sent (STM> PC). I'd try: Boundrade bands are the same. Suitable combinations of PLL Source Mux (HSI-HSE) and System Clock Mux (HSI-HSE-PLLCLK) were tested. Available: HSE and PLLCLK APB1 Clock frequency was changed within the allowed range. It was observed that the data obtained at each change also changed. Sometimes STM sent very fast data. The STM card was fed from a different


China☆狼群 提交于 2019-12-24 01:50:00
KEIL 中配置文件途径出错 在编辑C语言的时候,出现提示TOOLS.INI文件配置出错; 当我的电脑在不断提示上面的内容的时候,我一开是以为是TOOLS配置文件出错了,但是后面想到公司的电脑是加密的,很多文件在打开之后都会被加密处理。 所以将TOOLS文件进行解密处理之后,KEIL软件就可以正常读取这个配置文件了。 来源: CSDN 作者: Michael强强 链接:

What's the structure of .arm.extab entry in armcc?

喜欢而已 提交于 2019-12-23 21:00:29
问题 I'm trying to understand exactly how the exception table (.arm.extab) works. I'm aware that this is compiler dependent, so i'll restrict myself to armcc (as i'm using Keil). A typical entry in the table looks something like: b0aa0380 2a002c00 01000000 00000000 To my understanding, the first word encodes instructions for the personality routine, while the third word is a R_ARM_PREL31 relocation to the start of the catch block. What baffles me is the second word - it appears to be split into 2

Compiling RTX Kernel files using GCC Compiler in Eclipse IDE

落花浮王杯 提交于 2019-12-21 19:13:11
问题 We have a project in KEIL IDE for LPC2148 which has RTX kernel programs along with other programs in it, which was compiled by ARM CC.Now we need to change the IDE from KEIL(ARM CC) to Eclipse(GCC). When we tried to compile it in Eclipse GCC Compiler, it is showing errors in RTX_Config.c and RTX_Config.h files. Other files are compiled successfully using GCC compiler. But RTXConfig.c file has compiler specific codes which are not getting compiled by GCC. Is there any solution to compile this

Compiling RTX Kernel files using GCC Compiler in Eclipse IDE

微笑、不失礼 提交于 2019-12-21 19:11:52
问题 We have a project in KEIL IDE for LPC2148 which has RTX kernel programs along with other programs in it, which was compiled by ARM CC.Now we need to change the IDE from KEIL(ARM CC) to Eclipse(GCC). When we tried to compile it in Eclipse GCC Compiler, it is showing errors in RTX_Config.c and RTX_Config.h files. Other files are compiled successfully using GCC compiler. But RTXConfig.c file has compiler specific codes which are not getting compiled by GCC. Is there any solution to compile this

keil 出现 Error parsing node '#text':value 'HDSC:145' not in enumeration

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2019-12-18 08:02:57
keil 出现 Error parsing node '#text':value 'HDSC:145' not in enumeration 经过查找之后发现我新加的支持包是2018年版本的 而我自己用的keil是5.11版本的,是2014年出的。导致新加的支持包不能运行。将keil的版本升级为5.25版本后问题解决 来源: CSDN 作者: zhuimeng_ruili 链接:

How to jump between programs in Stellaris

泄露秘密 提交于 2019-12-17 19:03:27
问题 I am working on a boot loader for Stellaris LM3S1607 chip. I am using Keil MicroVision4 C compiler. The idea is to create 2 independent firmware that one will update another. In firmware1 i downloaded firmware2 file and write it to flash in address 0x3200. untill here it is working. i also verifed that the data is being written to flash correct. Now i have in flash two applications. one is my uip boot loader and the seoncd one is my main project. i want to know how can i jump from the first