
What does “withdrawn” status mean for a JSR?

久未见 提交于 2020-01-03 13:29:31
问题 I was checking the JSR 227 page and see its status be shown as "withdrawn". What does this status mean? Does it mean it is deprecated? is there a newer version that has replaced this specification? 回答1: For you as a programmer, it doesn't mean anything. Oracle invented a declarative way for the user interface of a JSF application to be connected to the underlying data services, and this is the core of their Application Development Framework (ADF). Since they have built it and are using it

Jetty WebSocket api vs the standard JSR 356 API

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2019-12-30 03:16:05
问题 Jetty 9 supports both it's own Jetty Websocket API as well as the standard JSR 356 API, for what I assume are historical reasons (Jetty's API precedes the final JSR 356). I've looked over the basic documentation of both APIs, as well as some examples. Both APIs seem fairly complete and rather similar. However, I need to choose one over the other for a new project I'm writing, and I'd like to avoid using an API that might be deprecated in the future or might turn out to be less feature-rich.

Hibernate validations on save (insert) only

北战南征 提交于 2019-12-29 08:46:08
问题 We encountered a problem with legacy code. There is a validation set for a "username" field, validating its length and making sure it contains at least one letter: @Column(name = "username") @Size(min = 4, max = 40) @Pattern(regexp = "^.*[a-zA-Z]+.*$") private String username; The problem we have is that some existing legacy data do not fit these validations, and I'm trying to find a way to make these validations to be ignored for legacy data (old users), while still be applied to newly

JAX-RS in relation to Jersey and JSRs

天涯浪子 提交于 2019-12-29 06:45:13
问题 I'm trying to get my head around some concepts in Java: JSR(s): describe specifications, but carry no actual implementations. E.g. http://jsr311.java.net/ is the "home" for "Java™ API for RESTful Web Services". It serves as a common reference for all implementations of JSR-311. One can download the interfaces (?) of JSR-311 from http://mvnrepository.com/artifact/javax.ws.rs/jsr311-api, however, unless you are implementing JSR-311 by yourself these have no particular value? JSR(s) will usually

HTTP Status 500 - Handler processing failed; nested exception is java.lang.AbstractMethodError:

此生再无相见时 提交于 2019-12-24 05:57:43
问题 Please help me with learning the basics of Spring 3 MVC better, I was trying to learn about Spring JSR 303: Bean Validation and could not solve the below problem at all, I have spent over a day on this already :( I want a simple validation to work here. The name, password and email fields in hello.jsp can not be left blank, that's quite is the objective. As of now every time the hello.jsp is attempted to be submitted with all the fields as blank the below error is encountered HTTP Status 500

WebSockets JSR 356 Spring integration @ServerEndpoint

一世执手 提交于 2019-12-23 22:19:07
问题 Problem: @Autowired beans in @ServerEndpoint class are null How can I make sure that this WebSocketController class below will be injected with beans, that is how can I make it managed by Spring? I can connect to the websocket so it works but gameService is always null inside the WebSocketController class instance, so I think that it is created by tomcat somehow and not Spring. I'm using Spring boot. I just need to figure out how to inject beans into this websocket controller class.

How to implement a JSR Specification

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2019-12-21 12:07:25
问题 I'm considering implementing one or two JSR APIs. I have not yet read the entire specification (the plan is to read them as I code the implementation) but I am very familiar with them. I have read that the JSR process includes implementing a Test Compatibility Kit (TCK) for testing said JSR implementations. Before I start writing a bunch of unit tests to verify the correctness/completeness of my implementation I would really like to use this TCK but I have no idea if it is available for me.

Spring Boot JSR-303/349 configuration

痴心易碎 提交于 2019-12-21 02:01:14
问题 In my Spring Boot 1.5.1 application I'm trying to configure support of JSR-303 / JSR-349 validation. I have added a following annotations @NotNull @Size(min = 1) to my method: @Service @Transactional public class DecisionDaoImpl extends BaseDao implements DecisionDao { @Override public Decision create(@NotNull @Size(min = 1) String name, String description, String url, String imageUrl, Decision parentDecision, Tenant tenant, User user) { ... } } I'm trying to invoke this method from my test,

@Size annotation to validate a field

夙愿已清 提交于 2019-12-19 11:50:38
问题 I need to validate a field - secPhoneNumber (secondary phone #). I need to satisfy below conditions using JSR validation The field can be empty/null Otherwise, the data must be of length 10. I tried the code below. The field is always getting validated on form submission. How do I validate the field to be of length 10 only when it is not empty? Spring Form: <form:label path="secPhoneNumber"> Secondary phone number <form:errors path="secPhoneNumber" cssClass="error" /> </form:label> <form

Spring - validate input inside Controller against a bean

末鹿安然 提交于 2019-12-13 01:20:13
问题 I have a controller that uses payload to perform some actions, but now I would like to validate it before performing any operations. The payload is converted to byte[] and then read into a class called AuthorizationServer, which has some validation annotations - @NotNull, @NotBlank etc. This is a block from the class AuthorizationServer: @NotBlank private String authorizationServerId; @Property @Indexed(unique = true) @NotBlank private String authorizationUrl; @Property(policy =